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Sean Hunt Dec 2018
Today another body-bit
bit the dust
twenty-four more teeth
will join this tooth
one day
when that’s the end of this

Bits of body bits of mind
things we see but cannot find

They laid me down
stared inside
my open mouth
and took away
my old tooth
and my pain
Now I know
I’ll never be the same

Bits of body bits of mind
things we see but cannot find
Sean Hunt Dec 2015
We are wondering what boredom is
Sitting 'round a table
As our days are caving in
Contemplating with our consciences
Our litanies of sins
As our bodies and our minds
Defy our wishes and our whims
We are dug into the trenches
And we are not giving in
Leonard Cohen once sang in a song
And I repeat:
We are staring in the face of our
“Invincible defeat”

Incisions in our eyes
So we can see
People all around us
Through the mist and the fog
God Bless the NHS
As they investigate the mess
And tell us what we know
That our time is ticking on
And soon we'll have to go
Boredom's for the young
For those whose songs
Are not yet sung
In desperation they fill up
Every moment with some fun

Sean Hunt  
Windermere  Sept 2015
Sean Hunt Mar 2017
Make space  
Inside your mind  
Find a place
To unwind
Some air
See the stillness
When you stare
At the space
In there

    Sean Hunt   March 2017
Sean Hunt Aug 2016
Once In a while
Beautiful verse
To the surface
Commentary on 'Dailies'
Sean Hunt Dec 2015
May we all burst like bubbles
And begin to share the air
Bubbles don't last forever
One day we'll all be free
How can it be when I look for me
There's no one to see
How can it be, when I look for me
There's no one to see, how can it be

If I look in here, or I look out there
I can't find me, anywhere
My head's not me, my leg's not me
Where can I be?
My brain is not, the me that I see
Where can I be

I see me all the time it seems
During night-time dreams
And when the sun is shining
How can it be, when I look for me
There's no one to see, how can it be

Subtle mind swimming 'round
A dream-like sea of reality
I need to know that every thing
Including me, is illusory

Sean Hunt  
2015  Windermere
Sean Hunt Feb 2020
Wire and nails and pipes
and much other builder stuff
cluttering this place
Sean Hunt Aug 2019
Many people have the back
of Boris the blind buffoon

I wonder why

Some people like to spread their bread
and bite into their Marmite

I wonder why

He thinks he is an orator
and we’re all still at war

I wonder why

Overweight with a waddle
Winston is his role model

I wonder why

Lurching in Churchill’s shadow
They’re both destined for the gallows

I wonder why

He’s messing all the while
with Cromwellian consequences on the emerald isle

I wonder why
Sean Hunt Aug 2017
All those years
I could hear
but only with my ears

The years went by
and I could see
but only with my eyes

I could find
so many things
but only with my mind

Psychedelic eyes
saw it all
not seeing through the lies

The burned out basement
where I lived
floated into space
Sean Hunt Feb 2019
But when my curtain
comes down
will you still be around
Will you stay
on the floor
hands clapping
asking for
an encore
Sean Hunt Dec 2015
The great Taoist master Chuang Tzu once dreamt that he was a butterfly fluttering here and there. In the dream he had no awareness of his individuality as a person. He was only a butterfly. Suddenly, he awoke and found himself laying there, a person once again. But then he thought to himself, "Was I before a man who dreamt about being a butterfly, or am I now a butterfly who dreams about being a man?"
Sean Hunt Jan 2016
Most of  the time
We have no eyes to see
Nor ears to hear
The world
Surrounding us,
The cacophony

We are bullied
And bruised
By blinders
Unwittingly fitted
By our many minders

Watch out
For willow trees
Through the day
Sit under one
And break away

Sean Hunt
Windermere Jan 19 2016
This poem was a response (comment) to 'Willow' by Katie who had the 'Poem of The Day' Jan 19th 2016
Sean Hunt Dec 2016
My life is like a candle flame
About to die in the wind
Or like a spring snow fort
About to cave in
Some say we need to live as if
We may die today
I say for me it may be best  
I to think of hours left

Sean Hunt  Dec 19 2016
Sean Hunt Mar 2020
We think that things stay the same
but we are wrong
We think that the summer will somehow stay
but we are wrong
We always think we'll live another day
but we are wrong
We think that we will never age
but we are wrong
The code for the door didn't work today
Sean Hunt Dec 2019
In existential Christmas angst
we scramble ‘round
up and down hills
spilling into
rivers of remembrance
and regret
wishing for storms
and a blanketing
of bright light white snow
with a warm cold
just before the year returns
to where it came from-
the pseudo place
that no one knows
where every thing manifests
never resting
coming and going at the same time
locking us all
an ancient Christmas time rhyme
Sean Hunt Dec 2016
The black bird’s beak
Seemed busy
This Christmas morning
Like a guillotine
Lifting life from the ground
Like a knife dropping down
From the sky
Defining the last moment
On Earth
For a worm
Placing them in
The space between
Death and birth

Sean Hunt Christmas Day 2016
Sean Hunt Dec 2015
My daytime dream was dark
And  difficult
Little luck
Lots of struggling
Pervasive frustration
And a sense of subtle

Murky air,
At every turn
A dead end
Or a circlular
One-way bypass
For my desired destination

I was trying to arrange
To my best advantage.

