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  Nov 2014 T Neva Fairchild
To be locked in a room.
Just me and just you.
To make the whole world bloom,
only for us two.

Drinking words from your voice,
being satiated by your sight.
A glorious rejoice,
that could last the whole short night.

And then, maybe, along the hours
my skin could feast with yours.
If we where in the same room.
I love you.

And as many times as it’s almost come out of my mouth, attached to a “good night"or a “good morning…have a good day,” it doesn’t get past my lips.

A couple of times, I thought that maybe in the midst of my sleep I had mumbled it to you…and that maybe you heard my quiet confession. But you’ve never let on.
And you should know. By now you should know.
  Nov 2014 T Neva Fairchild
bcg poetry
Every boy who loved her
Loved her for her soul
They loved her too deeply
They loved her uncontrolled
They saw inside her
They saw her fears
But she just wanted someone to hold her
She just wanted someone near
her mind is
with her heart
every word
she wasted
on this paper
and all the metaphors
you haven't even decipher
but how
can she stop it
you have brought her up
to the top
then pushed her
to this
bottomless pit
she's stuck
in this drop
and it's growing
a bad habit
a mad rabbit
on her thoughts
of you
while trying to
remove your face
off the view
like grime
on her tiled walls
made by
endless waterfalls
of whys and what ifs
and all her selfish beliefs
how you will read
her poetry
and chew the words
like sticky pastry
but her mind said
"you're wasting your ink"
she should stop writing
poems about you
and let her
in the letters
of your name
that are scattered
in her head
all printed
in heavy lead
therefore now,
she concluded,
the real dilemma,
to wake her up
in this coma
of dreams of you
a paper
that will reach miles
across the equator

-I Should Stop Writing Poems About You, Margaret Austin Go
  Nov 2014 T Neva Fairchild
The bath water
is the colour of my eyes;
yet, I don't know
which is wetter.
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