Entering a town without knowing a soul, can always go hit or go miss.
So God led me here, right to this group, familiar as a long forgotten kiss.
Opening your doors to let me be a part, showing me the love that you spread.
Seeing all these people, connected to you, as if by an invisible thread.
So lucky I feel, having come this place full of people all gathered in love.
This special connection you share with each other must certainly have come from above.
A month has gone fast but I know in my heart, how our valuable time has been spent.
Serving those in need can take many forms , even helping them find next months rent.
Sometimes during a difficult moment, an argument can ensue.
But within a day it’s all squared away, and your friendship is stronger than new.
Leaving this place will sting quite a bit, I’ve grown quite fond of you all.
But places to go and people to see, is the journey of the wanderers call.