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Sound Of Rain Apr 2014
The awkward silences we have
scream out to me.
You probably don't realize it as you're talking to her
But it screams into my ears.
And so, it's time to let go and move on. Because saying goodbye comes easier for some people. Specifically, people who don't care.

And you definitely don't.
I don't really know where this came from.
Sound Of Rain Apr 2014
I've always loved the thunderstorms,
the wind whistling and moving through the city streets,
as if it's in a hurry to be somewhere in particular.

The thunder clapping and roaring and rumbling through,
just like how my heart beats loudly when I realize something and
I don't want it to be true.

The lightning streaking brightly through the sky,
like a beautiful little streak of truth that's bright
and exposes every little lie.

The rain falling from the sky as if they were tears,
crying and mourning for the things that have been
gained yet lost too quickly,
also washing away lies that exist all around in layers.
There's a beautiful storm going on outside. I just randomly came up with this. I'm not quite satisfied with it, but decided to share it anyways.
Sound Of Rain Apr 2014
Everything is jumbled in my head,
Nothing makes sense at all.
It's like I'm awake but I'm still dreaming.
I'm in the middle of a crowd,
But I'm still all alone.

They ask me what's wrong, all I can say is, "Honestly,
I can't express myself right now, forgive me."
I don't even know what's going on,
I used to think that life was easy, that you just live till it's time to leave,
But boy, I never realized how hard it is to do just that.
Live, till it's time to leave.
I don't know. Writer's block. And nothing makes sense. Oh well.
Sound Of Rain Mar 2014
When I pushed my food away and got up to leave the table,
My mother took one glance at me and said,
"It's not healthy, what you're doing." And she continued eating.
Guilt was all I could feel, but I just couldn't eat last night,
Not without the food coming back up.
Just like how I still can't play that song,
Not without memories of him coming back.
Why does everything I do still remind me of my feelings for you? I don't wanna feel this way.
Ah well. I guess some things, you just can't get over.

This is Disgusting in a way, I apologize for that. But yeah.
Sound Of Rain Mar 2014
Am I turning more like her with every passing second?
*Laura: A character from The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. She's got a small glass menagerie, and they're just as fragile as she is.
Sound Of Rain Feb 2014
My words disappear and my mind goes blank when I hear the sound of your laughter.
It's just like music to my ears, and I never realized just how beautiful it is,
Until the other day, when you laughed from so far away, yet I heard you in my room.
It made me smile and warmed up my heart, and I almost felt like Summer was here.

    :)                          beautiful  
P.S. Summer is my favorite season.
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