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  Nov 2015 RuNe
Dhaye Margaux
The curve of my lips
Gives you thousands of rays
That nothing else can give

The smile on your face
Gives me millions of reasons
To love and to live

You call me Sunshine
The one and only
Light of your day

I call you my Rain
The one that heals me
And takes my pain away.
She and He--
Always a beautiful story :)
  Nov 2015 RuNe
They don't know how it feels

to awake every morning,
and all they can wonder is
why they had even awoken

They don't know how it feels

to pick up all of their pieces,
and put them back together
but still feel like they're broken

They don't know how it feels

to say all that they can say,
and still feel like there's more
but every word has been spoken

They don't know how it feels

to go to sleep every night,
and the only hope they have
is that their eyes will not open

  Nov 2015 RuNe
Dhaye Margaux
You are my coffee
Not just in the morning
You keep me awake even at night
With thought of you that's never ending
Thank you for chosing this piece for the Daily.  This is my first so I am so happy, grateful and more inspired to write.
RuNe Nov 2015
I never knew you personally,
All I know about you ... are
From the stories I've read,
From the movies I've watched,
But you have captured
My lonely romantic heart.
You made me fall in love with you,
From a far with your glittering smile,
Watching you made people happy.
You've been a symbol of love for me.
Why the hate now?
Is this how love and hate collide?
I once heard a wise man say,

"Forgive them for they don't know
what they're doing."

Are they going blind for the love
That they don't know about?
So many questions in my mind,
So many are unanswered.
What's the point of all this?
When Paris turned off its lights, the rest of the world turned them on.
  Nov 2015 RuNe
Dhaye Margaux

My love, do you still remember me?
The vow  we made under this mango tree
I was younger then while you were old enough
But in my heart I knew you're my better half
Your face that time, it's painted here inside
After the wedding, we had that romantic ride
We took that road riding on a pretty white horse
You were holding me throughout the journey, of course
But suddenly a storm came while we're on our way
You've loosen your grip, we didn't make our day
A strong wind got me while you were thrown afar
We've been apart, heart-broken like victims of war
My love, do you still remember me?
Two years and more, we're here under this mango tree
Now, I'm tracing the carved hearts with our names entwined
Wishing that like them, you and I have that strongest bind
My love, do you still remember me?
Until now, your memories never set me free...

Musing on sadness :(
  Nov 2015 RuNe
s i n k i n g
s l o w l y
I ' m
d r o w n i n g
s u f f o c a t i n g
i n s i d e
o f
y o u r
w o r d s
t h a t
a l l
c o m e
o u t
a s
s l u r s .
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