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Najwa Kareem May 2018
In Allah’s eyes, you are special…each and every one of us.
In Allah’s eyes, there could be a blessing waiting for you.
In Allah’s eyes, you have a shimmering heart.
In Allah’s eyes, your hands mirror His.
In Allah’s eyes, the chance to do the impossible is every day.
In Allah’s eyes, there is no one better than you except the one better in character.
In Allah’s eyes, you’ve given it your all.
In Allah’s eyes, He’s giving you everything you need.
In Allah’s eyes, your walls are transparent.
In Allah’s eyes, your affections reach many.
In Allah’s eyes, you’re the only one who stands in the way.
In Allah’s eyes, your Salam means more than peace.
In Allah’s eyes, your mistakes are no secret and His love is still there.
In Allah’s eyes, truth is all we know.
In Allah’s eyes, we have an infinite number of beginnings.
In Allah’s eyes, you are everywhere He can see.
In Allah’s eyes, you doubt how close you are to Him.
In Allah’s eyes, you are gracious and kind.
In Allah’s eyes, you’re doing right with His special favor.
In Allah’s eyes, there’s only one constant in your life.
In Allah’s eyes, your face shines bright.

By Najwa Kareem
Today May 16th is the first day of Ramadan 2018.

Ramadan Mubarak/Happy Ramadan!!

O ye people! adore your Guardian-Lord, who created you and those who came before you, that ye may have the chance to learn righteousness. (The Holy Quran Sura/Chapter Baqara, Ayat /Verse 21)

This adoring of Allah and having the chance or the opportunity or the means to learn what is right goes hand and hand. Having an opportunity to learn what is right is dependent upon or is contingent on this adoration of Allah or this adoring of Allah. And still then this learning of righteousness is not guaranteed because Allah says...that yea may have the chance.... This is another example of where everything or the outcome of anything is dependent upon or contingent on Allah's mercy.

Hopefully we can work very hard and focus our attention this month of Ramadan on adoring Allah as much as we can so that we may become righteous, so that we may become virtuous; So that in Allah's eyes we are seen and known as righteous and virtuous individuals. In the end, this is what it will all come down to.

very strong love or worship for someone.
Adoration is a feeling of great admiration and love for someone or something.
a worshiping or paying homage, as to a divinity.
great love, devotion, and respect.
the act of paying honor to a divine being; worship.
reverent homage.
fervent and devoted love.

This poem was originally published here:

Then I wrote: “I am inspired to submit this poem to your website for publishing in celebration of Ramadan, a month of fasting for Muslims. The first day for 2016 began last Monday. God consciousness or being aware of God’s power presence or nearness to us is the main goal of Ramadan. My poem aims to inspire in us the reality that Allah or God is ever and joyfully present in our lives”.
Bintun Nahl 1453 Mar 2015
Mungkin suamimu tak pandai berkata apalagi merayu dengan romantisme karya sastra...
Tapi mungkin dengan cara itulah Allah menjaga lisannya...
Menjauhkannya dari fitnah dunia yang tak halal baginya...

Mungkin suamimu tak pandai berkata..
Tapi heningnya menahan kita banyak bicara..
Memutus rantai kalimat sanggahan yang lahirkan perkara..
Sehingga keseimbangan suasana lebih terjaga..

Andai saja Allah ciptakan sebaliknya, mungkin rumahmu bagai arena tarung laga
Ah.... itulah mengapa Allah menikahkanmu dengannya

Mungkin istrimu tak berparas mempesona
Apalagi secantik selebritis di warta berita..
Tapi mungkin lisannya selalu berucap kata mutiara yang terpancar dari jiwa yang terjaga...

Andai saja Allah menciptakan sebaliknya
Mungkin hatimu tak tenang saat jauh darinya
Ah..... itulah mengapa Allah menikahkanmu dengannya

Mungkin suamimu bukanlah saudagar kaya yang membawa pulang limpahan laba hasil usaha...
Namun meskipun besarannya begitu sederhana...
Mungkin ia selalu menjaga kehalalan apa yang dibawa..

