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He looked at me with hunger,
But not like a wolf to a sheep,
He stared at me in awe,
Because of me he didn't sleep.

I knew he wanted me first,
He was practically a puddle,
When I shook his hand,
All he could do was stutter,

When I was intrigued,
He came a bit too near,
And he nibbled and chewed,
But I didn't have fear,

I let him inside me,
In all the ways he wanted,
I was literally wasted,
From then I was haunted,

He slapped my thighs,
And held on real tight,
He liked that noise,
When I'd squeal just right,

He'd look at my lips,
Just plump and pink,
He'd lean in and bite them,
I couldn't even think,

I couldn't stand him,
I hated him so much,
But I was defenseless,
I was lost in his clutch,

I was leashed and tied,
Lost in his lies,
I was addicted to sin,
He'd opened my eyes,

I loved how he touched me,
He knew what was right,
I hated how he held me,
It was always too tight.
 Jun 2014 Summer Rain
JW Harvey
Violets rage
with indigo pulses
beneath the shadows
of your parents' porch;
Spitting purple, but
soaking the rainbow
from whatever light
granted by the sun.
A "Poem in a Moment" inspired by my "Photos in a Moment" on Instagram (@xjwharvey). See the accompanying photo at
 Jun 2014 Summer Rain
When I was younger
I snuck kisses to a kid
during nap time.
The teacher had to
separate us since
I wouldn't stop
kissing them.

Now eight years later
and I hate recalling the
ever so burning

People don't believe the
Seeing that I'm not
and that I'm so
They say I make it up,
but no I'm not.

I was going to marry
the kid.
I really thought I loved them.
I loved how they smelt.
Or the way they laughed.
The way they said my name made me smile.
I was a little seven year old
who fell in love.

I wonder where they are now.
But I would never know
since they shut me out of their
After I left the daycare I saw them
They ignored me as our mothers
My mom got onto me for not
talking to the kid.
I couldn't bear to tell her
that I had kissed that kid
that I really had liked them.

I couldn't tell her because that kid
was a girl and I'm a girl as well.
"She'll hate me" I told myself
So I've never told her about
the shared kisses and moments
between me and that other
little seven year old.
I just needed to get this off my chest
 Jun 2014 Summer Rain
*** after drinks?
I picture it often

You are very pretty...

It's different with a woman
Much better, I think

Your skin is much softer

It's my tongue
Creeping along somewhere
Over plains of smooth flesh

It's the shiver down my spine
When you touch me* there
Darling, I expect pleasure

And oh, do you deliver
But do you not hunger
As well?

Let me explore your body
Erase innocence
Sin is best served with wine

But I never believed
*In books and such, anyway
Why should a god tell me whether or not I am heaven bound, especially based on my ****** desires? Heaven is a mindset. I created my own.
 Jun 2014 Summer Rain
Sam Kirk
The boogeyman sleeps on your side of the bed,
whispers in my ear "you're better off dead."
He fills my dreams with sirens and lights of regret,
and kisses me gently when I wake up in sweat.
You crossed the water, left me ashore,
it killed me enough but you wanted more.
You blew up the bridge, a mad terrorist waved from your side.
You threw me a kiss.
I tried to follow, but realized too late,
there was nothing but air beneath my feet.
Finally I felt beat.
First you inspected me,
then dissected me,
at last you rejected me.
I wait for the day that you will resurrect me.
 Jun 2014 Summer Rain
 Jun 2014 Summer Rain
i should be asleep but i miss you so much that it hurts my bones

do strawberries fall in love

do you think trees fall in love and they get very sad and lonely when the tree they're with gets cut down

or like do you think a tree on one side of the world is in love with another tree on the other side of the world & even though they can't see each other, their roots are somehow connected & they just


i think i'm a tree
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