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Sarah Jones Dec 2014
Titan of old,
Bearing both your love and mine.
Guide me, Navigator.
Let me take the weight.
You’ll shatter,
I’ll just break.
Sarah Jones Dec 2014
The term Bisexual
was coined in 1824.
Back in the days,
when Gender meant
what was in your pants,
not in your head.
Don’t try to tell me I am Pan!
Don’t bring me back to the stone ages,
When I tell you who I am.
Why do I say I’m Bi?
People then understand what I am,
Instead of trying to say I **** pans.
Because It feels just right,
Not too uncaring, not too tight.
Because I am bisexual,
And my love is my right.
Sarah Jones Dec 2014
Hanging with friends,
Feeling sinks it.
It creeps then consumes.
Fake a laugh,
Give a smile.
They don’t need you.
They don’t want you.
You’ve seen it before.
Being with you is a chore.
Sarah Jones Dec 2014
I belong in a Goodwill.
They’re the only place that’d take a reject like me.
You guys don’t need me anymore.
You never did.
I’m merely a dusty doll.
Too ugly for even a footnote.
In the background, on her shelf.
I don't need pity.
Sarah Jones Dec 2014
Darling Mars,
Untouchable through the vast of stars,
I love you so.
Your icy caps,
Your passion red,
You are not mine.

Though I want it so.
I am Earthbound,
Landlocked to reason,
Close to the ground.

I love Earth just the same,
His pastures green,
His seas cold.
He comforts me,
When I need it most.

I promised him,
Keep my feet on the ground.
But My head is in the clouds.
Darling Mars, I yearn for you so.
Sarah Jones Jan 2015
You are the monster.

When you say,
"Boys will be Boys.",
An Angel Crys.

You are the monster.

When you watch tv,
and hear the people scream,
then turn to the Comedy channel.

You are the monster.

When young girl dies,
and you blame her,
for being born a 'guy'.

You are the monster.

When you step aside,
and cover your eyes,
You silence their cries!

You are the monster.
Sarah Jones Dec 2014
I am a yellow rose.
Good for nothing but friendship.
You hold me in your hand.
As you walk across the garden.
Red roses are tradition,
Lovely unlike the rest.
If not for their thorns,
Surely they’d be your favorite.
Orange roses shine in the sun.
More delicate than I.
They accept your every loving ‘brace.
I stare as you hold them.
I’ll never make you smile,
Not when they shine.
Yet Night and Day,
I’m told my love is requited.
Sarah Jones Dec 2014
I can not fix you.
Oh, but I will try.
Words will not heal the pain.
They only drown out in the rain.
Affection is one offence,
But it always makes you tense.
I failed this time,
Let me try again?
Sarah Jones Dec 2014
Am I not good enough?
No, Darling, You’re too much.
Oregon skies, Light of my life,
I’ll be a good baby.
I swear this time.
Don’t hate me, Alright?
I do enough for both us two.
Sarah Jones Dec 2014
I’d offer you the world.
Every ocean and stream,
Every crevice and cave,
My flowers and trees.
But I know the answer clear.
“No, I have my own.”
Sarah Jones Dec 2014
Fix you.
It’s beyond repair.
I can’t find all the pieces,
Broken Mirror.
I’ll make you a mosaic.
Sarah Jones Dec 2014
Raging Rapids,
Knocking you down.
Scream my name.
I love you!
You’re too much.
… Oh, Is that true?
Do I drown you?

— The End —