Mungkin suamimu bukanlah pejabat yang bertahta, yang dihormati dan dipuja bawahannya
Tapi mungkin dibalik kedudukannya yang biasa, ia mampu menjadi imam bagi keluarga

Andai saja Allah menciptakan sebaliknya,
Mungkin belum tentu ia miliki derajat takwa
Ah..... itulah mengapa Allah menikahkanmu dengannya

Mungkin istrimu bukanlah koki istimewa yang masakannya selezat pujasera...
Tapi mungkin ia pandai mendidik buah hatinya, memahat pribadi yang berkarater mulia.

Mungkin istrimu bukanlah koki istimewa,
Yang terkadang masakannya itu-itu saja
Tapi mungkin ia pandai mengatur alokasi harta, sehingga pemberianmu tak terhambur percuma

Andai saja Allah menciptakan sebaliknya
Mungkin kecintaanmu akan terlalu berlebih padanya...
Melebihi cintamu pada Allah sang pemberi karunia..
Ah.... itulah mengapa Allah menikahkanmu dengannya...

Mungkin suamimu tak pandai terlibat merawat anaknya...
Sehingga terlihat kau melakukan semuanya
Tapi mungkin ia sabar membantumu... meringankan pekerjaan rumah tangga..
Sehingga semua terlaksana dengan kerja sama..

Mungkin suamimu tak pandai terlibat merawat anaknya...
Sehingga terlihat minim perannya dalam keluarga...
Tapi mungkin ia sangat keras bekerja
Sehingga nafkah telah cukup terpenuhi lewat dirinya...

Andai saja Allah menciptakan sebaliknya
Mungkin banyak para gadis menanti dipinang menjadi yang kedua
Jika suamimu terlalu sempurna...
Aaa.... itulah mengapa Allah menikahkanmu dengannya...

Mungkin istrimu tak mahir dalam mengurus rumah tangga..
Tak mampu menyulap rumah menjadi rapi tertata...
Tapi mungkin ia begitu cerdas menguasai matematika...
Sehingga anak yang cerdas dalam eksakta terlahir dari rahimnya karena genetika...

Mungkin istrimu tak mahir dalam mengurus rumah tangga..
Menambah sedikit tugasmu dalam membantunya bekerja..
Tapi mungkin ia begitu taat dalam beragama..
Membimbing anak-anak dalam kerangka syariat agama...
Sehingga meringankan kewajibanmu dalam membimbing keluarga

Andai saja Allah menciptakan sebaliknya
Mungkin engkau merasa tugasmu telah tertunai sempurna..
Cukup sekedar menyempurnakan nafkah keluarga
Aaa..... itulah mengapa Allah menikahkanmu dengannya

Selalu ada kebaikan dalam setiap ketetapan Allah Sang Sutradara
Maka temukanlah sebanyak-banyaknya rahasia dibaliknya..
Agar engkau mengerti mengapa Allah menikahkanmu dengannya...

Jikalau engkau masih sulit menemukan jawabannya...
Gantilah kaca matamu dengan kacamata syukur atas segala karunia...

Adalah hakmu jika engkau berharap Khadijahmu menjadi lebih sempurna...
Asalkan kau siap membimbingnya dengan menjadi Muhammad baginya.


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MdAsadullah Dec 2014
Allah was his ears
As sounds unlawful, unethical it never heard.
Secrets, gossips and rumours were also barred.
It buzzed with words of Quran day and night
Always Open to sounds just and upright.

Allah was his eyes
As it looked parents, orphans and needy with love
Brimmed with tears thinking of Almighty above
It never despised his brother and from lust it was freed.
Gold and silver had no worth and had no signs of greed.

Allah was his hands
As it stopped things reprehensible with force
In Allah's cause spent abundantly his resource
It caressed the head of an orphan in affection.
Time and again meekly raised it in supplication.

Allah was his feet
As it never moved towards things which Allah hate
Avoided walking arrogantly with a strutting gait
It always ran to help downtrodden, oppressed.
For knowledge for light it was on constant quest.