Then I began to consider
My dream world friends
Instead of taking care of me
I started taking care of them

Those around me,
The other actors in my movie
What do they need?
What would they want

Because it was a dream
I could give them anything
Rearrange their world
Let their bells ring

And we all began to sing

Sean Hunt
Windermere Dec 24 2015
This poem is based on a true story about a siesta dream I just had this afternoon, 2:30pm U.K. time.  It can be viewed on Vimeo at:
Sean Hunt Dec 2018
It's Christmas time on earth
as we reveal
our astronomical ignorance
Poets discuss
the movements of the moon
rhymes and runes
where we are
what we see
and the direction
of our
Sean Hunt Mar 2019
We wonder what it is
that catches the eye
or captures the mind
as words go by
jumping off the page
with ease
like energetic fleas
or like a castle
appearing in the mist
We wonder what it is
Sean Hunt Jun 2019
Oceans are warmer
ice is melting
We hear warning after warning
about global warming
But I live in England
and I wish
the climate would change
a little more
Sean Hunt Feb 2022
They say the climate's changing?
I say "Of course!
It never stays the same
south or north"

One thing we should know-
Everything is coming
and going
in the same moment

Will there be a war?
someone said to me today
I said "Is there ever not a war?
Peace never stays,  not even for a day?"
Until we all fly away
Sean Hunt Aug 2019
I almost ate a wasp
last week
By the time
my sweet
reached my mouth
wasps were circling
all about
If I didn't check
before I bit
I would have regretted it
Sean Hunt Dec 2015
Some like rocket red
Or the sheen of bright green
I prefer pastels

Some like shocking pink
Others are mellowed by banana yellow
I prefer pastels

Navy blue for bigger boys
Or **** sportscar red
I prefer pastels

Forest green seduces some
Purple for my mum
I prefer pastels

Subdued, subtle, soft
I prefer pastels

But black is cool too

Sean Hunt
Feb 13th 2015
Sean Hunt Aug 2016
It's getting late
It doesn't take much time
To write
A line or two
Or three or four
Or maybe even more
You have it in you
All at hand
Ready for the 'Write'
Remember you can do this
Anytime day or night
You are a poetess, we know
It's not a secret now
You've proven many times
That you know how!
We miss your contributions to
Our world of verse
We all sing in a chorus now:
"Your absence is perverse!"
Once a pickle,
Your cucumber days
Are done!

Sean Hunt Dec 2019
The inevitable always happens
whether we are black or white
or living south or north
or if we play or fight

Seaweed swims the hemispheres
landing on all shores
throughout the year
from Iceland to the Azores

Sound is sometimes split in two
discriminated sounds are separated
for both the ears of me
and both the ears of you

They call this stereo
and it adds a little to the mix
Most of the time
it sounds just fine
Sean Hunt Dec 2016
Everywhere I see
Like you
Like me
Always on the move
Through infinite galaxies

From here to there
Breathing water
Breathing air
Crying Dying
Mistaken minds
Trying to find
A holy grail
Setting a sorry sail

Sean Hunt Windermere 2016
Sean Hunt Dec 2019
Out of the blue
I found the courage
to drink the wine
and I made a bee-line east
Sean Hunt Dec 2019
Courage (Haiku)

Bee on blue easel
Dark wind blowing from the east
Wine courage at feast
Sean Hunt Mar 2017
Do you ever wonder
Is there’s any thing to find
In the wide world
Outside your mind

The whys and the wherefores
The reasons and the rhyme
For dreams of the night
And the daytime

There is coming and there’s going
One day things will end
All the walls will fall
All the wounds will mend

There’s a space between every thing
A cushioning of air
Everything will be OK
If we stay in there

In the crevices and cracks
In all realities
We will find a deep
And everlasting peace

March 25 2017
Sean Hunt Dec 2015
Jeremy Corbyn has enraged
The invisible monster

The machine is spun;
By pieces of mouth
Manipulated by
Capitalistic global corporations,
Arms and petroleum merchants.

