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 Mar 2020 savarez
you said,
    "love is war,
      i am your soldier".

i'm in pain,
     yet you never came.

you held my hand,
     and there's no spark;
     you pulled me close,
     but then you fall.
 Mar 2020 savarez
Chuck Kean
My Mistress

    I have a secret that I need to tell
Whenever I’m down and blue
There’s always someone that
I can count on to pull me through

She’s a lady but like no other
Lady you’ve ever known
Yet every time we’re together
I’m still very much alone

She can take me by the hand
And go with my flow
But she has the power to take
Me wherever she wants to go

If I’m sad she can leave me there
She can comfort me while I cry
But if she wants, she can pick me up
And together we can fly

She can be hard and heavy and loud
Or she can be soft and light and low
She has a way to make me smile
And sometimes even glow

So if you don’t know by now
Let me openly confess
My lady, my beautiful lady is music
Yes music is my mistress

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/31/2020
All rights reserved
 Mar 2020 savarez
Red Balloon
 Mar 2020 savarez
The world's most expensive paper shredder.
When we try to market art we must beware of the artists who swim in the dark waters.

We got Banksy'd again- and it was beautiful.

A room of shocked faces and silent groans, fear and disgust filled the room as the well-to-do- watched value turn to art and art into a story.

It's no longer a thing that is, but a thing that was- and was should be the way art is.

Art is a free thing- and yet the artist must sell their art to survive and thrive, yet how can we justify selling the thing we claim to be free, is it only in pretentious tongues?

The value of art is not what it sells for, but more of what it means to the crowd before it.

In for a penny in a for a pound, destroy the value and create something more, bring art back to its roots so that we may admire it for what it is.

"The urge to destroy is also the urge to create"- Banksy- Picasso- Bakunin. "
 Mar 2020 savarez
Masked Man
 Mar 2020 savarez

I'm the Jekyll to my Hyde, I'm the Poet, the Prophet, the Monster and Man.

Exist in both places, bring the shadow to the show, shine a light and work behind the scenes.

Balance, I maintain the performance. Everday the lines blur, I wave my hand and a trick, I speak out of both sides of my mouth, Edward Mordrake  and Phantom of the Page, written words are my tool, they serve in action of lies and truths that would normally be spat on.

When the light shines I step up and perform, take a bow, tap the mask, a nod to you!

A joy for me is a joy for you, I play the part of victim and villain, I am actor and professional, novice level grandmaster.

A Jester of all trades, every word calculated, every action a movement of stagework.

Masked and unmasked, raw and hyding in plain sight.

I perform for you and when the lights go out, I work in shadow and orchestrate the light.
 Feb 2020 savarez
Rick Warr
between fast food and poo
of benefit to this earth
what is left
or are you bereft
of any contributing worth

you accelerate too fast
and squander the stuff
that took millions of years to make
what do you think
in the din of your doof
as you take and take and take

are you nuts
to leave a trail of butts
and grunting diatribe
dropping your empties
what were you thinking
it's just such a bad vibe

you sneer an swear
and put smoke in the air
and criticise all that’s arty
you adopt talk of the street
and a derivative beat
as you fight for your right to party

between fast food and poo
that is of redeeming worth
that would be fine and true
that's of benefit to this earth?
to those more concerned about street credibility than growing up
 Feb 2020 savarez
Dennis Willis
We sell the edge of things
to each other
to gather strength

We buy the edge of things
to ease our *******
of time

To moderate time's friction
on our hearts
and sense

We are a constant pitch
and changing curve
at no matter what

We imagine is out there while
Only what we imagine
is out there
 Feb 2020 savarez
Glenn Currier
There you are through the seasons
quietly standing
in your humble green
not seeking attention or glory
even in spring your little magenta flowers
peak out from your branches too modest
to make a loud fuss.

The scent of your body
transports me
to the place of your birth,
the plains of heaven.

May I take your simple doctrine
of acceptance and humility
to heart and rest silently
unconcerned with appearance
happy to let a soft inner light
be the meek gospel of the universe.
This morning I was reflecting on the way the divine is manifested (and mostly ignored) all around me in the most humble things of creation.  Then I noticed the sage bush in our back yard, planted and growing a little way off from the corner of the sidewalk.  I remember smudging (burning a small bunch of sage) as a meditative spiritual practice decades ago. I can almost smell the unique aroma of the smoke rising to my nostrils and on to the heavens.  Even the memory gives me a momentary wonderful peace.
You are the answer
You are the question
You are indulgence
And you are mass discretion
I am the student
I am the teacher
I am the sinner
And I am the preacher
You are the rabbit
You are the fox
You are both inside
And outside the box
I'm empty pockets
with future wealth
I am acknowledgment
with assassin like stealth
We are practically strangers
Yet we know each other so well
We're riding high on Ferris wheels
While on our own carousel
We are together
Yet at times far apart
We know not where we end
But we know where we would start
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