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Ruzica Matic Nov 2015
he had a palette
of greens and blues
and warm
steady hands
- painting the words
of pastel and cream
on the canvas of my lips

he was always
a good artist
imitating love
to the very last breath

he always read
the last page first
and deadly games
unveiling in mundane twists
- bookmarks never mattered to him
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
I was always
an impatient kind of girl
casting impulsive glances
in supermarket lines
drawing you in
with my city-light eyes

you were always
a rebellious kind of boy
a grey eyed reader
of hearts and minds
sharp edged and bold
or so I'm told

crow black hair
an onyx wing
pulling me in
making it ring

colliding in corridors
stuck in a lift
on our gazelle legs
forever adrift
Ruzica Matic Jan 2015
The river rippled
between my fingers
and it was velvet
and satin
and steel

The day smelled
of old earth
and secrets

that day
when we went fishing
for the truth

And the hooks
glinted in the sun
they were beautiful
and lovely

lovely killing things
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
staring at screens
blinking at lights
we blur the lines
of maps and flights
maybe it's time
to chase some kites

jump in the lake
release our hair
shrug off
the constant stop and play
swim through the night
dream away the day
I think we must be
such a cliché
Ruzica Matic Feb 2015
I went out after dark again
to smell the flowers in our garden
the sky was whisper-thin
vanilla scented
cherry sour

and you were still inside
my empty empty
butterfly heart

as you know
I was never that smart

I hope you find
that silver lining

I hope you still smile
that crooked smile

I hope you discover
that great design

And I

I will be fine
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
lounging lazily
licking sour lollipops
and drinking the night
we dream up constellations
black holes
lingering in light

the morning is still
just a distant thought
lost in a lake

on lopsided feet
we lurch and dance
with lemon stained lips
while the silky sky
winks at our lilliputian lives
dotting the beach
Ruzica Matic Aug 2015
dark whispers
boil inside our violent skies
icy stars plummet and crash
- is there a place
where we can stash
the last supply of sun?
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
color the world
with shiny scarves
fluttering in the wind
as we chase the bus
leaving the stop too soon

pigeons exploding
in the sky
in a swirld of white
and grey
and the sun
beating on us
with his tongue
lolling out
like a yappy little dog
I think we should
chase it
Ruzica Matic Oct 2015
walking away
in my new boots
boots stiff and cheap
but they will keep
some of the cold away

wishing the past into the now
wishing the mornings
with the shades drawn
wishing the cuts
in the sharp grass

running barefoot
running with our cares
on our shoulders
- old friends
not heavy at all
Ruzica Matic Feb 2015
I lean my head on the windowpane,
and watch the snowflakes swirl
and plummet to the ground;
your room is warm and smells like Earl Grey tea
and mahogany;
words spill out from cluttered shelves
and pour out of half-open drawers;
I sit in your favorite chair,
all alone;
my brittle fingers,
with their hollow bones,
search for pieces of you,
hidden away in nooks
and corners,
in leather bound volumes
and lingering notes of Bergamot.

The clock is ticking loudly,
like always,
and I sit and watch the door.
Ruzica Matic Nov 2014
A memory is like a bird
with shimmering feathers
whose colours  you can never quite tell

They glint and darken
in a time it takes
for a bird's heart to beat


You can smell
a memory

Good ones
smell like mornings
and dews
and fresh bread

Bad ones
smell like wet earth
and wood
and candle flames

And the memories yet to come
tickle and tease
your hopeful mind
with promises of new smiles
and new heartbeats

Ruzica Matic Nov 2015
midnight creeps closer
burning the sparks away
-we sift through violin strings
and Druid rings
our icy wishes
sprouting wings

there was a time
when we were wild
our big hair
making us blind
but now
there aren't many things
still left to find

crumbs and secrets
buried in a drawer
a difficult test
might make us recall
our very best

my rosy cheeks
a breezy step
picture of youth
in ballet flats
running towards you
no more rest
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
yearning fingers
pumping sticky blood
swelling like strawberries in May
grabbing lines and hooks
learning to play
a treacherous game
involving hearts and breaths
and whispers of air

crying over spilled dreams
holding on to broken handshakes
I was always just a little mad
a little scared

the fish are biting
and so is the day
all sharp and sugar white
the first pinpricks of rain
dancing in the hay
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
those honey days
flew by in a swirl
of skirts and ties
dancing drunk
on morning dew

now it's time to wait
for the phone to ring
a knock at the door
creaking of the floor

keeping the keys
was never this hard
guarding the rooms
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
gliding up
and sliding down
a life full of muddy trails
extends like a coiling cord
a Bakelite phone
hoping to ring

eyes watching
from the window
waiting for your stormy head
to appear from behind
the curve in the road

thinking about all the things
that must be said
then running back
to a closed room
somewhere out of sight
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
in the rain
the echoes
of faraway rooms
drip drop on the ground
cigarette smoke
pinches my cheeks red