Surprise, surprise!!
It's time to climb
Up on the  cross
The global temple vendors,
Precisely placed politicians,
And media pharisees
Have been plotting
For Jeremy Jesus
I wonder who will wash their hands?

Merry Christmas!

Sean Hunt  
Windermere Xmas 2015
Corbyn is the outspoken labor leader in the UK.
Sean Hunt Jan 2022
What a curious climate
our culture is in!
We’re tormented and trapped
in a wi-fi web
Technologically dependent
utter loss of independence
Brown blackbird *******
about the state she’s in
as a box has dropped
and she can’t sing
caged in a conundrum
that has clipped her wings
no hope for a door to open up
Sean Hunt Nov 2016
When  east meets west
And  black meets white
When  bad meets best
And day meets  night

When Sad meets Giddy
Up is down
And everyone’s dizzy
Running around

Shock my culture,  do it  please
This one feels like an  old  disease
Had it so long,  it’s a  bore
I wish this culture  would  transform

I leave in winter
And land in summer
Where every body
Is a different color

My mouth is open
Eyes are wide
My face is saying
“I’m surprised”

Shock my culture,  do it  please
This one feels like an  old  disease
I’ve had it so long,  it’s a  bore
I wish this culture  would  transform

In another world
Here on earth
No border between
Death and Birth

Coordinates killed
Not sure where I am
And I’m feeling like
A liberated man

Shock my culture,  do it  please
This one feels like an  old  disease
Had it so long,  it’s a  bore
I wish this culture  would  transform
Sean Hunt Jan 2016
I'm so glad there's an ocean
Between you and me
Distance and dreams
Are all that can be

If you were next door
What there would be
Is the danger and drama
Of proximity

I tremble to think
Of the crevice and *****
On the slippery hills of
Love full of hope

Windermere, Jan 25 2016
Sean Hunt Dec 2017
From the ether-like home
of every thing
come ideas and plans
schemes and dreams
in the mind of man
Ephemeral origins
of war and peace
Tormented by
invisible causes
of things that are seen
by horrified eyes
The birthing on earth
of villains and heroes
saints and sinners
losers and winners
A circular journey
from death to birth
from here to hell
and back again
cursed and blessed
by amnesia
not knowing the game
Playing and losing
again and again
The same old refrain
Sean Hunt Dec 2018
From the ethereal home
of every thing
come ideas and plans
schemes and dreams
in the mind of man
Ephemeral origins
of war and peace
Tormented by
invisible causes
of things that are seen
by horrified eyes
The birthing on earth
of villains and heroes
saints and sinners
losers and winners
A circular journey
from death to birth
from here to hell
and back again
cursed and blessed
by amnesia
not knowing the game
Playing and losing
again and again
The same old refrain
Sean Hunt Jan 2016
I must have loved him before I was six
I think
I don't really remember
I do recall the middle years
Of icy hatred and tears
When shame was his game
And the narcissistic whine
Was mine

By the time he died
When I was sixty-three
Everything was fine
Between Dad and me

We are at peace now  

Sean Hunt  

Windermere April 2015
Sean Hunt Dec 2017
Day two
and there's still
a lingering scent of you
of your presence
You could come
every second day
and like a cat
rub your back
in my flat
Or tell me the name
of the perfume you wear
I could buy some
and sprinkle a little
here there
and everywhere
Sean Hunt May 2016
Dead leaves
Are gone
Life seems
It will go on

Summer has come
Time for fun
For some
But all things
That have begun
Will be

Sean Hunt  
Windermere  May 17th  2016
I noticed, today, the absence of dead leaves in my garden, for the first time in many months
Sean Hunt Dec 2015
Exits, Graceful, Ungraceful and Disgraceful

Death you dangerous guest
You definitely come
At a definitely unpredictable time
It is very rare for one
Who will depart with you
To have time
For small talk

The ambush man
Crouching down
Out of view
Suddenly surprises you,

But sometimes there's time
For small talk
Or a walk hand in hand
Time to brace one's self

Sometimes holy men make a graceful exit
A warm embrace, an ironic smile,
A denial to beguile
The phantom ephemeral beast

Death, I know
You are mere illusion
It's up to me if I see you as real,
In my confusion

Sean Hunt
Windermere  May 2015
Sean Hunt Jan 2020
The blood vessel burst
My good cool friend was soon dead
Enigma over
Sean Hunt Sep 2016
There may be something
You can do
About what is
Worrying you

Rehearse the moment
Every day
The moment when
Your world will drift away

And you will find
Your mind will be
Light and gay
On your death day

Now is the time
To say goodbye
There’s never, ever
A time to cry

sean  Sept 2016
Sean Hunt Aug 2019
I'll not procrastinate
I'll write today
about the theme
for the next day
I'll get ahead of the game
Idle avoidance
of imminence
makes no sense