He had mountains of obligatory good deeds
He had mountains of non-obligatory good deeds
His protector was Allah The Almighty
His enemy was enemy of Allah The Almighty
He was beloved of Allah
He was friend of Allah
He was Wali of Allah
He was Waliullah.
Shanel Jones Aug 2015
This is love. And do there are some who spend their whole lives seeking. Sometimes giving, sometimes taking. Sometimes chasing. But often, just waiting. They believe that love is a place that you get to: a destination at the end of a long road. And they can't wait for that road to end at their destination. They are those hats moved by the movement of hearts. Those girls romantics, the sucker for a love story, or any sincere expression of true devotion. For them, the search is almost a lifelong obsession of sorts. But, this tragic quest can have its costs and its gifts.
The path of expectations and the falling in love with love is a painful one, but it can bring its own lessons. Lessons about the nature of live, this world people and one's own heart can pave this often painful path. Most of all, this path can bring its own lessons about the Creator of love. Those who take this route well often reach the knowledge that the human live they seek was not the destination. Some form of that human love, can be a gift. It can be a means. But the moment you make it the end, you will fall. And you will live your whole life with the wrong focus. You will become willing to sacrifice the goal for the sake of the means. You will give your life to reaching a destination of weirdly perfection that fits not exist.
And the one who runs after a mirage, never gets there, but it  keeps running. And so to will you keep running, and be willing to lose sleep, cry, bleed and sacrifice previous posts of yourself at times, even your own dignity. But you'll never reach what you're liking for in this life, because what you seek isn't a worldly destination. The type of perfection you seek cannot be found in the material world. It can only be found in Allah.
That image of human love that you seek is an illusion in the desert of life. So if that is what you seek, keep chasing. But no matter how close you get to a mirage, you never touch it. You don't item an image. You can't hold a creation of your own mind.
Yet you will give your whole life still to reach this place. You do this because in the fairy tale, that's where the story ends. It ends at the finding, the joining, the wedding. It is found at the oneness of two souls. And everyone around you will make you think that your path ends there, at the place where you meet your soul mate, your other half at a point in the path where you get married. Then and only then, they tell you, will you ever finally be complete. This, off course is a lie because completion cannot be found in anything other than Allah.
But the lesson you've been tight stint the time you were little, from every story, every movie, every ad, every well meaning auntie, is that you aren't complete otherwise. And if Allah forbid you are one of the outcast who haven't gotten matured, or have been divorced, you are considered deficient or incomplete in some way.
The lesson you're taught us that the story ends at the wedding, and then that's when paradise begins. That's when you'll be saved and completed and everything that was once broken well be fixed. The only problem is, that's not where the story ends. That's where it begins. That's where the building starts: the building of a life, the building of your characters, the building is sabar, patience, perseverance, and sacrifice. The building of selflessness. The building of love.
And your building of your path back to Him.
But if the person you marry become the ultimate focus in life, your struggle has just begun. Now your spouse Will become your greatest test. Until you remove that person from the place in your heart that only Allah should be, it will hero hurting. Ironically, your spouse Will become the tool for this painful extraction prices, until you learn that there are places in the human heart made only by and for Allah.
Among the other lessons you may learn along this path after a long road of loss, gain, failure, success and so many mistakes. There are two types of love. There will be some people you love because of what you get from then. What they give you, the way they make you feel. This is perhaps the majority of live which is also what makes much of love so unstable. A person capacity to give is inconstant and changing. Your response to what you are given to what you are given its also inconstant and changing. So if if your chasing a feeling, you'll always be chasing. And just like everything in this world the more yo chat the more it will run away from you.
But once in awhile, people enter your life that you love, but for what they find you but for what they are. The beauty you see in them is a reflection of the Creator, so you love them. Now surly it isn't about what you're getting, but rather what you give. This is unselfish love. This second kind of love is most rare. And if it if based in, and not competing with, the love of Allah, it will also bring about the most joy. To live in any other way I'd to need, to be dependent, to have expectations all the ingredients for misery and disappointment.
