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365 · Mar 2016
the things i hide
Smudged Ink Mar 2016
i know that i can be emotionless
i know it seems like i don't care
most of the time i don't
what i don't like is when you say
that i have a black soul
or a black heart
every time i hear that
i feel another brick building the wall
you have no idea how hard i try
to be strong
to be fearless
to be powerful
you don't know
how many times
this heart and soul has wanted to just stop
so the fact that you mock
me trying my best
hurts more than i like to admit
and it just reminds me
of why i don't show my emotions
in the first place
361 · Nov 2015
Smudged Ink Nov 2015
i am tired of feeling like i am in last place
i don't know how i will ever be as good as you
everything i try so hard at seems like it comes naturally to you

i am sick of how you take everything for granted
you don't appreciate what you have
i wish for once you could see what it is like for other people

you are so blinded by your own opinions
you have no idea what anyone else is thinking
or what others are feeling

you put yourself first and that's all the matters
others are just collateral damage

i am the collateral damage
i get hurt by you at every single turn
i am pushed behind you like a castoff  
i am never free from you

i just want to be my own person
not constantly comparing myself to you
so just for once notice that i don't have it all
you do
355 · Mar 2016
Smudged Ink Mar 2016
just know that bravery isn't always something you are doing but rather what you aren't doing
347 · Feb 2016
Smudged Ink Feb 2016
i am in a constant state of denial
telling myself over and over
my problems weren't real
i made them up,
but i know that it was real
it happened
it changed my life
not for the better,
but i'm still not sure,
i can't ask people if i'm crazy
because nobody knows
except for two people
and now that i'm a little better
i doubt myself all over again
if i'm okay now
was i always okay?
depression mental illness me
328 · Mar 2016
Smudged Ink Mar 2016
this is about feeling something. and it's about feeling nothing. this is for the days when you feel unstoppable and like a superhero. this is for the days when you feel empty and invisible. this is for those who sleep and sleep as a way of escape. and this is for the those who can't and won't allow themselves to sleep.

there is always a way to overcome. to face your demons head on and realize that you hold the power. to hold on like it's your last breath because at some point it could've been.
324 · Dec 2015
the option of letting go
Smudged Ink Dec 2015
i just want to disappear for a while
i want to forget about everyone and everything
not forever
not yet anyway
but just for now
because i am tired
of trying to get through everyday
i don't want to think about dying
i just for once want to be able to truly live
without these thoughts clouding my brain
so i need to disappear
and see if you would be okay
if i would be okay
without me here
323 · Sep 2015
the writer
Smudged Ink Sep 2015
he is beautiful to me
with his ink stained hands,
hair going a million different ways

hunched over a small book
a pen between his fingers
drumming the table while
bouncing his leg in time

those ocean blue eyes
pouring over the words
making sure they are just so

he scribbles frantically
crossing out sections as he goes
and writing in more

he is lost in a whole other world
consumed by the characters in his mind
that take him to a place only he can see

but when he looks up at me
and the world fades back in
the smile on his face puts one on mine
making me fall in love all over again
313 · Mar 2016
Smudged Ink Mar 2016
i hate that i have days
where i just feel sick
constantly nauseous and a fast heart
being filled with anxiety
and still not knowing why
when nothing you have done
is different or scary
but there is still that feeling
that just seems to never go away
311 · Dec 2015
constant in the storm
Smudged Ink Dec 2015
you were the fire during the rain storm.
the person who seemed dependable.
that you would be there through even the hardest times.

i'm sorry if i made it too much about me.
and forgot about you along the way.

i'm not good at relationships.
that was always you not me.
remembering the anniversary's.
taking the time to tell me i was beautiful.

i loved you.
i just didn't know how to show it.
now i guess i never will.
310 · Jan 2016
shooting stars
Smudged Ink Jan 2016
if the shooting stars
went over our heads
would you sit with me
and make a wish instead
and let's pretend
that constellations are our friends
we'll point them out
one by one
until every little star
has begun
to understand
that it is more
than just a little one
it's part of a masterpiece
one i can only wish upon
once a week
so stay with me
and make a wish
underneath the stars
and the galaxies
stars wish love lost relationship breakup
295 · Mar 2016
Smudged Ink Mar 2016
do you want me to lie
and say i don't love you

because i can't

i can't imagine me without you
but it seems like you can

— The End —