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Sound Of Rain Feb 2017
Not just the blue river of endless desire,
but the stark redness of the burning fire,
eating up the logs; the flames swallowing them,
like what I do to get rid of the dry throat
I get just from seeing you.
You stop in front of me and let your eyes wander
and I look at you as you quietly will me to
do things I've never thought of doing.
You pull my shirt off over my head and our
arms tangle into each other as though we're playing
a two player game of knots. We try to untangle
our hands but instead our legs get involved, and our
bodies are a mess on your bed as I pull your shirt off
over your head. Our breathing flows on in rapid gasps as
if we're scared we'll somehow get so caught up in each other
that we'll forget to breathe.
Your hands on my body as it roams everywhere, stroking every
flaw on my body, and suddenly, they start to feel beautiful. And
like that fire, your touch burns my body, leaving a trail of
tingle wherever you touch, and I knew right then that the
only thing that'll make this burning better is more of that
very same touch.
And maybe I'm a ******* because I like this pain you inflict
on me and I know I can't have you but I can't stop myself
from wanting you.
And I know I might be selfish 'cause this blue river that flows
on, I don't want to share it's water with anyone in this world,
except for you.
Sound Of Rain Aug 2015
i'll let myself think about you one more time.
i'll let myself cry over you one last time.
i'll let myself feel the hole you've left one more night.
i'll let myself hurt over how you broke my heart just one more time.

And then, i'll get up and i'll wipe my tears away.
i'll wash my face and clear my head.
i'll write a letter to you and then
i'll let the pain subside and
i'll let your memories fade away

away into the stars and the moon and
where there is no more hate.
i'll forgive you for what you've done
and i'll keep the faded memories
inside a little box which won't haunt me
too much anymore.

And then, i'll get over losing you.
But for now, just let me be.
Sound Of Rain Aug 2015
if i could think about you without it leaving me all choked up,
i would think about the promises you made to me,
the ideas you planted,
the smile you smiled at me,
and the way you laughed; so light hearted.

if i could talk to you and tell you all i think about,
i would tell you about how you're always on my mind,
every freaking day like 24/7,
the way you look at me when you talk,
your gaze is mesmerizing.

if i could just see you one more time
i would ask you to hug me the way
you used to before we messed up,
and i would close my eyes and wish for you
all the happiness in this world.

Because, although i don't love you anymore,
i still care about you.
And no matter what I do,
or how hard I try,
I could never stop caring.
One day, you'll understand.

I hope.
Sound Of Rain Apr 2015
It shakes. Lives are lost. Cultural history is all in rubbles.

It shakes. There's nowhere to run.

It shakes. Leaves our minds and bodies shaking in fear.

Hope this passes soon.

Pray for Nepal.
Sound Of Rain Apr 2015
While everybody else focused on the rain drops,
she focused on the distance between rain drops that
had touched the Earth and
rain drops that were yet to touch the Earth.
She didn't focus on what she could not change.
She did not focus on the past.
She focused on the possibilities held by the future;
she focused on what she could change,
which is why

She never focused on the raindrops;
she focused on the distance between them.
Sound Of Rain Mar 2015
First times had always been important to her.
The first time she learned how to ride a bike without the trainer wheels, the first time she got a great grade on her test.
Because these first times were special only when they happened for the first time.
Riding on the bicycle without the training wheels was no longer unusual, getting good grades wasn't new.
They just became regular habits. She never regretted having all of those first times; the only one she ever regretted was the first time you spoke to her; looking into her eyes.
Because now, even after all those years,
she still can't look away.

Jumbled thoughts
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