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tangshunzi Jun 2014
In primo luogo .questa sposa è il mio eroe moda.Non solo ha roccia un abito tutto pizzo - life changingly stupenda ma commutato in due abiti più splendidi prima del giorno era finito .E se questo è ottenuto tutti verdi di invidia solo aspettare fino a vedere l' intera vicenda francese dal Knot \u0026Pop .Laetitia C e Xavier Navarro .Questa .miei cari .è uno dei libri .

Condividi questa splendida galleria ColorsSeasonsSummerSettingsEstateStylesAl Fresco

Da Knot \u0026Pop .. Ayse \u0026Fred ha sposato in Provenza nel settembre 2013 .sotto i vasti cieli e le stelle tra le più belle di impostazioni francesi.Ayse è da Londra origine .ma ora vive a Parigi con Fred .dove rappresentano Artisti e gestito una galleria d'arte insieme .Con la coppia che ha solide radici in Francia .e Fred ' famiglia dal sud della Francia .hanno scelto di sposarsi in Francia la più singolare di luoghièun borgo privato pieno di arte e di curiosità che completavano alla perfezione la coppia ' amore per l'arte.Con la cerimonia legale in un piccolo municipio locale .e la famiglia immediata del 10 per assistere .Ayse \u0026Fred ha poi chiesto loro amici Valerio e Sam di agire come celebranti per la cerimonia informale a Le Grand Banc .di fronte ai loro 140 ospiti .

Sposato con vista sulle colline della Provenza .gli ospiti sono stati invitati a creare un cono coriandoli dalla Confetti Bar che ha visto splendida argenteria pieno di ***** di fiori e semi.Dopo il più divertente di cerimonie che hanno visto i due amici raccontano le storie di Ayse \u0026Fred .drink di accoglienza ha avuto luogo il bordo piscina e sul prato .con gli ospiti poi a piedi attraverso la frazione al tendone per la cena .

Per completare le impostazioni tema eschema per il giorno mescolato una palette morbida di blush rosa.verde oliva .azzurro .argento e bianco che è stato poi il mirroring di tutti i fiori.decorazioni.cameriere guarda e table- top.Mescolato con la tavolozza .la coppia e il loro evento designer .Knot \u0026Pop pin punte ulteriori temi chiave per l'aspetto grafico che comprendeva motivi a stella per riflettere il senso delle celebrazioni che si svolgono sotto le stelle .e gli animalièin particolare gli elefantièun amore assoluto della sposa ' .

Il motivo stella è stato ripetuto in tutte le ghirlande di nastro che a cascata da archi .i lati cerimonia tendone e alberi focali .Il piano tavolo disegnato da Knot \u0026Pop utilizzato anche il disegno della stella con ghirlande che parte da un bellissimo albero di fico .che ha visto gli ospiti vengono realmente coinvolti nella scoperta delle loro sedi .Piani tavolo miste dipinte plinti stelle legno in mostra splendido fiore riempito di bottiglie d'epoca .con rametti di rami di ulivo immerso in per tovaglioli .e una stella dipinta come favoreèrosa per ragazzi.e blu per le ragazze .

A tavola i bambini era tutto sul fattore divertimento con una stampa wallpaper di marchi e matite colorare collocato fuori per tenere i bambini occupatiècontempo riflette ancora una volta la coppia e il loro amore per l'arte con la galleria stile carta da parati incorniciata .Il bar è stata ribattezzata la Star Bar con un pi argentoeata fondale.stella cocktail agitatori e cocktail su misura prende il nome la coppia a scegliere.

elefanti vernice spray argento apparsi su ogni tavolo con un cartellino attaccato spiegando che la coppia sarebbe in visita un rifugio per animali in viaggio di nozze in Kenya .dove

abiti da sposa pizzo sarebbero donare a nome dei loro invitati alle nozzeèuna bella e sentita alternativafavorire .Gli ospiti sono stati certamente sentendo la magia animale aver doned maschere di animali per una divertente sessione di photobooth prima di andare in cenare .Foto Polaroid degli ospiti sono state prese in un contesto nastro.con gli ospiti scrivendo poi un messaggio alla coppia e mettendo in una tela a forma di cuore .rendendo il perfetto keep- sake della giornata che si trova ora un posto d'onore nella coppia ' a ​​casa .Ayse \u0026Giorno Fred ' era pieno di divertimento .che riflette tutti i loro amori .con tutta la loro cari intorno a loro per celebrare nelle impostazioni più singolari .memorabili ed elegante di .
Fotografo: Xavier Navarro Photographie | Fiori : Laetitia C | Abito da sposa: Pronovias | Altri Abiti : Oh My Love | Rosticcerie : Helen Traiteur | Scarpe sposo : Hugo Boss | Vestito dello sposo : Hugo Boss | scarpe da sposa da sposa .Main Ricerca: Dolce \u0026 Gabbana | scarpe da sposa da sposa .look vintage : Dune | Abiti ragazze di fiore : Etsy .adattata dal fratello della sposa abiti da sposa pizzo | Marquee : AR Eventi | Hamlet privata: Le Grand Banc | Argenteria Auto : Knot \u0026 Pop | Abito da sposa Vintage: GabrieleVintage | abiti da sposa outlet Wedding Planner e Event Designer : Knot \u0026 PopLaetitia C. - fleurs d' atelier è un membro del nostro Little Black Book .Scopri come i membri sono scelti visitando la nostra pagina delle FAQ .Laetitia C. - fleurs d' atelier VIEW
Le Grand Banc Provence Wedding_vestiti da cerimonia
P Pax  Oct 2012
P Pax Oct 2012
i don't look at you,
except to steal a sideways glance
from the corner of this dance club
while you lose yourself on the floor

