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 Mar 2016 Emma
Echoes Of A Mind
Jeg elsker dig
Selv efter alt hvad der er sket
Så vil følelsen ikke forsvinde
Og det er lige meget hvad jeg gør...

Jeg har forsøgt at hade dig,
Men dette får mig kun til at græde.
Jeg har svinet dig til,
Men det sårer mig kun i sidste ende
Jeg har forsøgt at glemme dig,
Men alt omkring mig,
Minder mig om dig.
Kaffe kan jeg ikke drikke,
For selv det sætter minder i gang.
Jeg har mistet lysten
Til at gå i skole
Fordi jeg kan risikerer
At se dig...

Gad vide om hypnose vil kunne hjælpe,
Så jeg kan glemme,
Alle de minder,
Der involvere dig.
For lige meget hvad jeg prøver,
Så elsker jeg stadigvæk dig...
Skrev dette digt for 3 uger siden...
Er begyndt at drikke kaffe igen i dag...

Et skridt ad gangen bevæger jeg mig væk fra dig, og for hvert skridt finder jeg mig selv igen...
 Mar 2016 Emma
Echoes Of A Mind
It's holiday
Now I can heal the wounds
Which you gave me
Not so long ago

I won't have any tears
Hiding behind my eyes
Just because of the reason
That I saw you pass by

I won't have this awful feeling
Of something heavy
Stepping on my chest
Who knows
Maybe I'll finally be able
To get some rest

The fact that I
Don't have to see you
Means that I can start to forget
And reset myself
Back to before we even meet

But don't begin to think
That I hate you
I'm just hurt
And hurt feelings
Are hard to show in a positive way

But the fact that I am
Angry, bitter and sad
Is only a confirmation
Of how much
You actually means
To me
Or else
I wouldn't even care
To waste all this energy
On those feelings...
Holidays... This will either be a struggle to get through the days or a struggle to put everything behind me and start over...
It's funny how you apologise for slight and minimal accidents,
but you don't give a **** about creating explosions of Hell.
You're so ironic that your names could be the definition.
I'd rather you'd have accidently nudged me
than destroy my every thought.
 Mar 2016 Emma
Anon forever
A knife to the heart,
Twisted the whole way round.
Was it worth it,
The new friends you found?

The ones who lie, cheat and deceive,
The ones who changed you.
I was always there, through thick and thin,
But I you like them knowing the secrets only I knew...
 Mar 2016 Emma
Jacqueline Flores
I should have known that
when you said I was the moon and
you were the stars

that the moon is soon replaced by the sun

 Mar 2016 Emma
Matthew Harlovic
You mixed together
empty promises, white lies,
false hopes, and half truths.

© Matthew Harlovic
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