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Sound Of Rain Feb 2014
And now,
You wont even
say a word to me.
Soon again,
I'll have to
Face my biggest
I'll be forgotten.
Yet again.
By yet another
Person who
Mattered so much.
It'll probably just be like this. Forgotten. And I'll be somebody that you used to know.
Sound Of Rain Feb 2014
And then they said something that
                                                 implied that she was a ****.
                                                           ­                             And she doesn't know.
Sound Of Rain Feb 2014
Turn back the time on your wrist watch,
It's getting late, go to bed.
Don't stay up,
It'll take me a bit too long,
And I just might never get done with this.
Just. Whatever.
Sound Of Rain Feb 2014
The Evil intention in your eyes.
It's so obvious that she can almost feel it.
You look with a devious smile.
Who are you? She doesn't even know you.

She  NEVER wants to know you.
DISGUSTING That's who you are.
That's what you are.
I hope someone afflicts the same pain on you,

The one you afflicted on her. I hope you go through that same fear,
the same one which you made her go through.
You're not human. You're worse than an animal.
You're a horrible thing.

Those eyes. She will never forget them.
And Trust Me when I tell you,
If I or her find you EVER again,
It'll be the last time you Ever smile that devious smile again.
Disgusting Stranger. You may go die.
Sound Of Rain Jan 2014
I woke up this morning,
expecting the same as always,
no answers.

So, that's the reason when I checked my emails,
I started crying,
No. These weren't tears of sadness.
These were tears of happiness.
Of getting something after wanting it for so long.

He is back.
And he replied to me.
Today, 1/14/2014 , he replied and he's back!

I will no longer wake up with a tear stained face,
or have nightmares about things,
and today, no one can take my happiness away,

Because he's back.
My chocolate, A.H. is back. :)
Never been happier. :)
Sound Of Rain Dec 2013
12:00 AM
"My birthday is in 5 days :3 I get excited like a kid ((:"
"You are like the sun light streaking through my window of life every morning, reminding me how blessed I am.... "
"My vocabulary linguistics can't fathom let alone transcend into expression the intense profound passion driven emotions I feel for you. It's called love, with a pinch of deep passion <3"
"The intensity of the feeling, the warmth in my stomach every time I say I love you, the passion of my heart ... It's like a very new and different, special feeling.. "
"I know you are smiling, you were smiling reading what I had to say and that's exactly how I know you look the most beautiful - smiling <3"
"I was at the hospital today, the doctor said I'd be fine. Don't ask for what or why, please."
"knucklebump (:"
"Best of luck........"

All the stuff you used to say to me. Everything.
I have them all imprinted on my mind,
in that secret corner that I dedicated as the space for you.
It's all there, everything.
From the first word you said to me,
till the last word.
They're all there, spinning around in my mind.

I woke up this morning with a tear stained face.
It seems like that's the only way I find myself
when I'm all alone or when I wake up these days,
With a tear stained face.
This morning, I washed away the tear stains and put on a big smile.
Pretended that I was okay. That nothing was bothering me.
What they say is true,
"the happiest of them are the ones who cry themselves to sleep."

You should talk to my pillow some time.
It'll tell you the truth.
That you're all I think about when I'm asleep.
You're always on my mind.
You've given me too much to remember, I can't forget you now.
It's too hard. I take this as punishment for letting you go.
9th December 2013 now.
At this exact moment, you're no longer 16.

15 more days, and I'll be as old as you were just 15 days before.
You're One year older than me.
I'm One year younger than you.
Wait for me to catch up please.
This race with time is driving me crazy now.
It's moving too fast.
I'm tripping too much.
I'm falling too hard.
It's getting harder to get up every day.
But I wont stop.
No matter what, I'll keep running.
'Cause I live with a hope that you'll come back some day.
They say you wont. That I'm being stupid. But deep in my heart,
I know you will come back. I really do.
Prove them wrong, my love. Come back.
And we'll knucklebump one more time and start off from right where we left,
Cause after you get here, nothing will be wrong again.

Till you get back, I'll just settle down by wishing you a very happy birthday [on here].
Happy Birthday, AH. Miss you so much. I hope you have the most amazing year ever and a great day.
Sound Of Rain Nov 2013
You were so close, yet so far.
I had so much to say to you,
So much to apologize for,
But i never got a single word out,
Before you disappeared into the dark.
You're just gone. It's like you never existed.
All I have now, are faded memories, which I cling on to
as if they were my life line, the string holding me together.
I wake up with a hope that maybe, you'll reply today.
Maybe, you'll come back today.
Slowly, days pass. One month, two months, three months, four months.
You're gonna be 17 soon. You're probably freaking out.
Or you're excited like anything.
Don't worry, you'll be the most amazing 17 year old in this entire world.
17 years old.
I haven't forgotten yet, no. You were always older than me,
and I always asked you to stop there, stop for a while and let me catch up with you.
You'd laugh. And I'd smile at the sound of your laughter.
So angelic and calming. So nice. It made me happy, your laughter did.
Oh all the memories I have are so precious. So **** precious.
It may not mean much to you, but I still remember and have every single word you ever said to me,
every single song you ever dedicated to me,
every single smile you ever shared with me,
everything. I have folded each and every memory, neatly
and put them away inside a box, stored in the back of my mind.
The lovely sunrises we talked about, the riverside tranquility,
the funny incidents in your life,
the inspiration you had,
the way I imagined your topaz eyes would sparkle,
the way everything fit so perfectly,
the way we'd "Knucklebump" all the time,
oh all of the memories stay with me, love,
in the back of my mind.
Sometimes I wish I could let everything go,
scream your name till I'm out of breath,
maybe the world will scream with me and you'll hear?
Hah. Who am I kidding?
The faces you'd make.
The walks through the forest right next to your house,
the times you'd spend on your balcony, just sitting on that swing,
talking to me, with a cup of warm coffee on your hand,
the times you'd be so immersed in a book, with your eyes scrunched up in concentration,
How you loved the thunderstorms.
Love, you're the strongest person I know.
Been through so much, yet you still go on, still have so much inspiration,
so much motivation, such a drive to succeed.
You never give up.

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