but i write poetry of you,
secret words of secret feelings.
and the musk and dark becomes
a garden in provence.

i would set them to song,
if there is a melody here
that could set you to dance with me
to steal from you a touch.

but you are in another world
of dimmed light and senses
and i can steal only another glance
in my faraway, medieval love
Robert Ronnow Aug 2015
By which nothing is divided.
No zero
no negative
no opposite
no hope
no Adam, no apple, no marriage, no morning.
No mirror
no knowledge
no God, no soul, no ear lobe, no Iliad, no Odyssey.
No universe
no black hole
no zodiac
no hero
no mission, no omission, no fission, no fusion.
No beanstalk
no tractor
no yellow
no 7:30, no wind, no window, no owl, no one.

In 773, at Al-Mansur's behest, translations were made of the Siddhantas, Indian astronomical treatises dating as far back as 425 B.C.; these versions may have been the vehicles through which the "Arabic" numerals and the zero were brought from India into China and then to the Islamic countries. In 813 the Persian mathematician Khwarizmi used the Hindu numerals in his astronomical tables; about 825 he issued a treatise known in its Latin form as Algoritmi de numero Indorum, Khwarizmi on Numerals of the Indians. After him, in 976, Muhammed ibn Ahmad in his "Keys to the Sciences," remarked that if in a calculation no number appears in the place of tens, a little circle should be used "to keep the rows." This circle the Arabs called sifr. That was the earliest mention of the name sifr that eventually became zero. Italian zefiro already meant "west wind" from Latin and Greek zephyrus. This may have influenced the spelling when transcribing Arabic sifr. The Italian mathematician Fibonacci (c. 1170-1250), who grew up in North Africa and is credited with introducing the decimal system in Europe, used the term zephyrum. This became zefiro in Italian, which was contracted to zero in Venetian.  --Wikipedia

After my father's appointment by his homeland as a state official in the customs house of Bugia for the Pisan merchants who thronged to it, he took charge; and in view of its future usefulness and convenience, had me in my boyhood come to him and there wanted me to devote myself to and be instructed in the study of calculation for some days. There, following my introduction, as a consequence of marvelous instruction in the art, to the nine digits of the Hindus, the knowledge of the art very much appealed to me before all others, and for it I realized that all its aspects were studied in Egypt, Syria, Greece, Sicily, and Provence, with their varying methods; and at these places thereafter, while on business, I pursued my study in depth and learned the give-and-take of disputation. But all this even, and the algorism, as well as the art of Pythagoras, I considered as almost a mistake in respect to the method of the Hindus (Modus Indorum). Therefore, embracing more stringently that method of the Hindus, and taking stricter pains in its study, while adding certain things from my own understanding and inserting also certain things from the niceties of Euclid's geometric art, I have striven to compose this book in its entirety as understandably as I could, dividing it into fifteen chapters. Almost everything which I have introduced I have displayed with exact proof, in order that those further seeking this knowledge, with its pre-eminent method, might be instructed, and further, in order that the Latin people might not be discovered to be without it, as they have been up to now. If I have perchance omitted anything more or less proper or necessary, I beg indulgence, since there is no one who is blameless and utterly provident in all things. The nine Indian figures are: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. With these nine figures, and with the sign 0 . . . any number may be written.   --Fibonacci, Leonardo of Pisa
--Wikipedia, "0 (Number)"
--Fibonacci, Leonardo of Pisa, The Autobiography of Leonardo Pisano, trans. Richard E. Grimm, Fibonacci Quarterly, Vol. 11, 1973
Rob Rutledge Mar 2015
It started in Dublin before I was born
Crossing the Irish Sea to weather a storm.
London called through the wind and rain
Big city lights and a country's flame.
To Manchester then, a city united
At least to outsiders.
But to those within it's somewhat

Summers in France.
Dining in Provence
Time in Toulouse
And along the Loire.
But Paris! Paris has that
Je ne sais quoi
Fine wine, fine company
It's a fine philosophy.

A German exchange
in einer stadt namens
Bad Bentheim.

Exposed to a culture
And the work of Rammstein.
A few days in Berlin
A fantastic city with much
History within.

