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She’s so real it doesn’t matter.
So real I can imagine her.
When my heart fails and eyes are weak,
She’s Monday morning to my week.

Her beauty is springtime’s envy.
Her beauty is my energy.
Awake or in my dreams I seek,
I need her smile to start my week.

I close my eyes to watch it grow,
Her beauty’s everywhere I go.
Like sunlight o’er horizon’s peak,
She is the sunshine of my week.

I see her now and evermore,
On Mondays though I need her more.
When missing her makes things look bleak,
I think of her to start my week.
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It doesn’t have to hurt any longer.
Believing love is worth it is a choice.
Love can break spirits but hearts are stronger.
Your need for love is speaking, hear its voice.

To be in love is to tear down your walls.
You’re defenseless but don’t have to be hurt.
Don’t let pain chase love away when it calls.
Your heart and soul weren’t made to be inert.

Not everyone who says “I love you” leaves.
There’s someone who’ll do everything to stay.
Though right now it’s not what your mind believes,
You heart will die if you chase love away.

Love seems to break our hearts beyond repair.
Yet love has kept the human race alive.
If we weren’t meant to love it wouldn’t be there.
So, love! I promise you you will survive.
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The first time you said “I love you,”
I felt my soul floating away.
I’d been waiting for it, it’s true,
But words I never thought you’d say.

Life changed when you said, “I love you.”
I had lost feeling in my heart.
Your words made everything feel new,
So new I don’t know where to start.

You surprised me with “I love you.”
Needing to hear it so badly,
I wasn’t sure just what to do,
Knowing I love you, too, madly.

The moment you said “I love you,”
I felt that Heaven was my own.
My love, the one thing that I knew
Was that I’d love the next unknown.
Instagram @insightshurt
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I’ve held many things.
Hands and breath, and memories,
Hurt that still stings,
And lost opportunities.

I’ve held many things.
The gift of a newborn son,
A phone while it rings,
Shame for the worst things I’ve done.

I’ve held many things.
Too long, too much and too few,
Emotional swings,
But none is like holding you.
Instagram @insightshurt
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Your kisses are like snowflakes
Melting on my tongue
No two alike.

Your embrace is like the wind
It’s all around me
Felt all over.

Your touch is like the sunlight
I know it’s touched me
When I feel warmth.

Your eyes are perfect windows
They show what’s inside
And reflect me.

Your love is vast as the sky
Everywhere I go
It shelters me.
Instagram @insightshurt
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The wistfulness of new love between us,
Those sweet smiles that accompany surprise,
That unexpected love must have been us,
Love at first sight each time before our eyes.

I pretend you’re someone I haven’t kissed,
And laugh because inside you know me well,
Our love is new but there’s no time we’ve missed,
Our love is growing in this youthful spell.

The longer we’re in love the more we start,
Playing out in delightful random ways,
Surprised and overwhelmed I match your heart,
We pass our years as if they were but days.

Our love renewed each day promises more
Of unexpected I’ve been looking for.
Instagram @insightshurt
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If I shared with you every thought I think,
If I shared with you every dream I dreamt,
If I tried to see you each time I blink,
If you’re the meaning of each word I meant,
If yours were the heartbeat inside my chest,
If yours were the voice I hear speak to me,
If my need for closeness gave you no rest,
If being yours is all I want to be,
If some part of you is what makes me whole,
If your hand were all my hand ever held,
If your love alone inhabits my soul,
If you were the only grace I beheld,
If all that I have is my love for you,
I have enough if you feel that way, too.
Instagram @insightshurt
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A thousand hearts could not love her like mine.
Ten million artists fail painting her smile.
Billions of galaxies dull to her shine.
The runways of Paris envy her style.

Pursuit of her beauty drives dreamers mad.
Bees wish honey were as sweet as her lips.
Her beauty exceeds what numbers can add.
She captivates men more than an eclipse.

She makes ascetics succumb to desire.
The blind cannot look away from her face.
Lust for her hotter than infernal fire.
Infinite angels less than her grace.

She’s beyond anything under the sun.
She’s more than everything and only one.
Instagram @insightshurt
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Monday has come,
To divide the earth from holy.
The firmament,
Transcended by humans solely.

The second day,
The water below and above.
I start my week,
Present and aware of your love.

Monday has come,
To connect my heart to the sky.
The firmament,
Across which I feel God’s reply.

The second day,
The day God made the color blue.
I start my week,
To honor this day God made you.
Instagram @insightshurt
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My love is vast and infinite,
Heart falling fast and intimate.

My love is strong and powerful,
Not feeling wrong or sorrowful.

My love is deep and without bounds,
It’s yours to keep as it surrounds.

My love is real and forever,
Our kisses seal us together.

My love is you and yours alone,
No love more true I’ve ever known.
Instagram @insightshurt
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