So for all those, who have spent their life seeking know that purity ash anything I'd found at the Source. If it is love that you seek, seek it through Allah first. Every other stream, not based in His love, poisons the one who drinks from it. And the summer week continue to drink, until the poison all but kills him. He will continue to die more and more inside, until he stood and finds the pure Source of water.
One you begin to Sr evening beautiful as only a reflection of Allah's beauty, you will learn to live in the right way, fit his sake. Everything and everyone you love will be for, through and because of him. The foundation of such love is Allah. So what you hold onto will no longer be just an unstable feeling, a fleeting emotion. And what you chase well no longer be just a temporary high. What you hold, what you chase, what you love, will be Allah, the only thing stable and constant. Thereafter everything else will be through him. Everything you give or take or love our don't love will be by Him. Not by you. It will be for Him. Not for you.
This means you will love what he lives and not love what He does not love. And when you do love, you will give the crayon not for what you can get in return from them. You will live and you will give, but you will be sufficed from Him. And the one who is sufficed by Allah is the richest and generous of all lovers. Your love will be by Him, for Him, and because of Him. That is the liberation of the self from servitude to any created thing. And that is freedom. That is happiness. That is building together. That is indeed love.
Bintun Nahl 1453 Mar 2015
3 Maret 1924..
Tak banyak уαηg tahu αρα уαηg telah terjadi ∂ι hari itu | dahsyatnya makar & kemunduran umat telah melupakan peristiwa detik2 hancurnya institusi daulah Khilafah sang pemersatu
Hingga derita mendera bertubi silih berganti menimpa muslim ∂ι segala penjuru | teraniaya,terhina,tercabik,tertindas,tersakiti,terjajah,menangis tersedu
Umat уαηg satu tak lagi menyatu | terpecah tersekat oleh nation state buatan sekutu | bak anak ayam kehilangan induk terancam hidupnya sewaktu-waktu
Begitulah wajah muslim hari ini | ketika tiada lagi institusi уαηg melindungi | problematika terjadi tiada henti
Hari ini | tepat 91 tahun umat Islam hidup tanpa institusi Khilafah | saatnya melawan lupa & bergerak mewujudkannya
Khilafah janji Allah tersampaikan melalui lisan mulia Rasulullah SAW | walau banyak уαηg beranggapan utopis kembali mewujudkannya | yakinlah tiada janji уαηg pernah ingkar kecuali janjiNya
Nabi saw bersabda,
"Akan datang kepada kalian masa kenabian,& atas kehendak Allah masa itu akan datang.Kemudian,Allah akan menghapusnya,jika Ia berkehendak menghapusnya.
Setelah itu,akan datang masa Kekhilafahan ‘ala Minhaaj al-Nubuwwah;& atas kehendak Allah masa itu akan datang.Lalu,Allah menghapusnya jika Ia berkehendak menghapusnya.
Setelah itu,akan datang kepada kalian,masa raja menggigit (raja yang dzalim),& atas kehendak Allah masa itu akan datang.Lalu,Allah menghapusnya,jika Ia berkehendak menghapusnya.
Setelah itu,akan datang masa raja dictator (pemaksa);& atas kehendak Allah masa itu akan datang; lalu Allah akan menghapusnya jika berkehendak menghapusnya.
Kemudian,datanglah masa Khilafah ‘ala Minhaaj al-Nubuwwah (Khilafah yang berjalan di atas kenabian). Setelah itu, beliau diam".
[HR. Imam Ahmad ]
Telah tiba saatnya satukan langkah satukan perjuangan,
Menyongsong kembali janji Allah Sang Penggegam Kehidupan,
Tegaknya kembali Daulah Khilafah ∂ι atas jalan kenabian..
Takbir !!
Allahuakbar !
Sharina Saad Apr 2014
When things are down
And you are out of your mind
Remember just remember
Allah is The Kind.

When your life is in darkness
And nothing is right
Remember just remember
Through the darkness,
Allah is The Light.

When nothing makes sense
And your heading for demise
Remember just remember
It doesn't make sense,
but Allah is The Wise.

When times are troubled
And no one seems to care
Remember just remember
Allah won't hurt you,
He is The Fair.

When your heart is breaking
And your pain makes you fall
Remember just remember
Allah Sees it all.

When you are weak
And the road seems long
Remember just remember
Seek strength from The Strong.

When life is a burden
And everything is unstable
Remember just remember
Allah is The Able.

When the way is cloudy
And there is no one by your side
Remember just remember
Allah is The Only Guide.

When no one wants to listen
Or is willing to lend an ear
Remember just remember
Allah is always ready to hear.

When you are poor and penniless
And you are stuck in a niche
Remember just remember
Allah is The Rich.

When you are down in your misery
And there is nowhere to run
Remember just remember
You can always run to The One.

And when your scars are hurting
And your heart is in fear
Remember just remember
Allah is really here.

— The End —