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What is broken will be whole once more
When the sun sprouts behind the mountains
And peeks through the Earthly door
And all that is whole will be left unwhole
For there needs to be balance
between the world and the soul
 Jun 2015 stéphane noir
My heart breaks a little
when you mention my future boy

Every time I get a feeling
you don´t want to be mine anymore...

And then you soothe my aching soul
by telling something like

I don´t know why I keep telling that
when I wanna be only yours...

                                  ... Forever...
 May 2015 stéphane noir
I guess I got what I wanted.
I spun your head around
just far enough for you to look my way.
But is it too much to ask,
for you to look my way
and to like what you see?
 May 2015 stéphane noir
JR Falk
The day that we met, I watched you press a cigarette to your lips and laugh.
I cringed.
How could a paper stick filled with nicotine leaves and other little ingredients
bring a satisfying, calm five minutes?
We talked about how you were trying to stop,
and how I’d never, ever smoke myself,
and how that was a good thing.
We laughed.

Six months later and I haven’t seen your face in over a week.
A month ago, we were lying in your bed talking about how we’d
always love one another and always have each other,
and you pulled out a cigarette.
You reiterated that it calmed you down but I just grimaced.
How could a paper stick filled with nicotine leaves and other little ingredients
bring a satisfying, calm five minutes?
I wanted to ask again, though I know how addiction works.

You can’t really explain it.
All I’m sure of is you always know you could quit one day.
What I don’t know is if you ever really wanted to.

I took a walk to clear my head of the memories of you last night,
to get some fresh air for the first time in over a week.
It was overall ironic because as I tried to forget you,
as I breathed in the fresh Wisconsin air,
I pulled out a cigarette.

I stared at the rolled paper between my fingers,
and I saw your face.
I could smell you through the air,
taste your lips,
and wondered if I could really replace that connection in my head,
if you really should be represented by impending death and
overwhelming scents that never really fade.
I wonder because I know at heart, you were never made of tar,
you’re just sticking to my mind longer than
you ever really intended,
it was just what you were made to do.
I know you were never made to remind others of death,
though I know you wanted to be a few times.
I know you’ve encountered it and
I know you think about it at least twice a week.
You’ve always reminded me more of a sun,
because you’ve always been bright in my mind,
you’ve always been something I looked forward to seeing,
something that warmed my heart just by stepping into my presence,
you remind me of a fresh gasp of breath,
and that’s why I put the cigarette to my lips.

That’s why I lit it.

That’s why I started smoking,
Not to think of you,
Not to try to remember your taste,
Your scent,
But because
if a cigarette became my ten minute escape,
it’d be my go-to,
and you wouldn’t be.
I could get the calm you experienced and not experience you,
I could feel something other than missing you.

When I snuffed out the ****,
I was actually smiling.
I felt free of you,
free of the holds your love brought to me.
For twenty minutes,
I felt complete happiness without thinking about you
for the first time since we met.

So that’s why next time we see one another,
when we do become friends again like we promised
each other that we would,

Next time we meet,
I’ll press a cigarette to my lips,
and I’ll laugh.
We’ll talk about how you were trying to stop,
and how I’d never, ever smoke myself,
and how that promise was temporary,
just like us.

Just like the cigarette.
In a kitchen full of laughing children with a yard full of sunlight. I dance around my duties to make sure everything is just right. A cake must be cooked even and golden brown. Cookies that smell divine must cool before they can be devoured. In a bustle of sweat I swish about and clang pans. While little helpers stand idly by waiting to lick a spoon or bowls when I an done with them. Some say it is too much labor, but I say that when it is for the joy of family, that I am wrapped in love and there is no greater comfort that I can find.
Christ is the same today , yesterday, and tomorrow.
We are to be the  same in public as well as private.
For his Love, fills our heart overflowing always.
So we are to Love with his love everyone we see.
For his Spirit dwells within us every moment we live.
We are suppose to live a life that shall bless others.
By being obedient to our God, we shall bless others.
By revealing Christ and his Amazing Love to them.
So live the Life that he is calling you to live for him.
You told me something that I hadn't heard before
a past event, another of those that causes you distress
it took a while for you to tell me
Likely, you had to gather lots of courage to face the past.
You didn't want to ruin my view of you,
that I see you as my innocent love.
You never explained everything that happened (had to figure it out for myself)
but I learned what happened.
My view of you never changed, even knowing what was done.
I know I've reassured you of that and you know that I still love you the same.
If there's anything else like that,
don't hesitate to tell me,
so I can then help you get rid of the past.
This poem (poorly written as it may be)
is meant to help you remember
that no matter what, I will love you.
In case you ever need more reassurance.
 May 2015 stéphane noir
but now i can eat kraft dinner late on a sunday afternoon with my window open and feel the sunlight now i can turn off my phone without panicking and now now I can breathe without fear coating my lungs and my eyes stop resting on sharp objects and now it's been something like two years and something has changed and the things that used to make me feel something like passion have resurfaced and i realize they never went away i just had forgotten how to feel them and god if i've learned anything at all it's that nothing is ever over and right at the moment where you feel like the world's ****** good and proper and there's no getting off your back is the moment when you realize that you are not made of glass you are not fragile and broken you are ******* marble and concrete you are iron that you have built yourself into and god i wish i could say that's it but you will have to fight you will get your hands ***** as you tear out the parts you need to leave behind but you will plant new roots one day you will look at yourself or someone you love and you will know where you've been and what you have come from and nothing will feel as good as when you realize that you are here
you made it
i've never written slam poetry before but this came out of me at full force one afternoon
 May 2015 stéphane noir
We're still young

We should be loving souls
United souls
Peaceful souls

Being young is the only way we can really express our true beings, but when you claim to be an adult you're caged by acting old, being young doesnt mean childish, young means "im still a fresh *** human being"

So be young and embrace that you are young.

Act your age & give yourself time to grow *****.
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