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Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
It's never enough to say hello,
I wish I was in your arms.

It's never enough to say goodbye,
I wish I was back in your arms,

It's never enough to say I love you,
I wish I had met you in another time.

I cry for you day and night,

It's never enough to dream of you,
I want my dreams to come true.

I wish I was in your dreams too,

My princess,
I wish I was your prince,

Why can't my
wishes ever come true?

I love you.

© 2014 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
My home in my dreams,

I am amazed every night, when I see you in my dreams.

When I look at the moon., I see the tower to the north.

I can not believe you changed,
My life forever.

I only wish I can find the courage, to hold you in my arms at last.

My home in my dreams,
I wish I had met you a lifetime ago.

I wish I could give you one thousand of
my lifetimes.

I owe you my life,
My Seoul Korea.

I love you.

I miss you.

I owe you my life,
I owe you. You are the reason I am still alive,
Arirang, I owe you more than ever!

Seoul I love you,
A place I have only been to in my dreams,

How can I ever repay you?
For sending me such beautiful dreams.

I am amazed every night, when I see you in my dreams.

I live for you every day to hold you in my arms,

I live for you!
My Seoul,

I wish I could be standing in your arms where I belong.

My love Seoul,
I can't help but smile and wonder why God sent me here far to the West.

When you tell me every day, I belong in your arms.

But I owe you so much,
Hundreds of poems,

Hundreds of dreams
from a place, I have never been.

How can this be?

I love you Seoul Korea
that time can never take away.

I owe you more than my life
More than anything
I know this is a dept that I will never be able to repay.
Because I owe you so much
I owe you my life now, more than ever,

Why was I born so far away?

In the wrong time and wrong place?

Seoul Korea

My home in my dreams.

(C) 2014 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
The Most Beautiful City on Earth - Seoul
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
Can I keep this a secret?
You don't see me half the time. I am not perfect.
Read my mind. If you can.

Between these thoughts and feelings in my mind and heart,
The days are like extended
lines at a five star restaurant.

Can I keep this a secret?
You are making me crazy.
See you every long day.
Behind the window of my soul.
My breaking heart is no longer complete,
Eyes on you. I see every day.

Do you see me? Or are you looking past me?
You are always giving me your smile. Do you
Know this beguiles me?
What if,
I could not keep a secret?
Am I the only one,
Feeling this way?

The secret revealed:
"Can you read between the lines? Can you see behind my eyes? Do you know what I am feeling?"

© 2013 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
The secret is revealed by reading the word at the beginning of each line of the poem vertically. This then forms a sentence, when read down with an additional message.
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
I made a wish one day.
For the Earth to become a
Peaceful Place.
With no more pollution and decay.

On my twenty first birthday.
God granted my wish.
He sent a messenger from space,
Named ELE to grant my birthday wish.

Extinction-Level Event (ELE)

© 2013 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
I'm still here to write these words.  I guess my wish didn't come true.
I wrote this after watching the movie Deep Impact.
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
Have you ever had one of these nights?

As nightfall arrives,
And bedtime comes.
My eyelids fall shut.
I am whisked off to dreamland,
Hoping for new and bigger inspirations to arrive.
That I may write.

As daytime arrives,
The sun begins to shine.
My eyelids open.
I awaken to a brand new day.
With, all dreams and inspirations forgotten.

© 2013 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
sleeping mellowly
proudly, imprisonment squirms
sleepily, prey squirms

© 2013 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
A crisp, clear autumn day.

Looking up, I see!
A blue sky.
Wow, the autumn sky is so blue and high!

Why is the autumn sky so high that I can see the stars in the day?

Temperatures go low,
Crisp clear autumn air,
No monsoon clouds cry rain anywhere.

Nighttime sky so clear,
Cosmic explosions everywhere.

It's a wonderful time of the year.
Blues, reds, browns, greens seen everywhere.

Looking up, I see,
The high blue autumn sky.

© 2013 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
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