I read and cry
fortunes won and lost
at the flip of the page
hearts broken
hearts glued back

your hands
pick me up
from the ashes
of garden flowers
place me
in a new soil
and wait for me
to sprout
perfumed words
Ruzica Matic Feb 2015
You were my professor
and I was your flighty student
and you could never teach me to
think before I loved

You were always so serious
with your frowns
and your sad grey eyes
and I was a swirl
of dancing skirts
and little white lies

You talked with me
and you walked with me
for many winter-kissed miles
and when I felt you turn away
I tickled your hidden smiles

And I want you to know
you were my first place prize
Ruzica Matic Jun 2014
when old music
hurts too much
and new one
still hasn't taken hold

when my house
becomes too small
to dance in

when I have
so much to wish for
and too little awake-time
to breathe

I would like
nothing better
than to feel
your smile
and the steel of your gaze
on my downcast eyes

and then
and then
you would take me
for a twirl
around the park gazebo
in broad daylight
and we would make
the pigeons fly
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
how will I know
if I've grown old?
maybe I'll just wake up one day
see a stranger in the mirror
wearing my eyes and my clothes

maybe I'll feel it
in the creaking of my bones
when I try to get up to fast
or play hopscotch

maybe I'll forget
what it felt like
to stand in the pouring rain
and feel so full of sun

will you tell me?
will you tell me if
you see the grey in my eyes
and will you remind me?
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
the eternity
winks back at us
from the depthless
balcony view
we stand here
holding hands
we can be new

my purse is full
of ten billion dinar notes
Tesla's face
crinkled and old
not enough to buy
a cinema ticket
just enough
to fight off the cold

the expanse of days
stretches before us
memories yapping
at our heels
do we still have it in us
to make new reels?
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
a thousand icy stares
a thousand yesterdays
a lovely killing word
hanging on a string
I still remember
how we used to sing

on the streets
and under umbrellas
we weaved the rings
and spread our wings
in shades of off-white

you promised
you would take me
to Colorado Springs
in the fall
and I believed you
rain-stained eyes and all
Ruzica Matic Aug 2015
long desperate journeys
unfold in the mist
curving looping roads
tangle and untwist
searching for a lover
like lips never kissed

must we always hurt
for the things we missed
always adding hopes
to the bucket list

yearning for the times
that might never come
for summers of honey
for autumns of plum

hoping for rain
in deserted towns
picking through the ruins
and losing our crowns
Ruzica Matic Feb 2015
Do you remember that day?

That day when ice-cream dripped
down our fingers
and we were so happy

Weren't we?

The day our eyes closed
from the force of our smiles
and our fingertips tingled
and tickled our feather-wings

It was the longest summer
- the hottest in living memory they say

But to us the heat only meant
the days were ours to drink
- endless hours in the grass

We lounged by the lazy river
and you played with the brim
of my big white hat
and you smiled
with the whole of your body

Do you remember that?

It's winter now
and I'm wearing my navy coat
with brass buttons
- like a soldier's
and my steps echo
along your scenic street

I don't even turn my head
when I pass by
your white picket fence
Ruzica Matic Aug 2015
we learned how to tread water
in the heart of the city
- swimming through the ashes
of other people's days
other people's ways

we learned how to melt
the last of the scarlet hours
inside a coffee cup
stirring them in like a secret spice

we learned to always water our plants
even that cactus
that doesn't need much watering at all
forever hoping for it to bloom

we learned never to ask questions
learned to paint over our walls
again and again
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
cherries that taste
like red sunsets
curl my tongue
-a bitter dart
climbing the ladder
was the easiest part

now what do we do
if we get caught
hide in our room
conceal our crimson smiles
run to the river
to wash away the lies

forget our shoes
remember the nettle bites
whizzing by with static
in our hair
I was never the one
to refuse a dare
Ruzica Matic Jul 2014
I've been saving my smiles
for stormy skies

for umbrella days
and rainy eyes

for chocolate kisses
and cherry pies

for Turkish delights
and lullabies

for mists and dews
and seagull cries

I've been saving them
for our blue goodbyes
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
my fine staticky hair
blowing in the wind
always needing more
than they could ever give
hoping to swim
in a cherry scented dream

amidst the glide
of the violins
I danced on thorny feet
my pebbled shoes
already knew the beat

and the smoke billowed
from a forest fire up north
all those scarlet sparks
waiting to burst forth
Ruzica Matic Nov 2015
wherever you are
I hope
you're warm
I hope there's food
good food
poppy seed strudel
and hot tea

wherever you are
I hope
there's laughter
in the morning
under covers
when your foot's
peeking out

wherever you are
I hope you
have that coat
with deep pockets
and some holes
not too big
I hope you wear it
when it's chilly out

wherever you are
I hope
you are free
your crow hair
forever dark
tricksters on you trail
never catching up
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
I woke up rainy one day
with storm in my eyes
my feet already wearing boots

