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 Feb 2015 Short
Justin G
I couldn't fall in love so I fell asleep
I traveled with a group of four  
In a gray-black jeep

I couldn't fall in love so I fell asleep
Yeah, we went down that road
We saw the gray skies
I wore the black wool
She dyed the white sheep
She lived a lie once
I lived to die twice

I couldn't fall in love so I fell asleep
As I close my eyes
I wonder why?
Why must I be a passenger?
Why am I just this bachelor?
Yesterday was my birthday
I just turned twenty-five
What a long long drive
I think I'm finally ready to strive
But however...
I couldn't fall in love
Or fall asleep
So when I dwell
Just beep
 Feb 2015 Short
 Feb 2015 Short
jeg havde fuldstændig glemt
hvordan min normale stemme lød
før jeg inhalerede din kærlighed
der fik det til at rive i halsen
og gøre mig hæs
 Feb 2015 Short
Payton Summer
Could you walk down the driveway one more time
To find me off to the side
On a bed of rose petal and blood
Cold dead hands
Carving patterns in my skin
With the fragments of my skull
I was halfway to hell under your hands
So why don't I just
Slip all the way, into a sweet unconsciousness
Where my stomach heaves and blood runs pure
Before I fell
Before I fell into your hell
Where the devil is in your eyes
And plays at your lips
Running down my spine
If this tight grip on my ****** hips is your love
Then hand me the gun,
Do me a favor
Ask your daddy for the bullets
Even though I've already got one
Place the cold metal against my temple
If this is your love,
Prove it to me
And pull the **** trigger
 Feb 2015 Short
My Worst Fear
 Feb 2015 Short
This friend I have is one I know
She would never want to go
Something's burning from inside
I can't bear to let it hide
Another moment, I fear the worst;
I decide to tell her first

Searching for courage, but it's tough;
I don't think I have enough
Finally, I say the words
Though every single sentence hurts
The fear is cutting through my bones
My heart is beating through my toes

After I have spilled it all
I look up and silence falls
She begins to grab her things
My fresh tears begin to sting
I reach my hand out for a touch
She flinches and says "You're ******* up"

I can't believe what I've just heard
But I remember every word
Clear as crystal inside my head
I'll be silent forever instead
I can't do this anymore;
I feel my heart slam shut its door

She ran fast away from me
She didn't even hear my scream
I kick, I cry, I pound my head
I can't believe I've lost my friend
This friend was one I thought I knew;
She walked out right on cue
This poem is literally about my biggest fear. I have had so many people leave me in my life that I can't truly open up to anyone and just be myself. I think that's why I actually really have no idea who I am yet.

I know this was a long poem. Thank you for taking the time to read it, if you did.
 Feb 2015 Short
Phoenix Rising
death is life

when a star dies, it falls inwards
following a miraculous explosion

death isn't life because
life ends in death

death is a spark
of a beginning,
a push...
towards being
what you were meant to be

life isn't unknown, a mystery
it is just hidden, child's play
and those equipped with a childlike fascination
will disobey norms and willingly search for
and crawl through the rabbit hole

while coming to the conclusion
'logic' has been taught
to work around only physicality

like the universe
jeg vil jo allerhelst lade dig flakke urørt forbi mit
keramikhjerte, der er placeret tilfældigt med søvnige
hænder fra sidste fredag nat, hvor du gik uden ord
jeg vil allerhelst pakke de ting ind, jeg allerede
har forvildet mig ud i at pakke op,  men tiden
overhæler mig, indhenter mig, forhindrer mig
og  alligevel føler jeg, at jeg har mistet tid jeg ikke kan
få tilbage igen, tynget af de transparente vægge og nu føles
glæden omkring mig så iscenesat og irrelevant
det smager af løgne, når jeg tygger på det længe nok
og samtidig så tætsiddende, klistrende, omfavnende at jeg
bliver bange for, det er ægte
jeg er malplaceret og falsk, mens jeg kæderyger og
snakker med vinden, fordi den slår igen med kolde
stød, som ingen andre tør fortælle mig, jeg fortjener
jeg siger, jeg ikke er bange for noget, og at gul
neglelak er det eneste, der kan gøre mig glad, men
jeg er bange for overraskelser, for den formiddag,
du ringede, rystede mine hænder som skælvende blade

lad mig drukne i cirkler af dårlig samvittighed, ja selv
samme samvittighed jeg i tirsdags sagde, jeg ikke ejede
få mig ud og i vandet, hvor tilværelsen kun kan se på
klip mine vinger og lad mig drukne i stemmerne, der
fortæller mig, jeg skulle have vidst bedre og vidst mere
for vi afslutter hinandens sætninger og cigaretter, og
jeg ved godt,
det er min skyld nu
- digte om onsdage
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