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Big Virge Sep 2020
Ya Know I Pride Myself in Being...
WAY ABOVE The... " Average "...

The... " Average Joe "...
With... " Average Flows "...

The... " Average Bloke "...
Who SNIFFS That Coc'... !!!

The... " Average Fella "...
Whose LUST For... " Chedda' "...
Makes Him The Type of Breddah'...
Who Is A... BAD Goodfella'... !!!!!!!!

But Is Being Average...
ALL That... " BAD "... ?!?

I Guess Not If...
You CHOOSE To Live...
A... Simple Life...
With An... " Average Wife "...

An... " Average Job "...
With An... " Average Boss "... !!!

When Being The AVERAGE...
May Just COST Or Even DAMAGE... !!!

Your Chances of Having...
A Job Where You MANAGE...

Like THOSE Who FLY HIGH... !!!!
Ya KNOW CORPORATE Types... !!!

Who Get MORE Than Your Average...
...... " Slice of The Pie "...... !!!!!

You KNOW I'm Right... !!!
To... SET UP The Price... ?!?

of... Financial LIES... !!!!!

Stocks And Bonds...
That They MAKE OFF...
As If Their Name...
Was... " BERNIE MADOFF "... !!!!!

… Rhyme Scheme Son... !!!!!

It's The Type That's ABOVE...
... ALL This IGNORANT Stuff... !!!!!

Lyrics That TRIGGER...
ALL Types of LOOSE Scripture...................

From Figures Now BIGGER...
Than HOLLYWOOD Pictures... !!!!!

Are They ABOVE Average... ???

I Guess So Cos' ******...
Their Cash Flow Is MASSIVE... !?!

While The... " Average Wage "...
For Most Artists I'd Say...

Is Way BELOW..... " Par ".....
For The EFFORTS We Make...
To KEEP Our Art REAL...
In The Things We RELATE... !!!

The... " Average Today "...
EMBRACES What's... FAKE... !?!?!

Then GIVES Them TOP PAY...
For Being... THAT WAY... ?!?

Such Ways Have Now Made...
The Game... Somewhat STRANGE... !?!

If You Now Choose To Write...
MORE THAN... " Average TRIPE "...

... What Do People Say... ?

"Man you're just too lyrical,
for average type brains !"

Is There Such A THING... ???

I Must Be... TOO CRITICAL...
For Heads Who Now... DON'T THINK... !!!

Cos' They're Weak Like The LINK... !!!!!

You See Averages Claim...
MUCH MORE Than You Think... !!!

Like THINKING... BELIEVE... !!!!!

These Days It Now Seems...
That Being The AVERAGE...
Is Claiming... " PSYCHES "... !!!

By THIS I Mean People...
DON'T Want To Receive...
A Level of THINKING...
That's BEYOND... " TV "... !!!

Or... CHALLENGING Speech...
That's Artistically... FREE...
And Speaks... " REALITY "... !!!

UNLESS It's.. " Conceived "...
By Some... " Marketing Team "...
For Some... " CELEBRITY "...

Whose Life's...
FAR FROM............ " Average "...... !!!!!!!!

So What Does It Mean...
When People Now FOLLOW...
The Types Who... Achieve...

HIGH Levels of... " FAME "...
For NOT BEING... " Usain "... ?!!!?

Do You Get What i'm SAYING... ???

Contractually... " CHAINED "...
Like... Modern Day SLAVES... !!!

12 Years... AIN'T Enough...
To Average... My Pain... !!!!!

It's CLEAR The NEW Average...
Is SLAVING For... PAY... !!!!!!

As Well As Now PLAYING...

Or Running Some...
... Average Lines...
To Get... LAID... !!!!

These... " Average Babes "...
With Their... " Average Brains "...

Are FAR FROM..... The Average...
SEXUALLY... Nowadays... !!!!!

And Basically.... *****....
For Them To GET OFF... !?!?!

Now DON'T Get Me WRONG... !!!
But To ME That's NOT AVERAGE...

That's CRAZY And STRANGE... !!!?!!!

But That's Just MY VIEW...
I'm An... " Average Dude "...
When It Comes To *** Moves...

I DON'T NEED An *******...
To MAKE Me FEEL GOOD..... !!!!!!!!

My MEMBER Likes... " ***** "...
That's Average HARDS WOOD... !!!!!!!!

But These Days MOST *****...
Is... " Averagely Hooked "...
By Guys Who Are... "SLY"...

Or... Given To LOOK...
For... ANY OLD ****...
Who'll GIVE UP The Goods... !!!!!!!!!!

I Guess That's The END...
of This Poem That's COOKED...
A Whole LOT of... " Visions "...

From *** To BIG CROOKS...
To WINNERS Like... " Bolt "... !!!!!!

WHO... Having Won GOLD...
That HE Like The Verse...
That Comes From BIG VIRGE...

When It's WELL Observed... !!!

IS... WAY ABOVE..........

...... " Average "...... !!!!!!
It's not an awful thing, however, it's also, not a bad thing to aim high !!!
Arreonna Frost Apr 2016
She was just an average girl,
in an average world,
with an average family.

