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GaryFairy  Sep 2015
GaryFairy Sep 2015
i feel like a spaceman
a displaced alien in a wasteland
base plan
looking for a face, trying to trace man

it's not rocket science
with the fights, riots, and sights of violence
i'd give my right eye for some silence
i'm finding this place never quiets
no kindness, or signs of subsidence
relying on small minded diets
no compliance, alliance, or guidance
few ever try to defy the tyrants

i feel like a spaceman
a displaced alien in a wasteland
base plan
looking for a trace, trying to face man
Larry B Oct 2010
While driving down a country road
One dark and lonely night
My engine began to spit and sputter
From a strange and mysterious light

I saw this little green spaceman
With antennas on his head
He was standing beside my window
And this is what he said

"Take me to your leader,
Or we will end your life"
So I did exactly what he said
And I took him to my wife

When I got home my wife was mad
And asked me where I've been
I told her about my crazy night
And about those little green men

She asked if I'd been drinking
And I don't drink a drop
About that time that spaceman yelled,
"Okay now, everybody stop"

Now my wife was really ******
And said, "Who do you think you are?"
She grabbed him by his spaceman ear
And drug him from that car

Now, there she was in curlers
With that spaceman by his ear
I think he might have peed himself
As he stood there in all his fear

Now you may not believe my story
But I've got a souvenir
When they beamed that spaceman back to his ship
My wife held on to his ear

So if you ever see a UFO
Don't scream and run for your life
Just take him to your leader
And by leader I mean, my wife
yanncheee  Apr 2013
yanncheee Apr 2013
I once confessed to my dearest Spaceman, "I'm afraid of being alone."
Because he asked me, why care about what they say? why conform?

Because i'm afraid of being the only one.
Ridiculous, he said.

Oh my dear, beloved Spaceman
The loneliest man in the world
Because you went to space and back again
Because you saw something more
Because no one understands your brilliance

But I am only what I am
and I'm afraid of being the only one
Olivia Kent  Jan 2014
Olivia Kent Jan 2014
I don't speak spaceman she said with a grin.
When into the craft she went.
Was parked on the grass at the rear of her tent.
There met an alien ugly as sin.
Invited her in to join him for gin.
Or maybe a game of rummy.
Neither one could understand.
Non-verbal communication ensued.
They had a hug and laid on the rug.
When sipping their gin.
The two of them,
The alien invader, ugly as sin.
And maiden fair who chucked her hand in.
By ladylivvi1

© 2014 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
Silly head tonight.. A little nonsense!
michele shulman Apr 2014
Spaceman with galaxies tied to fingertips

Like a puppet you make the universe dance

You are their creator with strings of umbilical cords

Freckles scattered on your nose were the original constellations

Pensive eyes, the first stars and each blink causes galactic explosions

Astronomers were unable to properly trace origins but I did the moment you entered my orbit
draft written on back of coffee shop napkin
Simon Clark  Aug 2012
A Spaceman
Simon Clark Aug 2012
He plays among the stars,
Throwing space dust in my eyes,
******* in orbit,
A spaceman,
My love.
written in 2006
Poetic T  Aug 2014
Poetic T Aug 2014
Spaceman floating high above
Looking at the wonder,
Watching the marbles,
Of the universe glitter
Like baubles shimmering up high.
He is in the heavens weightless
But his heart is heavy,
His love is with his grasp
Unable to touch her face
In space no one can hear
A beat of a heart
Those words said
The universe consumes
They floated in love
Voids in-between
Couldn't keep there feelings
Through he put her gloved hand
Upon his heart,
She removed her helmet,
"He was hesitant"
But they were in love
Space couldn't keep them apart,
They kissed in the
But there connection
Shone bright in the heavens,
I was seen as a new star,
It was illuminating,
That radiated
There feeling upon the earth,
And it shone in to the stars
A love that echoed through out the universe,
For a time the stars seemed brighter touched by *love.
Phantom Poet Mar 2022
Everything is moving fast,
At a single blink,
Gone is the days into the past,
All we have our choices to think,
In our decisions to trust,
Distracted by illusions we cast,
Illusions of purpose and freedom to last,
Every decision we make is another path,

Do you not see?

Everything hangs on the scale of choices,
It's just like zeroes and ones,
Like simple binary,
Our destinies coded into reality,
To be or no to be,
To exist or not,
To pursue answers beyond insanity,
A choice to accept or reject,
The very existence of choice,
Dictates free will,
Or so we would believe and feel,
And pretend to be free,
But always end up,
Exactly where we are meant,
to be.
Long To Sail Jan 2014
Would you judge me?
Do y'know i wont judge you?
Can I be anything I want to be?
Or are there rules I have to conform to?

Spaceman cowboy hippie gangster stoner rockstar chef painter poet
playwright carpenter inventor scientist mathematician author actor
gardener tailor sailor musician comedian doctor pilot barista volunteer
partyplanner spiritualist director engineer psychologist beautician

Please do forgive me but there's more.
I'm greedy, I know, I want it all.
Immense experiences galore.
Money to me means null.
SE Nummenpää  May 2010
SE Nummenpää May 2010
His hands were fluttering birds; paper-thin skin stitched together with cerulean veins clung to bones, accentuating the already unnatural length of his fingers.  They hung at his sides, writhing in a nervous agony - sweat glistened on their blushed palms.  Those hands held the moons of Neptune.  "Where are you going?" I asked, a soft echo.  

The young man's head turned and he pulled a sad smile, "Oh, nowhere, really."
(c) SEN 2010
Randi G  Dec 2014
My Spaceman
Randi G Dec 2014
when i look into your eyes,
i can see the big bang.
i can see stars being born
and the world’s first sounds
fill my ears
supernovas reflect from your
eyes and black holes
pull me into your arms
there is no escape from my
feelings for you


— The End —