I was ready to wade
into the river
to tear up nets
set by strange hands
break the barriers
keeping the current captive

then leave wet footprints
on the shore
with the wind leashed
by my side
a loyal wolf
dog eyed and only half wild
Ruzica Matic Aug 2015
he taught dead languages
with a passion
that made her so alive
- ancient dawns
across new skies
syllables rhyming
in the dark

creased pages
corners upturned
whispers of pencils
whispers of rains

trailing long fingers
down memory lanes
writing letters
on window panes
Ruzica Matic Nov 2015
I am an invisible woman
inside a circus tent
- a ghost of a clown
who lost her nose
fading into red
weighed down
by words unsaid

I am a clumsy dervish
a tumbling blur
forever restless
like a wild curl

I am a shadow
when need be
a wallflower
a hidden bower
protecting me

I am your mirror
your frown
your smile
I am your window
as you are mine
Ruzica Matic Feb 2015
there are no more games to play
no more running around in circles
until our heads spun
and our legs gave out
under the weight of our laughs
no more twirling under
the sun at noon
with nothing
but the sounds of the forest
to be our tune

we left it all in the dust
slowly crawling away
inside our under-lived lives
until we were so far removed
from that swirling stream
of long honeydew days
that we could not even remember
how it felt to run barefoot in the rain
Ruzica Matic Nov 2015
there are grim reapers in the park
their phantom breaths a sick breeze
on the bank of the stormy Danube
murmuring in mutinous trees

people wearing coats
too warm
too bright
buying bread and cigarettes
placing bets

guessing which city
is due to scream today
and then heal
all over again
that is the way
- that's always been
our way
Ruzica Matic May 2016
Time bleeds
From the sky
A beautiful grey
A half-closed eye

Rain filled fountains
Spill over our shoes
The Moon is a plum
A tender soft bruise

There are little killing words
Hanging on a string
Stiff and starched
They cut and they cling

To the skins of liars
And the skins of thieves
Pretty petty burglars
With pocketed sleeves
Ruzica Matic Jul 2017
there's dust on her face
but she's a girl still
her sensible cotton shirt
is black and loose
and she's so wide now
the dreams and the limbs
strewn across the canvas of her days

cutting into her workman's hands
handles of rough bags
leaving white marks in her blood
still swelling
a little thicker now

stray hairs on her neck
that would have terrified her once
stand proud
just something that's here to stay
and she is not her own
she is her children's blood
and laundry days
and all those times she smiled
through tears
and patted little heads

she's more real the the ocean
she never saw
and just as salty
just as wild
woman mom life
Ruzica Matic May 2016
I love feeling my sins
inside the bones
of my fingers
poised over
the pages of a book
peeking out
to have a little look

I hate hearing
your heart beat
too far away
for me to measure
someone else's treasure

my soul
your soul
yearning to soar
gliding on swan lakes
like Russian ballerinas
and fine filigree flakes
floating down
as the night wakes
Ruzica Matic Nov 2015
do we get a free pass
do we forget what was said
under the pale stargazer's sky
- words flowing scarlet red
old vows a gossamer thread
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
butterflies beating
powdered wings
love frenzy
tearing colours apart
- in gardens of summer
there float diamonds
heated bursts
flickering dusts

there we sit
and drink the air
sour sweet
a strange affair

if we collide
will the lies come off?
smudged hues
and sunsets that bruise
might make us change
our tilted views
Ruzica Matic Nov 2015
old dreams
are deadly lovers
vain virtuosi
forever tricking
our fickle heartbeats

grand illusionists
hypnotizing lonely souls
feeding on hazy mornings
long gone
all gone now

but who are we
to deny them
who are we
to stop them now
hope has taken root
deep under our house
Ruzica Matic Jul 2017
I woke up rainy one day
with storm in my eyes
my feet already wearing boots