She went to an average school,
with average friends,
and had average grades.

She lived in a small average town,
with average stores,
and average neighbors.

She participated in average clubs,
competed in average sports,
and achieved average awards.

She had an average boyfriend,
with an average job,
and an average truck.

She participated in average services,
competed in average races,
and achieved average ribbons .

She lived in a small average community,
with average churches,
and average parks.

She went to an average library,
with average books,
and average computers.

She was just an average girl,
who wore an average smile,
while trying to averagely fit in.

You see…

She was… She went… She had…
She lived… She participated… She achieved…
She competed… She lived… She wore…

Her world was to average…
Arreonna Frost May 2016
She was just an average girl,
in an average world,
with an average family.

She went to an average school,
with average friends,
and had average grades.

She lived in an average town,
with average stores,
and average neighbors.

She participated in average clubs,
competed in average sports,
and achieved average rewards.

She had an average boyfriend,
with an average job,
and an average truck.

She participated in average services,
competed in average races,
and achieved average ribbons.

She lived in an average community,
with average churches,
and average parks.

She went to an average library,
with average books,
and average computers.

She was just an average girl,
who wore an average smile,
while trying to averagely fit in.

You see-

She was - She went - She had -
She lived - She participated - She wore -
She achieved - She lived - She competed -

Her world was too average-
Alexandra Jun 2014
Excuses? I've got tons of them. I have an average GPA, an average GRE score, and an average g . Yet I'll spend hours with a friend listening to her problems with her boyfriends alcoholic dad, or the roommate who's mom had cancer, or ill spend hours grocery shopping with a person I rarely get to see but that time means more to me than any amount of time spent with my nose in a book. Average ? Sure that's average- spending life doing what you love with the people you love. That's average. Or that's my excuse not to study. Ill let you be the judge. Ill spend hours on a Saturday driving home to pick up two cousins that have cracked out parents just to buy them rain boots for school. Average rain boots on an average Saturday. Another excuse not to study or have my nose in a book. Or the two internships and 2 jobs I hold because I find it more interesting to know people through their mannerisms and the nervous habits they pick up when they know they have a busy day ahead. You know the scrunch in their nose when they get an anxious feeling?Or the slight tap their right foot makes to distract rhemselves from their busy thoughts as they make coffee at 8 AM. No book nor research paper can show me that. Or maybe that's my excuse not to study. My average excuse not to study. You've never witnessed that? too busy with life right ? excuaes. Or what about the afternoons I come home with the honest intent to get ahead outlining my notes but my sister calls to explain her distraught news of troubles with paying bills and finding a job. Again the outline becomes less important. But maybe that's my excuse. I'll always have an excuse, but I always get the work done. As long as your okay with it being average.  My grades, my score, my g maybe average. But the life I devote to others is anything but. And so if my excuse of being average and okay with that is just an excuse than so be it. But at 21 I understand that relationships and people can not be average. My scores can be average, but no impact or influence can ever be average. If that's the job I want, than I'm not sure how could ever be denied for being average. Yet maybe this is just my excuse, my excuse to work harder alongside people than any statistic or fact combined. Average excuses ? I'm full of them. But people are what I'm good at, it's people that bring me above average. All excuses aside, when it comes to people I've never had an excuse to drop everything. And so I always drop everything. For the people.
Marlow Mar 2017
The endless nights where you and your friends spend hours talking are above average.
People pass you by on the street, but the one stranger to compliment you is above average.
The feeling of accomplishing something is above average.
Your life is above average.
Don't treat yourself as if you were an average joe because I promise you your not.
There is greatness in this world that you have yet to achieve and find, don't label yourself as average when you have not reached your full potential.
When all has failed you still have yourself.
You are the most important person in your life, if you haven't realized that then I hope you do some day.
Sometimes you may hate yourself and that's an average feeling, but that is not all of you.
You write the thought prescriptions for your brain, that's average but what you make out of it isn't.
The way you smile and laugh at weird things that you like isn't average, it's you.
You're, you.
Even if you still believe that you are the average joe or if you want to be the average joe, you may never achieve it.
You are unique.
A minuscule part of you is average,
that doesn't make all of you that way...
This was a challenge my therapist brought forth to me and this is me accomplishing it
zebra Sep 2021
The countries with the largest ***** ***** length are:
Ecuador - 17.61 cm (6.93 inches)
Cameroon - 16.67 cm (6.56 inches)
Bolivia - 16.51 cm (6.5 inches)
Sudan - 16.47 cm (6.48 inches)
Haiti - 16.01 cm (6.3 inches)
Senegal - 15.89 cm (6.26 inches)
Gambia - 15.88 cm (6.25 inches)
Netherlands - 15.87 cm (6.25 inches)
Cuba - 15.87 cm (6.25 inches)
Zambia - 15.78 cm (6.21 inches)