While I'm standing here
with pen in hand
and relevance
in the present tense
having a sober mind
it's now decision time
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
Deep inside
There is a place,
Where I will find
My actual mind

It's in the middle of the riddle
Of life and death
A place I will know well
When I take my last breath

All I show
Is my overcoat
It's something like
A river crossing boat

This overcoat you see
Is what I wear, it's not me
I'll leave it behind
When the death bell chimes

Sean Hunt  2015  Windermere
Sean Hunt Jun 2017
The you that I see
depends on me
The world that I see
depends on me
The me that I see
depends on me
When my mind machine shuts down
the whole wide world
will stop spinning 'round
In this galaxy I thought I saw
a center-piece
The body that I thought I saw
was never really here
All that time
all the freak-outs and the fun
I seemed to be having
never really happened
I never came, I never went
and so I cannot stay
as this was never meant
I am sleepwalking
Though my dream seems real
Now I know the deal
and one day I will awake
with a wisdom that knows
without a doubt
that the world I am in
is like a dream that will end
and fade like a morning mist
like one of many kisses
like the day, like the night
like this verse I have recited

sean hunt  june 2017
Sean Hunt Jan 2016
When he changed
The water
Into wine
Did he imbibe?
Sean Hunt Jun 2019
They say

Your coca cola can
will disappear
in two hundred years

Your plastic shopping bag
will disappear
in a thousand years

Your cigarette ****
will disappear
in twelve years

Your chocolate milk carton
will disappear
in five years

Your new leather shoes
will disappear
forty years

Your glass bottle
of safe spring water
will disappear
in a million years

But how do they know?
Sean Hunt Sep 2016
What you see
One day
You'll be free
Sean Hunt Feb 2016
Diva Trees

Aloneness gives a tree
An opportunity
To stand out
From the scene

She enters nature's stage
Like a many-armed diva
Receiving flowers
And much applause

She is painted and pictured
By people
As  her rings grow
Ever so slowly

Basking in her own glow
Of specialness
With no pretenders in sight
To steal her light

Her water transfused
From veins
Down below
Only for her, they flow

She says:
“I am here
And I will not be ignored
So feast your eyes
“Then feast some more”

Sean Hunt  Windermere  Feb 21 2016
Harriet and Rob Fraser   are involved in a joint project called ‘The Long View’.  One part of this endeavor involves these photographs of trees in the Lakes District.  Harriet offered the images as a source for poetic inspiration and this poem manifested for me, DivaTrees.
Sean Hunt Dec 2015
Do We Know Peace

We know war?
Do we know peace?
Most of us only know war
From news and TV
From movies
Far removed from
But do we know peace?

Peace is an absence of war
Peace is also an absence of
An absence of
Uncontrolled desire,
An absence of
Intense emotion,
An absence of grasping
At things,
And people,
And ideas,
And theories,
And countries,
And football teams

Sean Hunt
2015 Windermere
Sean Hunt Mar 2016
I can kiss your cave
Like no one else can do
The stone rolls away
You want me
To come through
Invitation urgent
No negotiation
Unspoken yet insistent
Of this I am sure
Your 'yes' means 'yes'
You are not demure
You guide my every step
Without a single word
You show the way in

Sean Hunt
Windermere March 5th 2016
I awoke with this highly unusual and exquisitely detailed dream.  I have been happily single for two years with my archive full of most satisfying journals that I have never needed to actually revisit, because I just knew they were there and any time spent going over the experiences would be a type of unnecessary self-torture.  I doubt they could be improved upon.  But recently I have begun to have new dream experiences that rival and even exceed the bliss of the archives.  I don't know what this means;  I suspect it is important but I am not sure how or why yet.  Perhaps someone is in the wings?  Perhaps some seductive spirit nymphs are playing with me?  Regardless, I enjoyed this dream very much and there were NO complications!  A few poems have manifested from these dream experiences.  Here is this morning's.  I really did enjoy this 'visitation' :)  The poem is succinct;  I don't have the time to provide a detailed one, I have a busy day.  So this is a 'quickie' poem :)
Sean Hunt Jan 2016
Dream Of Yesterday    

How is your dream of  yesterday
Is it running away with you again?                                
Are you dropping the reins, drifting away,
How is your dream of yesterday?

Are you remembering dreams of another day
Trying so hard to rewrite the play
Reading reviews of yesterday's news
How is your dream of yesterday?  

Are you chasing the shadows in your show  
First they come and then they go      
Watching them all night and day
Believing what they say  

Where were you when she went away
Do you remember your dream that  day?
You didn't know her shadow would go
It walked right out of your show  

Sean Hunt   2016
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