I was ready to wade into the river
to tear up nets set by strange hands
break the barriers keeping the current captive

then leave wet footprints on the shore
with the wind leashed by my side
a loyal wolf
- dog eyed and only half wild
Ruzica Matic Jun 2014
The Danube was moody that night
- stormy and loud and rowdy
like a happy old drunk

we walked side by side
and counted the stars
exploding in the sky

we were young
and we were new
and the air felt like fireworks

I wore a frilly skirt
and a silly smile

you wore your dinner jacket
with your grown-up tie

and we danced to the music
across the ripple river

while Belgrade woke up
all around us
with whispers and sighs
Ruzica Matic Jul 2017
dust and smoke
old bones
and rusty thrones
fade in the mist
our train
heading to a new place
will we be missed?

will we forget the smell
are we destined
forever to dwell
on stories
and words
that swell
out of eyes
and hands
and feet
out of
foggy tunnels
and ***** sleet
Ruzica Matic Nov 2015
coiling mists
down long winding roads
a hundred dark riders
blurring the lines of frost
pursuing frail dreams
and things lost

chasing the memory
chasing the day
green rivers
combing their hair
with willow fingers
brittle and bare
Ruzica Matic Jul 2017
pigeons still
wait for meals
by that bench
where Sun once grew
in tufts of gold

girls skipping classes
to window shop
their scarves wild
and their nails chipped

tough boys go out and smoke
and cough and dance
and act brave
and cut their hair
in the dark

and words of a new language
tumble down our tongues
head over heels
tasting strange
but falling into place
after all
Ruzica Matic Nov 2015
we sit and count
the moments
the drops of honey
in porcelain cups
the teeth we broke
playing hopscotch

the jagged edges
dull now
and the flowers
drowning in tea

your pocket watch
measuring heartbeats
and truths
- a wild metronome
ticking away
the last breaths
of the sonata
in the sun

keeping up
with busy steps
of those
left in the schoolyard
skipping the cracks
and the chalk lines
Ruzica Matic Oct 2015
remember when
we were Vikings
ice in our eyes
flying on promises
with hearts so wise

crystal mornings
our playgrounds
echoing breaths
those lovely sounds

on cracking water
treading the waves
limbs so strong
no right no wrong

dancing on hot feet
under Aurora lights
help me remember
those wild flights
Ruzica Matic Nov 2015
you ruined
my best dress
spilled the wine
on the snowflake lace
made it blush
made me hush

I jumped
into the rain
red heels
bleeding glitter
on the asphalt
crimson crumbs
to follow home

remember when
we ran wild
in crazy waves of spring
- our Hobbit feet
stomping daisies
in the mud
our smiles
waterfalls of pure

maybe we are old now
and cold to the touch
with just a little bit of scarlet
in our white-out hearts
Ruzica Matic Aug 2020
The keys are under the garden gnome
Do let yourself in
No need to knock
There's nothing here to win

The tea bags
Are in the flower jar
Please don't let the cat
Wander off too far

And remember
The day
And remember
The way
We smiled

Do you remember
Those October nights
The locks and the lights
And all the angry fights
Do you remember the
Ticktocking satellites?

The Moon was always
Your favorite thing
Silver and pock-marked in the sky
Now all I can think of
Are the echoes of grey
In my scribbled on goodbye

My broken pencils
Your broken sighs
We left it all
Inside our mismatched lives
-Under the tables
And on the stairs
We said our prayers

And I remember
The day
And I remember
The way
We cried

Do you remember
Those October nights
The locks and the lights
And all the angry fights
Do you remember the
Ticktocking satellites?

Inside the house
There are stars
Blinking down from the ceiling
And the cars are zooming
Through the rooms
Like abandoned heirlooms

And you remember
The day
And you remember
The way
We lied

Do you remember
Those October nights
The locks and the lights
And all the angry fights
Do you remember the
Ticktocking satellites?

The night is young
You can still catch the last train
To the Moon or to Spain
I won't run after you
I'm stuck in the slow lane

Do you remember
Those October nights
The locks and the lights
And all the angry fights
Do you remember the
Ticktocking satellites?

I won't be coming after you
I'm stuck in the slow queue
Ruzica Matic Jun 2014
green water glistening
in puddles on the pavement

the smell of sawdust
and coffee beans

muffled laughter
behind the curtains

clinging of pots and pans
a dinner being made

TV news and weather report
'Should i carry an umbrella tomorrow?'

a bedtime story
and fresh fluffy pillows

silvery moonshine
on the walls

the only sound is made
by a dripping tap
and the ink stains
on my fingers
Ruzica Matic Jun 2015
I'm going to smile
myself silly
I'm going to jump around
and shake my hands in the air
I'm going to slide
across the floor
in my fuzzy socks
and I'm going to
read Shakespeare
really loudly
and I might just
let my fingertips
make a smiley face
on a foggy window
of a bus leaving
to a new place
and I'm not going to wish
you were here
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