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Randy Johnson Jan 2017
I've been saying Grace before I eat for the last eighteen months.
But before I went to the Kingdom Hall, I never said Grace once.
Just two years ago I didn't thank God for my food.
I am so glad that I decided to change my attitude.
God could've put me in another location.
A part of the world where people are dying of starvation.
But God has been kind enough to see to it that I have food.
We should all be thankful to God, he deserves our gratitude.
The next time that you sit down to feed your face,
Please be thankful to The Lord, please say Grace.
Randy Johnson Jan 2017
After we die, the world will forget about me and you.
But God will never forget about us and that is true.
God will remember us after we die even if the world lasts a million more years.
God will feel pity for our loved ones who mourn our deaths and shed their tears.
God knew about all of us even before we were in our mothers wombs.
And he will eventually raise the dead, we will walk out of our tombs.
God will remember everybody and he'll prove it when we're resurrected.
When this happens, life will be glorious because God will see to it that everything is perfected.
Randy Johnson Jan 2017
God gets more angry as each day passes by.
His anger increases and I will tell you why.
People do stupid things that make no sense.
They gamble, fornicate and commit violence.
Many people sin against The Lord and lead lives that are ******.
They won't do what's right, they don't want to make God happy.
People who are big sinners must listen to my advice.
Unless they change, they won't be allowed to live in paradise.
Randy Johnson Jan 2017
God always listens when you pray.
He hears every word that you say.
Your prayers and faith are important to him.
He won't let you down even if things are grim.
Some times good people feel like losers but in God's eyes, they are winners.
If bad people change their ways, God will forgive them even though they were big sinners.
If you ever think that God doesn't listen to your prayers, please remember that isn't true.
God always listens and he wants to be a part of your life every day because he loves you.
Randy Johnson Dec 2016
Just one day after we lost Carrie Fisher, her mom died too.
I guess both the shock and pain was too much for her to go through.
Carrie died at the age of  sixty and her mom was eighty-four.
It's a shame that neither of them will be around anymore.
Many people were Debbie Reynolds fans and they thought a lot of her.
This has been a sad week because we lost both Carrie and her mother.
Dedicated to Debbie Reynolds (1932-2016) who died on December 28, 2016.
Randy Johnson Dec 2016
She was a writer and she also loved to act.
While she was on a plane, she had a heart attack.
I thought that she was getting better but sadly, she didn't make it.
Her fans are devastated by her untimely death, people can't take it.

She had many acting roles but she'll be best remembered as Princess Leia in Star Wars.
When a person dies, it's always painful and it's something that people can not ignore.
Everybody wanted her to get better and we were shocked to see her die.
Now all of her friends, family and fans grieve because we have to say goodbye.
Dedicated to Carrie Fisher (1956-2016) who died at the age of 60 on December 27, 2016.
Randy Johnson Dec 2016
Four years ago was the best Christmas that I've ever had.
I was able to spend the final Christmas with Mom and Dad.
It was Mom and Dad's last Christmas, they wouldn't have another.
I knew that Dad would die but I didn't expect to lose my mother.
After losing Mom and Dad, I had to get used to spending Christmas alone.
When Christmas Day of 2013 arrived, I had to tolerate being on my own.
Next Christmas you may be on your own like me but hopefully you will not.
Family is the best Christmas present so appreciate the family you've got.
Dedicated to Charles and Agnes Johnson.
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