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Maybe I am following a light,
A junction from where I took right
Some days I'm just chasing a high,
Is it just some words arranged tight
Or is it chastising yourself through the night?
For when the sun is shining bright,
I love taking my emotions for a flight.
I'm not hunting for any limelight,
Nor do I have any foresight.
I'm just driving through the misery and the plight,
Knowing I will always stop at a red light
Like a deer in the headlights
I'm trying to be my self-guiding light,
Try as I might.
Sometimes we don't even need a reason, but for days when the reasoning is strong, it must be upheld and respected. Cheers to all kinds of poets :)
The poor child groaned

while his mother moaned

''Ah, he's possessed,

Oh, he's been bewitched'',

Superstition bemoaned

. To the witchdoctor she sped

and was back with murky potions

such yucky stinky lotions

Those mythical concoctions

The woman obeyed the wily witchdoctor

Placed belief in that traditional healer

and the poor child still groaned

but his mama no longer moaned

After two days of tribal treatment

and no lessening of predicament

she thought he needed something more potent

When all it turned out to be was a cavity dent!

But she would hear of no dentist

Like all quacks her witchdoctor had fooled her five senses

For his spells and his chants

and his mystical dance

held her too in a trance

Quite a weird ****** is he

Beware the medicine- man!

The devious cunning shaman

Beware that vodoo magic and witchcraft

that so survive on the gullible and the daft.

Yet I was warned to be wary of pharmaceuticals too

They can be harmful chemicals in the long run for you
I thought Witchdoctors only existed in Africa but turns out they are everywhere else too

Each of us is different
yet we are (bottom-line)
the same
true to self
that's what really  matters
words are the joys and tears of our heart
none can stop them--never, ever
The princess of the sea, Beirut, triumphantly will rise above her sorrows and wounds. For over five thousand years, she has grown to be tough and resilient.  With the break of a new dawn, Beirut will be enchanted, and will be wearing her garment of beauty with a welcoming smile.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
There stood an imaginary, invisible houri fairy
As a bride under a maple tree
Dressed in prism-hued layers
of chiffon in ethereal shimmers
and delicate silken gossamers
She having her weeny wedding in the fall
And fairy folk bustled about all round her
as flimsy and flighty as they could be
while saffron leaves fell down upon her
in ceremonial nuptial
An autumn's ritual
and as nature's pretty confetti!

Branches denuded
Yet autumn's august
for the wilting's
The willowy fairy
almost drowned
in henna fallen maple leaves
Playing hide 'n'seek with a browny brownie groom
camouflaged in the heap
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This is about Autumn with a blend of eastern and western terms to describe the autumnal season and colours and to embody the commonly heard phrase, " she was married in the Fall"
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