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Its been years that we are not together,
we could have last forever,
but i guess that,me,alone would have never been enough for you.

You were once what counts the most for me,
what was i?
the first?
the second?
or you just can't remember the rank?
a blank is all that remained in my heart as you left..

I was warned by many,
but i guess that i fell in love blindly,
and was hurt badly..

I still feel the pain today,
it's like you left me yesterday..
Love is a boon, do not use it as a weapon!
Standing under the rain,
trying to wash away all my pain,
but in vain..

All the memories still in my mind,
Happiness is once again what i can't find..
I gave you love and in return you knocked me out from behind..

I thought it was right,
that i finally found someone for whom i could fight..
but i destiny is not that bright..

Here i am in the darkness again,
going insane,
spiked with pain..

You left me alone,
but i'm still waiting for a sign of you by the phone,
because my heart still don't believe that you are forever gone..
do not give people fake hope..because they consider it as their only rope..
they climb without even thinking..but when they'll see the truth,they'll fall from even higher..
do not play with feelings..
Dear Miss Karine,
I just want to say Thank You!
Thank You!
For everything you dared to go through,
to make me successful,
you will remain in my daily thoughts,
because you're the one,
you're the one,
who motivates me,
motivates me to bring out the best of myself,
to continue with my hard work,
no matter what says the rest...
I believe that anyone,
yes anyone,
can succeed,
succeed when they have a teacher,
yes a teacher,
not any kind of teacher,
One like YOU!
Thank You Miss Karine...
My sister passed her first national exam and i really think that her teacher has helped her a lot!
Just wrote it in behalf of my sister..
that's why i've written the name of my sister instead of mine...
Hope its enough to say 'Thank you' to her..
a dagger of thousands years,
shedding endlessly,the blood of beggars...
Indeed,ready they,who you call Paupers,are to do anything,
only to earn a living...

On the edge of knives,
poor ones lives their daily lives...
The children,all set to walk towards education,
but hunger hinders their concentration...
Still they are ready to do anything,
only to earn a living...
Starvation and Malnutrition are mere words,
compared to what they are really enduring...

Like us, they have wishes,
simple desires,
wants to have:
Proper water to drink,
Proper food to eat,
proper place to live...

God we are not,but their small desires,we can satisfy..
Their fate,we can change,
as their happiness,is still within range..

Together let's save the poor ones,
because a simple act of caring can create an endless ripple...
A modification made to one of my written poems :)
Hope you like it!
Share if it is worth of being shared
don't if its not..
but do help the poor ones,..
not because they depends on you but because they don't really deserve the life they are living..
They deserve something better..
After all humans have equal rights..
Poverty has always existed..
Poor ones have always been neglected..
They live their life by struggling..
yeah,they'll do anything to earn a living..

They live their daily life,
on the edge of a knife..
Stronger children walk for miles to attend their schools for education..
even if they are victims of malnutrition..
Weaker ones simply die of starvation..

Their only wishes are to have proper water to drink..
proper food to eat..
proper place to live..

we are not god,but we can grant those wishes..
Lets give them a chance to live..
a reason to smile..

A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple...
To be the reason behind someone's smile is the best feeling ever..
Without thinking about me,you promised things that were not even in your mind..why?
Is it that you like to see me cry?
or would you like to see me die?
You were my everything..
well until the day you left me without saying anything..
You are never going to regret losing me
because you never really wanted to feel my love..
Just want you to know that you have been the one for me..
Its better to express what you're feeling than sitting in a corner crying alone when the one who actually hurt you is smiling..
Falling in love can be the best thing ever..
just like,
Failing in love can be the worst thing ever..
Of one thing you can be sure,
it won't take you forever to find your 'perfect' lover..
but remember to never give up!
Love is a simple test of 'Lets see if you're patient enough'
Cheating was not,is not and will never be the solution..
because as far as i know there's a reaction for every action..
Be patient,
You'll be the recipient of true love!
You can be whoever you wanna be
whether you have money
or not
one thing will never change
people will respect you as long as you respect them.
To be a 'somebody' you'll have to stop treating people as if they were 'nobody'
The ones you call poor struggle daily to satisfy the needs of their family..
The ones you call drunkard have been through situations that you don't wanna find yourself in..
The ones you call crazy have been rejected by their own family..
The ones you call disabled struggle to live daily by listening to the critics you say when looking at them..
The ones you call illiterate do everything possible to educate their children..
One thing is for sure..You would have never been
able to live the life they are living..
We are living in a world where we are no longer simple human beings..
Don't you think so?
Then why are we judged by the colors of our skin,religion,culture,***,different statuses,our appearance,abilities,...?
Instead of finding solutions to exterminate racism,'many' of us are contributing to it..
If you want to live in a peaceful world,all you have to do is to live peacefully.
Life is already hard for the victims of racism,not because of your selfish mind but because no matter how hard they try they'll never be like you..instead of putting salt into their wounds,give them hope to live..
A simple word can either hurt or make someone happy..
The choice is ours..
Seize the day,
forget about what people say,
or else die regretting the time you've lost,
people will not have any clue,
about what you're going through..
because they simply don't care about you..
people are always here to criticize,don't pay attention to them.
Live your life..
You were not born to please anybody..
The ones who like you will continue liking you,the ones who don't,will pretend to do so in order to use you as a simple 'thing' and when they are done with you, you'll not even know when and how you were thrown out of their lives...
The ones who do not have brothers and sisters know the importance of having one..
It is sad that the ones who are lucky enough to have them,ignore their importance..

