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this morning
the spammer is at it again
he/she enjoys
a spamming refrain

the spamming craze
has taken hold all over the place
it would seem that the spammer
wishes to reside in this space

the spammer will not be
denied a spamming locality
that is why he/she
has set up a freehold spamming territory

the spammer has become
fond of the decor around here
so he/she will keep
dropping off his/hers spamming gear
pam  Jan 2015
I hate fangirls
pam Jan 2015
“I would never be like those girls, they’re crazy.”  
Thats what I told myself when I saw every girl fan girling over some boyband.
I always wonder why they have to cry even though their idols just tweeted a picture or releases a new song; music video.
I always wonder why they have to waste their time to vote.
It annoys me when they try their best to get their idols attention by spamming them.
Fangirls get to my nerves, but I stayed quiet.
I hated it.
I hated them because they’re dedicating their life to someone who doesn’t even know they exist.
I mean I like some bands, but I never ever did those stuff.
"I would never ever.”
I told myself.
But one day, I woke up…

"Hi, we’re 5 Seconds Of Summer."
Then everything started to change.

*And then and there
I knew… Im such an hypocrite.
dont judge my music taste because I wont care.
spamming your email inbox
with messages that harass
none of them do you wish
to have on your receipt's pass

these sorts of communications
you haven't requested
though the pushy sender thinks
of them you'll be invested

do you ever recall asking
for bedeviling telegraph cables
to be jammed into your
receiving stables
Viseract Jul 2016
Yeah I get it Woody
You ******* show off
You're a ******* archaeologist
Go dig up a new thing to impress me

So I see you love dogs?
What's a ******* wolf, *****?
"Uh I don't know isn't it a canine"
So too is a wolf
You love us?
Come get some
Your poetry is well known it seems... Is your ******* attitude well known too?
Minecraft calls
And gta parties
Horrible races
Repetitive insanity
Midnight laughter fits
Midnight promises of forever
Midday I love you's
3 o'clock it'll be okay
Daily please don't hurt yourself
Weekend need
Constant no interest in what I look like
Even if we were on video calls constantly
Sentence finishing
Food envy
Parent envy (at least you had one good one)
Horrible cry-fests
Constant panic spamming
Insane laughter with horrible puns
i'm done with references
Why are you ignoring me
You are the love of my life
Alex, why you gotta be like this
Mal Jul 2019
I don't even know how to start this letter. Something within me just had enough courage to.

2. I always imagined this would happen without warning.

3. I know how much you hate reading, but can you at least read this.

4. I wish I could have been more honest with you. I should have never bottled up my emotions; now look at me, I'm a mess.

5. Can you laugh at my joke one more time? I really like the way your cheeks puff up and blush pink.

6. Have I ever told you that you have a nice smile?

7. Let's go to the park, I want to see the sunset before I go.

8. Thank you so much for spamming me memes at 3am.

9. I've been saving money for a special event, I'm doubting you'll like it.

10. When I was 11, on Halloween I finally gathered everything I needed in order to be Batman. Rope, blades and boomerangs. I kept them in a box just in case if I needed to use them in the future.

11. I came home on Sunday and found your favorite black scarf. I wore it tightly around my neck; I can feel your warmth, it even smells like you.

12. How can something you love so mush just disappear right in front of your eyes.

13. I can show you how we can be together forever. But it'll take more time for you.

14. I bought you your favorite ice cream, cookies and cream. I left it in the freezer. But remember, when it melts, I won't be there to clean it up for you.

15. Don't worry, I'll try harder next time.

16. You don't need to make me your famous mashed potatoes and gravy. I'll be out of town. But oh man, I'll sure miss eating that.