The countries with the smallest ***** ***** length are:
Cambodia - 10.04 cm (3.95 inches)
Burma - 10.70 cm (4.21 inches)
Taiwan - 10.78 cm (4.24 inches)
Philippines - 10.85 cm (4.27 inches)
Sri Lanka - 10.89 cm (4.29 inches)
Hong Kong - 11.19 cm (4.41 inches)
Bangladesh - 11.20 cm (4.41 inches)
Thailand - 11.45 cm (4.51 inches)
Vietnam - 11.47 cm (4.52 inches)
Malaysia - 11.49 cm (4.52 inches)
Scientists claim that the size of the ***** does not matter, as long as the job gets done. But those scientists are probably Cambodian. If you liked my last list of the top 10 countries with the biggest *****’s, then you’ll love the list of the top 10 countries with the smallest *****’s. SO bring out the magnifying glass and tweezers, and let’s have ourselves a closer look.
Top 10 Countries With The Smallest penîses In The World or unhung hero's 

10. Japan
Researchers found out that the birthrate in Japan is so low, that adult diapers are sold more than baby diapers. The Japanese are packing a whopping 4.30 inches of sausage, I guess, if you can’t reach, you can’t reach, Sashimi anyone?

9. Sri Lankan men very well represent the size of their tiny little country., and their tiny little rooster. With an average size of 4.30 inches.

8. China
We have reason to believe that the Chinese were gifted with a clever mind, and cursed with a small *****, with an average ***** size of 4.29 inches, now we know why Bruce Lee was always so mad.

7. Philippines
Manny Pacquiao has been under the suspicion of using steroids over the years, and if that’s true, then his **** could very well be inverted by now. Cause the Philippines has an average size of 4.21 inches, now that’s a pretty small **** Pac man.

6. Taiwan
Taiwan’s home of lady boys and Alexander ****. But they need some more pay weight gee (Peh-oe-ji) in their pants with a ridiculous average ***** size of 4.20 inches. Women of Taiwan, I feel for you, but it’s okay, just book a ticket to congo.

5. Myanmar
As beautiful as it is, Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, is famous for their two kind of nuts. Betel nuts, and their little hanging nuts, with an average size of 4.19 inches.

4. India
The country who proudly shared its Yoga spirituality **** to the world, never shared the fact that Indian Men have a teensy weensy dickie, with an average size of 4.03 inches. Well we now know the truth. Namaste!

3. Thailand
home to the world’s largest gold Buddha, the largest crocodile farm, the largest restaurant, the longest suspension bridge, and the tallest hotel, I guess they’re trying to compensate for their national average of 4 inches in the ***** department.

2. Cambodia
50 % of the Cambodian population is under the age of 15. No wonder the average ***** size of Cambodian Men is just 3.95 inches. I’m surprised that Neverland ranch wasn’t built there. #RIP the King of *****

1. South Korea
You may have heard their fantastic K-pop, and you may be impressed with their Economical, financial and Military Growth, but I guarantee that you will never see South Korea the Same way ever again, as they hold the record for the nation with the smallest *****, with an average size of 3.8 inches of pure imagination, and you know North Korea can’t be much better, maybe that’s why they’re so secretive.

Hi Doctor.
I was wondering about the depth of the ******. I've read statistics that say that the average ****** is only 3 to 4 inches deep. This seems way too small to me, since the average ***** is considerably longer than that. Wouldn't that mean that most penises would crash into the ****** repeatedly during *******? Since this obviously doesn't happen, my question is this: does the ****** actually elongate during ******* to accommodate the entire length of the average *****?

Dear Ashley
Your ***** can be amazingly elastic and accommodating,
and if you're brave enough no matter how big, anything can be a *****.
Christine O’Bam Slam, MD
Documentary Poetics
martin  May 2016
Mr Average
martin May 2016
He bought his house at an average price
And lives there with his average wife
In his average car with average miles
He ferries around his average child

He'll be the first to admit
His labrador is average thick
In an average job he's kind of stuck
He used to smoke and then he gave up

His average cat has an average tail
Through his door flies average mail
Occasionally he does aspire
To something grander, something higher

But average suits him quite alright
In fact it's really rather nice
I saw a TV programme about a racehorse that won everything. When it died they measured its organs and bones and found nothing exceptional. All measurements were absolutely average. So average is good!
Average hair
Average weight
Average height
Average eyes
Not special, no, not quite.
I am that kid who tries but isnt noticed
I work hard until I can't keep going
But faliure always finds me
Like a mindless machine I fall back
Back where I started
It's funny how I pray to be ill
to for once be different than them
Even though it could **** me.
I starve and I pray,
But is it really okay?
To live this way? Trapped in my mind
At me probably.
I am satisfied with the mirror
then temptation breaks me
And I'm back where I started
I dyed my hair pink
All I get is glares.
I want to be special but not like this
Even if it means I won't be happy
I'll do anything to no longer be
Too tall to be cute
Too short to model
I've gotten no where at all,
The more I try the more I fail.
I will always be
Average hair
Average height
Average weight
I want to not be able to remember the last time I ate.
They think I hate them
bit it's myself I despise
This smile is my disguise
I just want to be
I didn't know how to portray this but I tried I guess.

— The End —