You like it when your best friend dresses like you..
and start a war when your brothers or sisters dresses like you..

You are always ready to help your friend..
and look for every opportunity to make your siblings feel low..

You may ignore your siblings but remember that friends are temporary and in the end,your siblings will be the only ones by your side..
no matter how deep you fell,
no matter if your life seems to be paradise or hell..
Life would have been hell without our siblings..
Far away,
that's where you prefer to stay,
away from the memories of yesterday..

Try and come closer,
feel the love i have inner,
no need to think of the moment after..

The flow,
yes the flow, let's follow..
without you here,i'm drowning in sorrow,
never should have let you go..

Let me in again,
in your arms,where i feel so relieved of my pain..
your heart is everything i want to obtain..
baby,trust me,this time it will not be vain..

Lock your fingers between mine,
unlike yesterday,our love will shine..
be the rhythm of my lifeline,
for the rest of my life,be mine..
Things that i will probably never say to her..
because far away,that's where she prefers to stay..
I was a simple cloud wandering around until the day i found myself stuck in that beautiful world of yours, I don't know much about weather forecast but what i can forecast is that it will rain love throughout the whole of your lifetime because i have no intentions of leaving your side.
Dedicated to my lovely wifey
Simple words may hurt someone,
Simple words may make someone smile,
Simple words may make someone feel blessed,
Simple words may make someone feel loved,
Simple words may make someone feel destroyed,
Simple words may make someone feel lonely,
Simple words may make someone feel rejected,
Simple words may make someone feel depressed,
Simple words may ****,
Simple words may save a life,
Choose your words wisely..
Whether you are happy or not,
you must not be selfish,
You are surrounded by people,
people who love you,
people who care..
you may eliminate them from your life if you choose your words wrongly..
You're the only one who can write your destiny
your dreams may seem to be fantasy
but if your efforts are not temporary
your success will no longer be imaginary

believe in you
no matter the obstacles,find reasons which will pull you through
Vas  y  jusqu'au  bout
your best you can do!

Life would have been way too boring if it was easy
show the world you're better than what they thought you can be!
Sometimes no matter how much you hurt someone,
no matter how hard you make it for them to live with you,
no matter how you disappoint them..
They remain by your side..

We may take long to realize it,
but this is a sign that you are never alone..
god always send someone in your life to take care of you..

Be thankful to god,always..
because he cares..
he knows what he's doing..

You only get what you deserve..
you never know what the almighty reserves for you..
Be kind to others and others will be kind to you!

Just like you never wanna be alone,
it is others' smallest dream too..
make the people around you taste that feeling of never being alone..
God will reserve the best for you..
God bless..
Standing in a corner,where nobody else is to be seen,
with a stick as support,
the old man is lost in his thoughts..
He's probably thinking of the days when he was considered as important,
the days when he was never alone,
the days when he always had someone to talk,
the days when his wife was still here to hold his hand whenever he felt he was too weak..
whenever he needed someone to listen to him as he speaks..
whenever he needed someone near as he was facing his worst fears..
Or maybe he's thinking of the days when his children were scared when he was not around..
happy when they used to see him standing in front of the school gate to pick them up after school..

Standing in that corner,
a tear rolled down his cheeks..
it was not a simple tear,
but one full of pain..

Realizing that it was nothing but his past,
he slowly turned and,
went back to where he came from..

