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Sorin L Javerin Oct 2017
It's not common of me to be late,
It's not something for which I strive,
Day in and day out you sit out front and wait,
You wait to see if I'm late so you may wake the hive.

The hive of insults and jeers,
Just to make me look inadequate,
You amp it up inside just for the cheers,
the cheers of all inside who want me to quit.

It's not something I want,
All this hate because of a mistake,
With my head hung low as you flaunt
The fire you brought to me tied at the stake.

Enjoy yourself for now
because soon that fire will be mine.
And when its mine you'll wonder how
You became the first burning in line.

The fires of my rage burn brighter and brighter
while your darkness grows dimmer.

The day is coming for me to be free,
And a glorious revenge I
Sorin L Javerin May 2016
You see I'm hurting inside
You see that all I want to hide
But you also see that I want you
To hold me, to grip me and not let go

But this time when I push you
Away hoping, needing you to come closer
You don't, you walk away further
Than before, further than I pushed

But I guess that's fine...
For what more can I have but pain?
Pain runs through my poems line
Like all the tears hidden by the rain

Like all the scars on my heart,
And all of them on my mind,
But it's the ones that stain my soul
And make it red, well maybe before

It all got worse it was simply red
But now whenever I look in the
Mirror hoping to see a smile in
My own eyes all I see anymore is

Black void of sadness and pain
That plagues my soul hidden
Behind the light I took from the
Bulb and put in my eyes

Hidden behind the smile
Stolen from pictures on the web
That I glued to my face
But even though you see all this

You didn't push towards me,
No, all you did was leave me
To sink through my darkness,
To sink through my thoughts

That convince me you love
Someone else, my thoughts
That convince me theirs another
Lover always staring at you

In the form that I thought
Was explicitly mine to see.
Pain, it flows through my mine
like it flows through my soul

And through the lines of my poem,
I guess pain is the main constant
In my life, with sprinkles of disappointment
and pretense of happiness to make it

Taste like sugar as it runs
through who I am.
Thanks for showing me the light...
Actually, for taking it away when I needed it most...
If you know my real name, and if you're the one I love know this. This is NOT a break up poem. It's a poem of how I feel, of how dark everything I see has become, and how the light that I needed didn't even try to give more than a light push through the darkness that pervades me right now.
Sorin L Javerin Apr 2016
Life in middle never bears fruit
Of love or understanding from
Many but a few, and the few that
Do make up for all the loss

In their lives until someone
From outside the family
Can come in and take their hearts
But for the middle that may never

Happen for most all of us
Have been broken down
Emotionally and mentally
To the point that pain
And loss becomes irrelevant
To the point that love becomes

Something to be feared while
Also something to be cherished
The middle knows that while
They may find love in time

Love may never truly find them for eternity
Because all the pain and loss
They felt throughout their
Life built up walls of fear

And anxiety so thick that
Even the strongest drill could
Barely scratch in a hundred
Years of companionship

And though they may try to tear
Down their own walls
The moment they hit
The walls for the first time

All the fear and anxiety that
They built the wall to keep out
Shall come rushing in
Flooding their mind with all the

Remembrances of loneliness
And heartbreak that they’ve
Felt over the years of
Their life that they shut away.

But as all of it floods back
Into their mind they build their
Wall back up faster than either
Could have chipped away

Faster than they can change
The way they look at their
Love, but as they realize
What they are doing they

Push the one they love away
So that they can’t hurt them
Anymore than they already have
That is the life in the middle.

A cycle of fear, and anxiety
That cripples their will to
Love and stretch beyond
What they have been since they can remember.

No one wants to be the middle
For all it represents his heartbreak
That only a few ever try to change
And fewer ever succeed.
Sorin L Javerin Apr 2016
Why must every waking moment
Of every day be plagued
By the thoughts of fear?

Thoughts of fear towards the one I love,
Whether or not she still loves me
Or if some other guy took her from me in the night.

Or whether she’s decided I’m not the one she wants,
And that as soon as i say good morning
She’ll respond with a good bye.

But worst of all I’m a afraid
That she just won’t respond to me at all
And that she’ll ignore me for a reason I don’t know.

Maybe if I looked at myself
In the mirror harder than i look at others
Then maybe I could discover what it is
That makes me fear a relationship so much…

But I’m more scared of what
I may find inside myself that I’ve been
Hiding all my life,

My secrets that are better left buried for all eternity,
The darkness that dwells forever in my heart
And the light that is flickering in my soul.

That light, it is the only light left,
The only vestige of good left inside of me.
And although it may never go out
It may become so small that it is insignificant.

Maybe if I can relight that once
Strong burning light then maybe
Just maybe I won’t be so scared…

Or maybe I should just let
That last vestige of light go out
Maybe it’d be better
For everyone for it to go out
And me along with it.

Maybe everyone would be better
Off if i had just left before they could know me
Maybe it would give them more happiness

Or maybe it’d allow them
To not feel the pain that always seems
To follow me wherever I go…

Maybe, just maybe
If that light goes out
I won’t be able to hurt anyone
Anyone but myself anymore.
Sorin L Javerin Apr 2015
The night sky athe which I stare
The inky darkness lights lay bare.
That night sky that such beauty,
That same sky lit by the Sun's solemn duty

And reflected in the moons white lustor
Through that void of darkness I muster,
My stance on the plateau of courage.
It is upon this vast plateau of courage

I must face the ever awakening days that mercilessly cause damage
To my mind where my sanity will rummage and sift,
Where hope will take hold
Of all the pieces that lay broken and cold

I look up at the night sky...
The edge where life become a lie.
The beautiful sky I watch from here
While I stare you all come near,
And before I know it the Light shines.

Before I look down I watch the lines,
The lines of my life as they dissappear.
All the sadness and happiness from behind.
As you all stand there and smile
I wish I could stay a while.

But I know this is the end.
I watch the time we've spent blend,
And before that inky black does take me
I take your hands so I may see

The love for which my life did not lie
And finally, after so long. I cry.
I cry for all the things that could've been,
And for all the things I'd do again.

I cry because this is the end of me,
And I cant bear the sight you see.
Through all my success and strife
This is how all must end who have life.

— The End —