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statictitanic Oct 2014
The crawling spiders follow me everyday
And if I were to tell you the inaudible words
They would simply fall to the ground
Like the particles of dust the sun's rays try to make visible
You would crush the consonants and vowels in one swift step
With the stilettos you love too much
You bare the pain it brings from walking through peoples' misery
It was my fault, but she would tell you different
Maybe I was really scared of living and not dying
I awaited the news, the November day
Clouding my judgement with chilly leaves tainted red
The news came 7 minutes after admittance at the hospital
It took 12 minutes for the ambulance to come
and 6 seconds for the accident to happen
I couldn't think straight my ears too blurry to capture the words in a place of antiseptic smell
They were trying to clear away the sickness the death but fell short when it hit the head
It takes longer to save lives then **** them
And I was the murderer, I was trying to save them both
Her emerald green eyes and the smirk that are permanent in my eyes
I never got to see the child, boy or girl
Waiting for the world but I closed all chances
The news penetrated my body and I was on the floor
Asking for a God to take me too
But this was my penance and I was left alone
Premature, her death too premature
I walk the same path
Your stilettos are getting longer in inches
The visibility is clearer in your eyes
The drunken pain and emotion
My job is done here.
statictitanic Oct 2014
Mother you never wanted me
The truth slipped between the space between your teeth
You tried so hard to bite free from the leash
Stabbing a heart wasn't much damage
Well done Mother, well done
But you failed once again
Sorry after all these years,
You see I walk on a thin piece of hair
I might slip and land in my own dark abyss
Don't worry I wont struggle when my hands loose grip
8 years slapped to my lips
The ivory bars a tattoo on my face
I start to itch between my fingers,
The chalk beneath my feet
More innocent than your regrets
You're close, you're close
Under your skinless feet your walking uncharted territory
Smoke signals coming from your cigarette whispers
Pressure me to crack my dry skin
The bitter taste threatens to come out
I hear a tick, a tick
You don't carry boulders of maternity and promises
You don't seem to care anymore
Your scent of deception and stuck up nights
Did the price of prostitution pay off right?
Mother, mother I can finally hear you
The hate, the price of your sins
8 years gone paper bonds paid
Mother you're no where here
Mother mother all this time
I held the truth on the tip of my tongue
The lies written all over my smile
Mother, mother you sick ****, I'll see you when the rose blossoms.
statictitanic Oct 2014
The crisis around the world shows
The most humanistic qualities we pose
The desensitization and ruins of peoples' innocence
We douse our money, power, and glory in the hands
Of a cold metal pistol, that barrels out to strike you down
The cool air whispers out the truth when you've taken your last breath
Knowing there is something more after death
You release yourself from this radioactive cage
You realize how close death hits home, and threatens
To break your fragile arteries
It's not the idea but the principal of humanism
We call ourselves human, more powerful
Above Nature's canvas and her life
We dwell in a place where we think we make the most out of things
Before Time decides where you shall lay
We are weak and powerful
We decide when it is right to fight
But when the casualties are written on one's arm
We decide to leave the world
A bloodier mess
statictitanic Oct 2014
Her eyes danced with the tiny flames that held a secret
each growing brighter when they urged to yank
the oxygen from her heart and let the sparks console
the deep holes bursting with pleasure
She dabbles in the waves of fire and brimstone
The honey dipped arms monopolize the dry neck
Squeezing harder, and harder
The metallic taste of rust shoves in front her teeth
Her eyes beg to fall out to stop witnessing the desecration
She tries not to let the secret out
but her decomposed body bows down to the forensic earth
Lying in her death bed she knows
She tasted the burnt coals
And forgot to tell Adam
She won't see him in heaven.

— The End —