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Sarah Green Jun 2014
    that is what I will be from now on
I will tread lightly on your soul,
    to avoid leaving footprints on your heart

and you will thank me later
Sarah Green Jun 2014
Tell me how your storm goes.
Have you ever suffered?
If so have you gotten better?
Or haven't you recovered.
  Jun 2014 Sarah Green
Calloused fingertips singed
From smoking this blunt to its end
I can feel the sting run up my arm
Heavy hands on the neck of my guitar
And suddenly I'm singing
"Is it tomorrow already?"
The past 24 have been deeply upsetting

Anxieties borne from reality
Come creeping into my dream life
My subconscious bank account
Is down to $125

I wake up to my alarm
Phantom sting still in my arm
Sarah Green Jun 2014
Sometimes it's like I'm suffocating
Sometimes it's like I'm falling
Sometimes it's like I'm trapped in darkness with my head under water, drowning

But mostly it's like I'm flying so I'm okay with it
Sarah Green Jun 2014
You cannot hide from what is to come
Whether you know it's coming or not

But to know not of what is to come
Is a true blessing,
As knowing your fate
Leaves only space to wait

And waiting, is not living
But rather an inescapable torture

You cannot hide from the inevitable.
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