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 Jun 2014 Summer Rain
Tate Morgan
I've come to bury the last of love
beneath this willow tree
In the deep forest I went
where no one else could see


Held within this bottle of rain
are the tears I cried for her
The many nights I couldn't sleep
as I dreamed of how we were


I'll place on it no pictures
spin thrice to forget the way
Save in me the pain she flowered
leave the dark for light of day


I'll never visit her again
forever play all day in the sun
But night when no one else is there
Ill cry of her as the one


Original version
Yes Virginia I must have a heart. I think it's broken
 Jun 2014 Summer Rain
8:02 pm
 Jun 2014 Summer Rain
it was strange, sitting there realizing we fought a running clock for almost two years. seeing what had once looked like forever become more like seconds, and knowing we lost, because we never could have won.
time has run out and I'm scared.
(For a sweet girl named Mc Writes)

Who would have imagined?

It seemed only yesterday
when I chanced upon
this sweet lovely girl
have known her
ever since,
her in

she was then in her
former  profile  photo
her head, almost always
bowed, as  if  in mourning
laden with so  much  weight,
heavy with pain,  and  sadness.

How I wished I could carry some
for her... to lessen the load,
but...I didn't know how.

Yet, time could
never be stopped.

So occupied she became
busy as the young are
her mind geared
to make her
a fine
writer is
what she
aims to be.

I picture her now, in my mind

Who would have imagined

A young girl like
her, would be
the one to
pull me

u p --

i was
in my

For, it was the
other way around,
when last year
we first met.

Who would have imagined?


Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Mc Writes, I pray you like and enjoy this simple worded truth.
We have yet to meet, and yet, I feel I have known you for a long time
now, iha.
 Jun 2014 Summer Rain
So many questions in my head,
feel like I'm dangling from a thread.
Shadows fall all around
this new starry-eyed light I've found.

The world's warm.
The timings right.
Who's to say your smile's not what I'll need on these cold, cold nights?

I want this eternal Summer,
where we can stay longer,
And everything I need to hear,
Has already been said.

But I need the words,
To hear the sounds,
that will assure me to these feelings found.
 Jun 2014 Summer Rain
Wang Wei
As the years go by, give me but peace,
Freedom from ten thousand matters.
I ask myself and always answer:
What can be better than coming home?
A wind from the pine-trees blows my sash,
And my lute is bright with the mountain moon.
You ask me about good and evil fortune?....
Hark, on the lake there's a fisherman singing!

— The End —