Daylight messenger rests in sky alleys
Shining like snowy pearls
He glides with the scent of the valley
Fairy mist wraps up the cores of roses
Awaking their youth's aroma
Morning carries a bliss of chroma
With roots inside the earthly womb
Their cosmic songs flow
Feeding our senses with goodness
Enigmatic spirits
Has their beauty shown
The valley offers her rich growth
Petals majestic thrive crimsoned with a glee
Their oils are a blessing to all
Green forms breathe, apples, and grass sculpted within a scene
In the Land of Roses
Bulgaria, oh jewel in the wild
Your wheat and your goods spring from deep like the waters
There is an invaluable old Bulgarian manuscript in the British Library in London – the Four Gospels of Tsar Ivan Alexander. Below it is the inscription “Bulgarian Empire” or in other words, the British say that Bulgaria was an Empire! Moreover, in the English “History of Nations” by Arnold Toynbee, it is said that there are a total of 21 civilizations in the world, one of which is the Bulgarian. The Bulgarians were the most numerous people, who, thanks to their attractive culture, increased their borders from Crimea to Belgrade and from the Carpathians to the White Sea in ancient times called Thracian! ”In the Byzantine Troparion from the end of the first millennium it reads: they were once the fairest of all nations, and of all the world’s most revered virtues, and themselves attained great glory, and the cities and nations joined them voluntarily.