'Old people' need your love..
..your attention
remember that they were the ones who always stood by your side no matter what..
Respect them because you are not going to be permanently young!
what goes round comes round..
Everyone will like your body,find the one who knows who you really are inside and will still love you..
that person is the one who'll never leave your side..
whether you have the same body tomorrow or not..
Of one thing you can be sure of,
that person gonna love you like there is no tomorrow..
whether if he himself is in sorrow or not..
do not throw out gems out of your life and go for simple stones..
The one you need is often the one you reject..
Be wise..think twice..
You are the one i'll never be afraid to love perfectly..
Nothing is perfect they said,
well with a bit of
we can prove them wrong..
For sure,
it will take us long..
but love is a lifetime experience,
i don't mind in spending my lifetime by your side..
because for me,
You're the perfect lady..
Love exist,
we tend to ignore it..
Love is each and everyone of us..
Its just that we don't wanna reveal it..
Love is life..
without love, life would have been so meaningless..
i swore not to,
not after what i went through..

i stopped to, never it was fair,
a fake smile was what i always needed to wear,
to hide my tear..

i feared to,due to those painful relations..
was changing all of the stations,
in search of a song not reminding me of those daily conversations..

i was avoiding to,knowing that my life was a whole scheme..

Falling in love with you,
seemed to be everything but true..
not after what i went through..
You will change my fate one day,i never knew..
but still it seems to be everything but true..

without expecting anything,
thats what you've been doing..

You showed me how to,
bitter memories,you helped me to get through..
I love you..
yes i do!

I just hope that its not another dream coming to its end..
Thanks baby <3
Loving can hurt but i guess thats what makes us feel alive..
These are the headlines of our journals..
Many still find this world phenomenal..

Greed is leading as always..
More people are committing crimes,
Maybe because they don't wanna live in the poverty throughout the whole of their lifetimes..
or simply because they are too lazy to earn money honestly,
and too greedy to live their lives modestly..
Its not by doing the wrong things that you gonna live like the majesty..

Having money or not does not matter..
Try to find happiness in what you have rather..
Living a life correctly is better..
better than being a killer to satisfy your greed for money..

Your dream is to be rich?
wake up daily to achieve your dream gradually..

Hard work is the key to success..
The other ways will definitely lead you in a mess..
Its just a simple advice..
Poverty is known everywhere in the world but stills the majority of the poor ones remains honest ones..
they don't have money but are still happy..
because they do not steal to provide their family with their basic needs..
sure..they can't afford iphones or whatever connected to modern technology..
but they find their happiness in what they have..
You break her heart today,
Someone else will break yours tomorrow.
After all what goes around comes around my friend..
and for sure,you gonna regret in the end.
Respect what you have,
and stop dreaming of having a perfect somebody when you are actually a 'nobody'.
Who knows?
Maybe your 'imperfect' girl will find someone much better than you,one day...
but what about you?
Treat her right,she'll treat you the same..
#EveryoneIsPerfectInTheirOwnWay <3
Its been only months since the day i first talked to you,
but this has never been an issue,
no matter what i was going through,
you were always here when i needed someone to talk to..

A friend that won't ever ask for anything,
but who deserves everything,
that's what you are,
no matter how far away you are,
you know you can count on me like you've been doing so far,
and like always i'll be here for my little star..

We've shared our happiness,
our sadness,
but still things we got to tell each other daily is never less,
I guess that that's because you're the best..
..a diamond among the rest..

I won't ever let this flip..
..never let you weep
never let go of our unconditional friendship...

Happy Birthday Bestie,
Kripi Mehra ^^

To a friend that everyone wishes to have,
Happy Birthday Bestie!
I thought the place that we've known each other would be the best place to tell you how much this unconditional friendship means to me ^^
Walking on the street,
on their naked feet,
to the home they call sweet,
the home others call weet..

On the way,
'look at those ***** kids' that's what the other kids say,
but they got used to those words as they hear them everyday,
they continue walking anyway..
Buying gifts on this day for your valentines,
its how people defines valentines' day..

what about those poor ones?
They cannot afford anything for their loved ones..

But they remain happy with the little they have..
They,who work all year long to keep their family happy,
sacrificing the things they crave..
Thats what love is all about maybe..

Money is not everything,
Poverty is not the only thing,
Love,everyone can afford,
with a kind heart ready to wade in the ford..
Happy Valentines' day <3
Hiding in their houses,
praying to god that nothing happens to them and their loved ones..
not believing what was happening around them..
shouts,screams,explosion and firing sounds were all they could hear..

Peeping through their window panes,
all they could see was bloodshed..
To them,it was the beginning of the end..
all they wanted was to live in peace,
they never asked for a war..

