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shadows shed by moonlight
through the plants entwined
creating their own patterns
weaving their designs

blues and purples shimmering
the subtle shades of grey
the lovely dearth of color
unmatched by light of day!

they create a tapestry
of mystery on their looms
the woof and warp of dreamers

the shadows of the moon


(C) 9/11/2016
I had a lovely time reading tonight. I wish I could read longer... My time is so limited and precious! I want to read you all! But it is almost midnight here, and I must be going to sleep soon.

Wherever you are in the world!

Snehith Kumbla Sep 2016
Venus flashes in the horizon
a distant torchlight,
invisible constellations
seep the sky's sonority,

the mysterious
assumes a drab

construction inches closer,
stale reptilian cringe...
tired gaiety of headlights
groping home,

that carefree shepherd
within, long lost
and forgotten...
Goodbye Pune, the charming small town that is fast becoming a snarling, chaotic city.
Snehith Kumbla Aug 2016
over the cracked
footpath, he spreads
his time-frozen
wares unawares

of childhood now
arrested indoors,
TV, computer,
cell phone drone,

no mango trees
to aim at, the
have gone concrete,

trudge home
catapult seller,
the market for
such simple pleasures,

now obsolete...
Catapult - A plaything consisting of a Y-shaped stick with elastic between the arms; used to propel small stones (WordWeb dictionary)
Snehith Kumbla Aug 2016
what forests are those we pass,
blazing along the railway tracks,
a tree bloom of still cranes,
stream black of ******* bane,

stench of dead city rubble,
factories of rusted cast metal,
distant cotton twilight skies,
sun slide across a bunch of wires,    

passing tunnels echo
lonely platforms, frantic gecko,
looming hillside,
crackle dry wood fire,

a god barred in lock&key, 
blink glimpse of the sea 
one rush of vision,
pebble fling at frisson,

metal-crunch rhythm,
grind music sublime,
spark, grunt, grate,
we arrive, we dissipate...
(As experienced on a train journey undertaken in December 2014)
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