Gondolas in Vienna if only for a day
Sailing down the Danube
Water wants us on our way.
We stay for a while
Within the walls of Budapest,
My first shot of Absinthe
Puts my liver to the test.

No rest for the wicked
That wanderlust I long.
Settled for a while by the lights of
Hong Kong,
A place I felt for a while at peace
High in the Monastery of Lantau's peeks.
I went once and I went again.
When wizened crones speak of golden devils,
Stroking my blonde hair on the streets of
I'm fortunate enough to have travelled to some fantastic places. A poor tribute to some of those visited.
We walked together, found
In town centre, on the mark,
We were a bullseye, joyous,
Shy, striding opened streets,
So proudly paved, just for us,
To trip and now, here faraway,
In white shops we sprung free,
Tried on silly scarves and hats,
Imagining rendezvous in London,
Paris on the Seine, the long boot
Of Italy, sleeping inside a railway
Station on our way for Provence,
Or Barcelona, even dare Istanbul,
It was too fun, so brilliant to dream,
In return those tickets got punched,
Now we travel solo on lost avenues,
Waking up is not as nice as it seems.
CA Guilfoyle Jul 2012
The morning sang to meadow-ed fields
mountains hummed the clouds far off,
skies went wildly blue
Strolling fragrantly in the cutting rows
lavender florets fell between dreaming toes
Scented mounds infused the path
provence, grosso, royal velvet, I chose
Woody stemmed grey, green, blue
bent breaking fragrance in the heated dew
Cabbage moths danced to singing bees
- I flew in lavandula breeze
Went amongst bees today in the lavender fields...I guess it's as close as I'll come to feeling like a bee!
they buzzed all around me, it was magical!
We walked together, found
In town centre, on the mark,
We were a bullseye, joyous,
Shy, striding opened streets,
So proudly paved, just for us,
To trip and now, here faraway,
In white shops we sprung free,
Tried on silly scarves and hats,
Imagining rendezvous in London,
Paris on the Seine, the long boot
Of Italy, sleeping inside a railway
Station on our way for Provence,
Or Barcelona, even dare Istanbul,
It was too fun, so brilliant to dream,
In return those tickets got punched,
Now we travel solo on lost avenues,
Waking up is not as nice as it seems.
scar  Jun 2015
Bohemia, Bohemia
scar Jun 2015
Of a night on a battered red leather sofa
It's moved with us three times
It sits in a room with a broken bay window
And we sit on it too
And we sit on it too

Drinking yellow anise from mismatched glasses
With ice, not warm water
Singing stories, spinning yarns with broken bottles
Of girls with leopard-print hands
And the straw man in the moon
The straw man in the moon.

The cord hangs on the wall:
A symbol, but not symbolic
As chords rise, break off and fall
All a sham, but not shambolic
A sham, but not shambolic.

Swapping tales and anecdotes of cars parked between cake stalls
And days with names that don't suit them
People dying for causes they don't understand
And war is an island; a land hyperbolic
A Green land, a war land; unplanned hyperbolic.

Linguistics are twisted and brass tales are dropped
A cork is unwrapped from the web where it popped
But the darkness is rising, the hours are ticking
The side is hitched up so we all know we're doomed.
We hear children singing in the guitar strings,
Their screeches rising as they fall,
Our speeches diving as they fall.

And speaking of speeches, he says, a performance is mine
But in France, man... in France the markets are open
And the fields of Provence roll down to the menhirs of Carnac
And Brocéliande lies to us all,
And Brocéliande lies to us all.
If I had not met the red-haired boy whose father
  had broken a leg parachuting into Provence
to join the resistance in the final stage of the war
  and so had been killed there as the Germans were moving north
out of Italy and if the friend who was with him
  as he was dying had not had an elder brother
who also died young quite differently in peacetime
  leaving two children one of them with bad health
who had been kept out of school for a whole year by an illness
  and if I had written anything else at the top
of the examination form where it said college
  of your choice or if the questions that day had been
put differently and if a young woman in Kittanning
  had not taught my father to drive at the age of twenty
so that he got the job with the pastor of the big church
  in Pittsburgh where my mother was working and if
my mother had not lost both parents when she was a child
  so that she had to go to her grandmother's in Pittsburgh
I would not have found myself on an iron cot
  with my head by the fireplace of a stone farmhouse
that had stood empty since some time before I was born
  I would not have traveled so far to lie shivering
with fever though I was wrapped in everything in the house
  nor have watched the unctuous doctor hold up his needle
at the window in the rain light of October
  I would not have seen through the cracked pane the darkening
valley and the river sliding past the amber mountains
  nor have wakened hearing plums fall in the small hour
thinking I knew where I was as I heard them fall
A Henslo  Jun 2018
Provence (1)
A Henslo Jun 2018
The first cicada
and a glass of Côtes du Rhône –
Summer is here
A Henslo  Jun 2018
Provence (2)
A Henslo Jun 2018
Poursuivi par les rafales
les cyprès se penchent au soleil –
AH 2016

— The End —