who they were?
The victims of the world wars..
May them rest in peace..
We are human beings..there's always a solution,and killing our kind is not the solution...
More civilians than soldiers died in those wars..
was it worth happening?
Problems are present everywhere but god has surely provide us with the solutions but we seem busy to look for the easier way to escape our problems in life..
It has never been a solution,its just a way to escape your problems and hurting the ones who love you...
No matter how weak you are
Turn your weaknesses into your strength..
“Our strength grows out of our weaknesses.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Over one million people die by suicide worldwide each year. The global suicide rate is 16 per 100,000 population. On average, one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds somewhere in the world. Global suicide rates have increased 60% in the past 45 years.
I hope that it will help people to think twice or thrice before even thinking of committing this dumb act..Life does not end where hopes end,it goes on until god decides to take you back..
Walking on the same old road,but without you
I'm all alone thinking of the way we used to be,
Thinking of the moments you spent with me,
Listening to our same old song,
Refusing to believe that you are forever,gone
I miss your fingers between mine
I can't pretend to be fine
because without you i'll never be able to shine..
walking on the same old road, but without you in my life...
People move on when they are done,but memories stay,and sometimes they hurt..
In a sky full of stars,
In a world full of hearts,
I chose you to be part of..
The day I fell in love,
You made me the happiest being ever,
A feeling that's gonna last forever❤️
Ain't gonna look further,
Cause there ain't no better❤️
Maybe I got lucky,
Maybe it's destiny,
But you loving me?
It's more than the dream that it seems❤️
True love I've seen in myths or films,
But when you came?
Of love it started to rain..
And daily, for you, I fall all over again❤️
For each other we were always meant❤️
You're the blessing god sent❤️
And I ain't letting go,
To my queen I'll always bow❤️
Just stay and give me all of you,
And to you, I'll always be true❤️
I'm your man,
You'll never have to fill some blanks,
Cause full of love, I've given to you all of my banks❤️
I love you with the whole of my soul❤️
And hands in hands we'll be always walking to our goals❤️
They said:"Live in a way for people to remember you as you leave."
I say:"Live in a way for you not to regret anything when death knocks on your door."
what is love nowadays?
a simple thing with what someone plays?
well..some people make it look so simple..
Make *** ,
the day after,make her your ex..
..and find your next..

Think about the ones you're playing with..
Think about their broken feelings as you leave..

If you are not sure to make her your wife,
don't play with her life..

If you don't wanna be the parent of any child,
be wise,don't make her pregnant..

Bring the change in you..

what goes around always comes around..

Love is a lifetime experience..
it never ends..
If you think that love is equal to ***..
change you thoughts, because the love your parents give to you is real love..
Loving someone means caring for that someone..
sharing the happiness and sorrows with that someone..
dare to fight for that someone..make her your only one..
This is not just about ***..
We never really stop to suffer,we only learn how to live with our pain...
Turn your weaknesses into your strength,
life will be better..
Learn to fight instead of complaining..
because one day,you'll be on your own..
Prepare yourself for the worst...
almost all of the people you go out with,will stay with you as long as they benefit from you..
Its in your worst days that you'll know who really cares...
Trust yourself before trusting anyone..
know yourself before trying to know someone else..
Why do we fight,
when we are able to talk?
Why do we ****,
when we are not god?
Why do we shout at people,
when we don't like it when people shout at us?
Why do we criticize people,
when we are not perfect?
Why do we judge people,
when we know nothing about them?
Why do we hurt people,
when we can actually heal their wounds?
The ones you try to impress while hurting someone else will be here only if you impress them daily..
The ones you protect once will be here for you whenever you need them..
Do whatever you wanna do,but put you in the victim's place,
if you like it,go on..
but remember,what goes round always comes round..
Wishes are unlimited
but not many can be granted

Learn to live with what you got
because people living without what you got,
there's a lot..

That daily piece of bread you get,
they cannot afford due to the conditions of their budget..
To be continued...
Being the loneliest person on earth,
since the day you took birth,
is not the worst feeling ever..
having lots of people by your side
and still feeling lonely..
is the worst of feelings...
The more you love,
the more you are ignored..
The less you love,
the more you are hated..

If you want to be loved,
do not ask people,
give them reasons to do so..
They will be loving you in every seasons of your life..

No one knows what life reserves..
You only earn what you deserve..

Be the author of your own destiny..
Be the creator of your own future..
Critics does not matter,
as long as you have faith in what you are doing..
Be yourself!
when you are writing the story of YOUR life,do not let someone else hold the pen!
Life is full of surprises,
your fate can change as from the next sunrise,
Live your days as if there is no tomorrow,
forget your sorrow,
After all,you only live once,
but if you do it right,
once is enough.
Happiness cannot be bought,so there is no difference between the rich and the poor..
God shared it equally among us,human beings..
Yeah you must be saying,money would have been better,
but we created it..why would our almighty share it?
If you wanna be happy..You gonna be happy..
I will not take this anymore
These words will never be ignored
You want a battle
Here's a war!
-Bullet for my Valentine
You cannot stay cool every time.
There's always someone out there who'll wake up the beast which is sleeping inside you.
No matter how hard you try to be nice to people,
there's always some who'll push you to your limits!
Never underestimate anybody!

— The End —