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 Aug 2016 m i a
 Aug 2016 m i a
It's hard for me to start conversation
I'm usually too busy thinking about things I shouldn't say
Or utterly consumed by this sense of dissociation
Yeah, it's been pretty tough talking to anyone about anything these days
 Aug 2016 m i a
Arielle Dawn
My face warm with tears
Loneliness hurts
But it's you who sparks my fears

Desire a long lost memory
Numb with guilt, we're so distant
Are you too blind to see?

Dreams of happy times
My mind wanders
My heart chimes

Future, forever bringing
The inevitable end
Or is there a chance of a new beginning?
 Aug 2016 m i a
Marinela Abarca
"You know what the sad part is?" she asked as she carefully sips her succulent and aromatic albeit bitter coffee.

"My reflection is more of who I am than the one looking at it," with her eyes brimming with tears, she hurriedly continued, "That and I do not seem to know how to rhyme anymore these days."
Bring her back.
 Aug 2016 m i a
He's dead
 Aug 2016 m i a
I don't know you
I never will
But a Facebook post told me you got drunk and hit your bike at the freeway
You suffered head injuries and died on the spot.
My Facebook timeline is filled with posts from your friends and family.
They miss you ,they love you and wonder how did you leave so soon.
You were twenty, attending uni and in love with a beautiful girl.
You loved driving your bike on the smooth roads when the rain poured.
You loved drinking till your mind was numb and speech slurred.
I never knew you
But i remember you playing football on our school grounds and talking to the pretty girls.
I remember you posting pictures of you and your girlfriend in the school uniform and everyone commenting on your 'love'
I remember talking to you once about our common last name. I remember you accidentally bumping me in the school hallways.
I remember you standing infront of the principal's office because you played a harmless prank on a teacher.
I remember you standing on stage with trophies and medals you won for our school.
I remember the funny posts you used to share on facebook.
You don't know me. You never will.
I was just another girl in your Facebook friend list. I was just another junior who didn't talk much.

Maybe if I strain my ears,I can hear your mother screaming over the death of her only son. Maybe I can hear your girlfriend crying over her love.
But I hear nothing because in silence,we yearn.
A schoolmate from a school i attended years ago died in a freak motorbike crash. Please don't drink and drive
 Aug 2016 m i a
Amjad Alkadasi
                                             You ,

        ­                                    Just
                        ­    Stopped
Quoted from unknown.
 Aug 2016 m i a
Caroline E
Maybe it's true
That someone won't cross the sea for me
Walk through fire for me
Or fight for me...

But that's okay, cause I have myself
And I'm the only person that I ever really need
 Aug 2016 m i a
"I love you."
I love you like a sister,
I love you like a brother,
I love you like a friend,
I love you like a lover.

One word with countless meanings.
In my life I have loved many.
And in return,
I have been loved by many.
And yet, there is still so much I have to learn
About the art of loving.

A word defined in many different ways.
Is it possible for love to bloom,
Even in the absence of physical touch?
Can it grow and flourish,
Despite the forces
Trying to destroy it?

A timeless idea that has withstood the ages.
Can young hearts understand what it means
To share your love with another?
They say you're too young to know what love is.
But I beg to differ.
After all, it is MY heart we're talking about.

Is love really so complicated?
When my heart said "I love you,"
Why wouldn't my lips form the words?
 Aug 2016 m i a
Let's Kiss?
 Aug 2016 m i a
Well since none of my friends go on here anymore,
Boy, do I just want to kiss someone,
And I know I've said it before, but I want more
I want to be grabbed by someone and pulled in tight
And I want to kiss them, I want to be kissed by them
I want to kiss until I am too tired to do anything
Some deep pre teen desire pushing me further in
To this want for physical affection in the most
Intimate way
It's killing me man.
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