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        All the poems I write
just the beginning
                              and end
               of every thought
   I've ever had about you.
When i say goodbye
Don't wait for my reawakening
Because i am already dead
My sense can't vindicate
What i am!
 Mar 2016 Dr Strange
katie waker
shes a freak
everyone calls her that
dares to be different
doesn't tow the line
so she’s a freak
dresses like no one else
talks a cool lingo
she simply dares
it bothers others
she’s nothing like them
you know, those "normal" ones
so she’s a freak
bundle the darkness in a tea bag,
hot water
and then rain.
the mailman comes.
a dog barks.
the house on the edge
rushes in.

pick one:

a. the flowers bloom,
set sail,

b. the candle burns down,
the flowers are wilting.

calm and chaos
through the eye of the needle
a shirt needs mending.

another day begins
 Jan 2016 Dr Strange
 Jan 2016 Dr Strange
from  depths of chaos hope
with the next bud of **** grows
through the loam
nubile  tiny leaf
reaching , a tender glimpse of
restless eternity which
seems to
stand and applaud
 Dec 2015 Dr Strange
I sit on the step
And draw
The cold around me
Like a blanket,
Savouring the numbness
And the heat
That begins within.
Swallowed by the night
Drunk on wine
And stars.
Hot tears on cold cheeks.
Seasoning for
Chapped lips
Bringing fresh tears.
I take refuge
In the silence,
Under the gaze of
Sympathetic eyes.
My friends.
My constant companions.
Drunk on wine
And stars.
 Dec 2015 Dr Strange
cold today
wind from the North

sit by the fire
read a bit
then fix the door

dog walk, pull my coat tighter
carry a notebook
pretend I'm a writer

stare at the wall
the wall of the cave at Lascaux
Swimming Stags
see what the cave man saw
type  'Swimming Stags Lascaux'  into your search engine
I eased you from the worldly fire with my heart;**  *so you didn't have to feel the burn without love before my own flames ignited.
I do not authorize the duplications of my ratings photography or personal information
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