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Randy Johnson Feb 2016
How do you spell benevolent master, it's spelled G-O-D.
I hope that The Lord means as much to you as he does to me.
While Jehovah God is mostly benevolent, he's also vengeful.
In the end, he will do away with the people who are cruel.
Evil people will pay on Judgment Day, it will be arranged.
But these evil people can have eternal life if they change.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
You won't believe what I went through when I went to a black man's barbershop.
He was a racist **** and when I left, I called the cops.
He forcibly strapped me in his barber chair.
Then that punk shaved off all of my hair.
As I looked at my bald head in the mirror, he laughed at me.
He laughed and said that I deserved it because I'm a ******.
But he stopped laughing when the cops slapped on the cuffs.
He said that he didn't want to go to jail and I said "Tough!"
This is a fictional poem.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
How do you spell wonderful human being, it's spelled A-G-N-E-S.
My mom really was as wonderful as I claim, she was the greatest.
Everybody loved my mom because she cared.
When she got money, she donated to the homeless and The Oral Roberts Ministry, she shared.
When she died, the bond between us was severed.
But she's merely sleeping, she won't be gone forever.
When people are resurrected by Jesus, she will be the first person who I greet.
When you make her acquaintance, she'll be a person who you'll be happy to meet.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
When Adam and Eve were created, Satan decided to ruin Jehovah God's plan and he did succeed.
And because he corrupted Adam and Eve, the world is now corrupted by violence, lust and greed.
When Jesus was on Earth, Satan decided to ruin God's plan again.
The Devil tried to corrupt the Son of God but he did not win.
Jesus never gave in to any of The Devil's temptations.
Because Jesus wouldn't sin, Satan felt great frustration.
Jesus was victorious, he prevailed.
Satan was angry because he failed.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
Some people think that The Devil doesn't exist but he's not imaginary.
At the moment Satan rules the world but that is only temporary.
After Jesus returns, Satan will be defeated and destroyed.
In the meantime, his wicked temptations are things we should avoid.
The world is in a terrible shape because Satan causes people to sin.
But at some point in the future, he will lose and Jehovah God will win.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
Every day is a good day because God is a part of my life.
I don't need children to be happy and I don't need a wife.
Jehovah God is all that I need, he gives me happiness.
He can do the same for you because he truly is the best.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
Every time we make a good choice,
it makes Jehovah God rejoice.
When we're honest and kind and do other good things,
Jehovah God is very happy, rejoice is what it brings.
When we avoid sinning, it makes God rejoice and it makes Satan mad.
Everybody should make Satan angry because that will make God glad.
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