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will I
ever get to
be with you in
the bright sunlight, or is
The idea of you and me a concept -
Two people who are only
allowed to be with
each other in
the dark
Your mosaic soul shows cracks, shattered glass,
jagged on the edges
and red where your pricked your fingers trying to pick them up.
I see pieces putting together something greater.
your water color freckles,
splattered over pale skin.
I'd compare them to the constellations, but those are just shapes
and the path im tracing with my fingers tells me much more.
there's no dawn in your golden brown eyes,
the sun I see shinning through stained glass is too bright to be just barely rising.
you are reckless laughter caught in a shutter
a frame by frame moment of the last trickles of childhood
blackness blurring the edges around you
from being left too long in the developer.
your lips feel like oil pants,
sliding over mine like a blank canvas,
I can still see the masterpiece you made me into.
I can still feel the whips of graphite tears pouring down your cheeks as you let all of the art you hold inside.
This sound so much better when read aloud and I will have a soundcloud up soon with all of my poems and slams stay tuned
I should not dream so much about you
Yet I do
That even when I close my eyes,my slumber calls out your name in the dark
It tangles it's legs in thoughts of you
And even when I have days I try to pry them free
I still fail,because you cannot untangle your soul,you cannot untangle everything you are without drawing blood
And I don't want to bleed
You are beautiful to me,
and i never told you this
but the way your scars
light up in the sun just
proves to me everyday of
how incredibly hurt you are,
and i hope it's not because of
me because that would break
my heart into a billion pieces.
and i pray that one day you
will open your eyes
and realize that what you're
doing to yourself isn't right
because you deserve the world
and i know that your cuts
sting because mine do, too.
but we can mend eachother's
wounds while lying on the beautiful
quilt your mother made the day before
she killed herself
as we watch sad movies at two in the morning,
crying our poor little selves to sleep.
not only crying because the movies
are devastating but because our
lives are.
the desire to want something better
for ourselves is torturing,
because we all know
that'll never happen.
 May 2015 Shawn H Reeder

As I live, I dream
As I dream, I view
What I view is love
And this love is you

As I wake, I think
As I think, I know
What I know is this
That I love you so

As I sit, I write
As I write, I send
Verses filled with love
That will never end

As I stand, I reach
As I reach, I fall
Deep within my dreams
Which aren’t dreams after all

As I look, I find
As I find, I feel
Nothing is a dream
Everything is real

As I live, I love
Who I love is you
Once you were a dream
Now you have come true
 Apr 2015 Shawn H Reeder
I wonder
If your eyes are twitching
If your chest is shaking
Heart rattling inside
With each breath
My skin gets tighter
My thoughts run faster
Faster and faster until
My mind is a track
Scarred from burned rubber
I wonder I wonder I wonder
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