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Randy Johnson Nov 2016
Four years ago was Mom's last Thanksgiving.
Just one year later, she was no longer living.
I wasn't as thankful for her as I should've been.
Back in 2012, I didn't know that she'd never be celebrating Thanksgiving again.
Four years ago was the last Thanksgiving that Mom celebrated.
Be thankful for your parents because they should be appreciated.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Nov 2016
I have a wonderful neighbor and his name is Joe.
He's a person and a friend who I'm proud to know.
He's been my neighbor and my friend for twenty years.
I'm glad that he lives in this neighborhood, I'm glad he's here.
Sometimes he gives me food and that is very nice.
He is a Christian who loves God and that is precise.
It's nice to have a neighbor and a friend who is so great.
He has been good to me and that is something I appreciate.
Dedicated to Joe Webb.
Randy Johnson Nov 2016
Thanks God for letting me wake up today.
Thanks God for letting me live another day.
Thanks God for letting me have food and not to suffer from starvation.
Thanks God for being my best friend and also for being my salvation.
Thanks God for letting me have a house and not to be homeless.
Thanks God for the love you've given, you truly are the greatest.
Thanks God for everything that I have, it's nice to know that you care.
Thanks God for not abandoning me, thanks for always being there.
Randy Johnson Nov 2016
In the beginning, God was the only one who had the gift of existence and he shared that gift with us.
God also gave the gift of existence to Jesus and the angels and if you ask me, that was generous.
God could've kept the gift of existence to himself, he could've been the only one who exists.
But God is a God of love, he didn't want to keep that gift to himself because he's not selfish.
Even though God gave us the gift of life, many people stab him in the back every day.
People had better give up doing drugs, ******, killing, lying and stealing, they'd better change their ways.
God blessed us with the gift of existence, he sure does love to give.
That's why we should thank him for every day we're allowed to live.
Randy Johnson Nov 2016
My neighbor's wife is battling cancer and she needs your prayers.
Please show her that you want her to get better, please show that you care.
Her name is Jane Webb and she's undergoing chemotherapy.
She needs prayers from you and she needs prayers from me.
Randy Johnson Nov 2016
When you're tempted to commit a sin, remember God's son.
When you're tempted, ask yourself what Jesus would've done.
Jesus Christ has never sinned, he was a perfect human being.
That's something that people shouldn't have difficulty seeing.
If you're tempted to steal, remember Jesus and you'll know that it's wrong.
If you put your faith in Jesus and his father, they will make you strong.
If you're tempted to commit ****, remember Jesus and you'll know that it's an abomination.
Jesus has always lived righteously and he's against all violence, that is no exaggeration.
Remember Jesus if you're tempted to raise your fists to another man.
Jesus will help you to live a righteous life like he does, yes he sure can.
Randy Johnson Nov 2016
Martin Luther King JR. has his own holiday, God should be given a holiday too.
God deserves to be given a holiday, that is what our Government should do.
God's son has his own holiday, God also deserves a holiday that is celebrated every year.
God is the greatest, he loves all of Mankind and he deserves to be revered.
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