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The world is dark around me
But I see colours that don't
In my dreams
I am trying to push
All of it out
But I simply can't
It will always just be there
Inside of me
In my head
I won't let it out
You will just destroy it
Time keeps ticking in my head
As I think of all the beasts
hidden beneath my bed

The tight space in my skull
makes me feel claustrophobic.
Out of breath,
to rethink every thought is aerobic

Wasting minutes as I reacquaint
with every regret  
Wishing I could breath and finally forget

But here I am,  listening
to that clock in my head
that keeps ticking
They wonder in the universe.
As I write each line.
As I ponder, As I imagine you and I
We were somewhere that we'd never been.
Dancing underneath the moon's dim.
Upon the hills where fairies fly.
They let glitter float arround us in the sky.
And you said to me..
You are la luna
You are the moon
I replied...
Se sorvano di buio e luce
You are ruler of dark and light
Then in my minds eye
We were dancing in the sky
The fairies sang to us and we had no fear
We were not afraid of the end
But lost in the moment as our souls became*
One in the same
Oh where they take me

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
You will always be my little girl
Though now a woman in your own right,
And as you step out into the world
I pray to God you will be alright.
Though in cotton wool I would wrap you
To keep you from all harm if I could,
I understand that if I were to
That I would do you more harm than good.
Over the past few years you have grown
Into a wonderful young lady;
The strength of character you have shown
Tells me I have no need to worry.
So go girl! Do what you have to do,
There's a great big world waiting for you!
But remember, whatever you do,
That I shall always be here for you.
Love Dad x
Inspired by my two wonderful daughters <3 <3
he ran away from what he knew
and never stopped since then;
full of regret 'bout what he blew
set his new life's main trend.

He turned down true, non-profit love
and never shared a tear;
when she sat trembling on his bed
full of remorse and fear.

He let go of his best allies
neglecting their concern;
he thought they were so full of it,
to point of no return.

now they are joyous ,married men
she is a mum of two;
and all the same he's on the run
chasing his wasted youth.
There's a certain uniqueness in being strange

The thought of being different,
Unique with words,
Best amongst equals

The thought of being the light amidst the dark
Invading all chasms
Shining forth

The thought of being strange,
Like a talisman abstruse
Strong, yet soft in approach

Tall, yet bend when the wind blows,
Cold, yet melt with emotions,
Better by far

Best amongst equals

Ovi Odiete© Jan, 2017
I just needed to write something to come out of writing drought
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