17. I love you more than you'll ever know. But I'm not sorry.

18. You don't have to bring flowers, I don't want them to set off your allergies.
suicides notes are love letters
Celine Ngo  Nov 2021
Celine Ngo Nov 2021
its all your fault, its all your fault
its all my fault, its all my fault
it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter
we're both at fault here
but go ahead and blame me, make me the villain
it's because you never learned how to be chillin'
or maybe i just never learned to care
but if that's the case, how come you were never there?

i think in that regard, its not fair
i was there for you through thick and thin
because if i didn't, you'd try to get under my skin
and yet you've never been there for me
quit spamming me on ig

yeah, too busy talking **** about me to our friends
but i've been called every single name under the sun
so good luck if you're tryna have some fun
coulda been friends but you wanted more
wanted me to block you from the waves while i died on the shore

So obsessed with who’s real and who’s fake
In that case maybe you should take a double-take
Only ever hitting me up when you’re lonely
Stop thinking we homies when you don’t even know me
Not even trying to get to know me beyond the surface
Yeah, these conversations to me have no purpose

Yeah got all these little boys tryna hit me up for affection
Don't care about the real me, only the attention
But boys don't get me wrong, just because I'm alone doesn't mean I need your fixation
Alone but not lonely, yet the men I like don't like my complexion
Unfortunate but it's okay, I'm looking for forever
So before that, I gotta get better

Acting like you’re the only one with issues
Well guess what boy, everybody’s got a mountain of tissues
Yeah, everybody’s got their problems
But unlike you, they keep quiet and try to solve em

Yeah I may be a psych major
And you may think that works out in your your favour
but friends ain’t being your personal therapist
I met too many just like you, could make a list
Yeah I ain’t tryna sound heartless but
If you think that, then you don’t know me at all, case shut

“I know you, you wouldn’t do something like that”
Yeah, the real ones don’t need me to obsessively hit em back
They respect my ADHD, yeah it’s a neurological disorder
I was born with it, people like you always tryna change my borders
They didn't even know about it beforehand, yeah they like me for me
Even been there for me when I had to go through therapy

Now you run your mouth around town
Truth be told, you brought my mental health down
When we were together, not now
I’ve been called every name under the sun, running your mouth only makes you look like a clown

Yeah I don’t like being bitter
But truth be told boy, you’re a real vibe killer
I’m always thinking about the big picture
But you always make everything about you, like you’re some famous fixture
Keep that in mind next time you complain about getting bitten
Think about how you made a tiger out of this fluffy kitten
this has been sitting in my drafts completed since march 15 unpublished and i have no idea why? but it shall be freed now :D

please do not share any of my works without my permission!
over the last 24 hours
a spammer has spammed
his/hers spamming
belongs in spammer land

somewhere on the internet
he/she was directed
to several poetry sites
it is apparent that the director's pointer
has caused the blight

the procession of spamming
at Hello Poetry
has streamed in with impunity
there hasn't been a frisking marshal
standing at the gate's entry

as a consequence the spammer
is doing what he/she wants to do at will
and we've been held hostage
to their permeating skills
Ciara  Dec 2013
The Temptress.
Ciara Dec 2013
Are you happy now,
that I've figured out I was just a victim,
in a game of lies and lustful tension?**

My love, try to understand me when I say you torture me.
Your lips they beg for me to get you alone.
I want you to know it's the sway of your hips.
You taste so sweet cruel temptress.
I'm at your feet.
I can tell by the way you move that you want me to want you.

Are you happy now that I've figured out I was just a victim?!
In a game of lies and lustful tension?

Your lips they beg for me to get you alone.
I want you to know it's the sway of your hips.
You taste so sweet, cruel temptress.
I'm at your feet.
I can tell by the way you move that your want me to want you.

Are you happy now that I've figure out that I was just a victim?!
In a game of lies and lustful tension?

I can't believe I fell for you!
I was wrong, I am so confused.
A foolish mistake!

I gaze across the chasm that divides me from her, my prize.
And drink in her beauty.
I let the heady aroma of perfume riding on the hot wind saturate me.
I train my ears to the creaking of the bridge spamming the gap to her.
I throw caution into that wind of passion and continue down the path.
The path to the unknown.

I'm losing control and I want all of you.
I ache to swallow you.
I'm losing control, you're body screams for me, it's destroying me!

I can not resist the temptress of the night!
I'm coming for you!, I want you, I need you!
As the earth quakes I will deflower you!
Oh how my head swims, oh how my heart yearns!
I'm coming for you!
Our flesh will become one and we'll never speak of what we've become!
It's what you want. I'm gone! I'm gone! I'm gone!

So it seems that we were nothing.
I'm giving up!

Are you happy now that I've figured out that I was just a victim?!
In a game of lies and lustful tension?
I can't believe I fell for you!
I was wrong, I am so confused.
A foolish mistake.
Alesana- The Temptress.

— The End —