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David P Carroll Dec 2023
It's Kwanzaa day
So let's all be happy today

And we'll stop and pray to
To our loved ones today

And all I want for Kwanzaa day is for you all to be safe and truly loved
On this special day

And we'll
Hold hands tight brothers and sisters
It’s time for us to unite

And we'll celebrate Kwanzaa day and
We are all grateful to our ancestors for teaching us about the true
And special meaning of
Kwanzaa day.
Kwanzaa day.
Essa Freedom Dec 2015
December is a time when most people celebrating
Whether it be Christmas
Or whatever it is you celebrate
For me it's a cruel reminder of what January brought
A warning I ignored until it was all too late
We spent everyday together all month long
But after December passed and January came....
I got a call and that was that
Death took him away
On that cold January fifth
Three years ago
ConnectHook Dec 2020
Dr. Ron, a Maulana appointed
was an Afrikan king (self-anointed).
While his roots went un-vetted
his followers fêted . . .
But Kwanzaa was somewhat disjointed.
I’m dreaming of a black Kwanzaa . . .
Let Ron Karenga show you how.
Where the kente’s shining, there’s Afro-whining,
and ghetto thugs quote Chairman Mao.

I’m dreaming of a black Kwanzaa
with each Swahili word I lack;
may your ethno-hubris never slack
and may all your Kwanzaa fruits be black…
Jon Shierling Dec 2016
I wish you all Happy Holidays, a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Festivus, Yule etc. Whichever tradition you follow, the heart of the celebration is the same. It's about rebirth (among the other good things like family and compassion and healing), the mystery of new things by some miracle born of old. We're told that we are supposed to be happy, that to not be cheerful this day is miserly and selfish, it's implied that if we aren't feeling perfect then we should fake it for people, that we should fake happiness so our loved ones can be genuinely happy by not seeing our sadness. But this is a hard, sad time for many of us, no matter how hard we try to be hopeful. I wish that I could really believe, rather than just hope, that the old world, the world of xenophobia and hatred, so many acts of violence and horror that I can't even keep track of them all...I wish that I could be sure that the world is being renewed by a higher power. In the face of so much, it may seem that you're just a small person, in a small place, with small problems and small gifts and a small heart, and this whole thing is a worthless gesture. Well, it isn't...this isn't just an accident, we're not just flotsam in a nameless, faceless mass of humanity with no real purpose and no value. Everything matters, and every day we have a chance to make a difference, every day we are given opportunities to be a part of miracles. All of us have the power to reach out and touch another person, to give hope instead of taking it away. There really is a better world out there, and every positive act, every genuine smile, every gentle word and every courageous stand against hatred brings us closer. And finally, a Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night, and if I wake up tomorrow to find that all my appliances have come to life and burst into song and a gaggle of short bearded guys expecting food and talking about some kind of stolen gold and dragons and crap, I may just have to start taking things a little more seriously ;)
Willard Wells Dec 2015
I have nothing to wish
for Christmas cheer
as the world is in tears.

The only thing I will ask
and wish for you and for me
is peace around the world.

For all humanity.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Winter Solstice, ***-hi Day ,Hanukkah , d al-Adha , Kwanzaa.

I am sure I have missed some cultural, ethnic and religious celebrations at this time of year. But the idea I want to express and project is we are all humans no matter what and I wish you all the best and peace and happiness in your present and or future life.

God Bless and Peace Out.
NeroameeAlucard Dec 2014
First I'd like to say Merry Christmas
Happy Hannukah, And Kwanzaa, and happy New year, this time I wanna do something different
Or, if you will, present a twistmas to the happy holiday of Christmas.

See, I'm from the isle of misfit toys
yes it's real, I wouldn't lie Girls and boys
So this year on this holiday
all the misfits like us should be praised instead of betrayed today

So give to those people out in the streets
beside the beleaguered believers of the salvation army
to those people outside just looking for change
give to them too. time, money, whatever you can spare on the brain

And to the quiet kid in school who has trouble at home
invite them over for dinner, don't make them feel alone

This is Christmas, the happiest time of the year
but I'd like to present a twistmas, so that all are held dear.
Happy holidays everyone! I'll be thought provoking, funny, doubtful and poetic after New year's, I promise!
Grey  Dec 2019
All I Want
Grey Dec 2019
All I want for Hanukkah is
for you to be happy.

All I want for Christmas is
for you to be loved.

All I want for Kwanzaa is
for you to be safe.

All I want for New Years is
for you to promise me
that you won't give up this year.
Happy Holidays :)

— The End —