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Randy Johnson Feb 2016
The world is nearly as bad today as it was during the days of Noah.
People must turn away from their sinful ways and turn to Jehovah.
If people don't change, they won't live in paradise and that's not an exaggeration.
People must put an end to stealing, watching ****, doing drugs and fornication.
People must give up binge drinking and gambling because those are also sins.
If people don't change their ways, they won't live in paradise, they won't win.
People must stop killing, ****** and committing other crimes.
People must change or they will be harshly judged when Jesus returns at the end of time.
Jehovah God is my master and my friend and he loves and cares about us.
But he won't let people live in paradise if they're people who he can't trust.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
If you or a loved one is dying, it is very scary.
But I promise that death is only temporary.
In the future, we will be resurrected and we and our loved ones will be reunited.
You and they will be in perfect health, the thought of that is enough to get me excited.
When I'm reunited with my mom, it will thrill me.
If you worship Jehovah, you will live for eternity.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
If you're suffering because of the loss of a loved one or any other reason, God can take away your pain.
Jehovah can make you feel better even if your troubles seem like they're too much for you to sustain.
You may be very sad and feel like you're coming apart.
But God loves you and he can mend your broken heart.
God can take your pain away.
All that you have to do is pray.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
The end of time has been predicted by some.
But those people were wrong, only God knows when it will come.
Jesus and the Angels don't even know when the end will arrive.
When the end comes, God will judge us and many won't survive.
If people want to live in paradise, they'd better stop stealing.
And they'd better stop taking and dealing drugs and killing.
People must give up **** and other wicked things.
Because if they don't, devastation is what it will bring.
Only Jehovah knows when the end will come and we should be prepared in case it comes soon.
People must put an end to their wicked ways and live by God's rules or they will be doomed.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
If you combine Jesus, all of the Angels and every Human Being, they're not half as good as God.
Jehovah loves people tremendously even though we're flawed.
God is good, God is kind.
God can give peace of mind.
I try to improve myself to please Jehovah because I should.
Jehovah is wonderful and I love him because he is so good.
Randy Johnson Jan 2016
When a man gave a ride to a stranger, she wanted to perform *******.
But he is a gentleman who has high moral standards so he said no.
He said no because it was sinful and dangerous.
When he said no, she got mad and began to cuss.
Even if he didn't have morals, he would've said no because of the possibility of a car crash.
And he figured that a woman who would do that to a stranger had to be a piece of trash.
He pulled over and sat her out on the side of the road.
She was screaming cuss words and was mad enough to explode.
Morality is something that this gentleman doesn't lack.
If I ever meet that man, I'll give him a pat on the back.
Randy Johnson Jan 2016
When I was a child during the winter, I hated the sun because it melted the snow.
And when the snow was melted by the sun, school was where I had to go.
As a child, when it snowed, school was closed and it was sure to excite.
But when the snow was gone, it was back to school and that sure did bite.
When I got to stay home from school, I could play my Atari and it was fun.
But when the snow melted, I had to return to school because of the **** sun.
If other children are like I was, they become very happy every time it snows.
And when the snow melts, kids become like Homer Simpson, they yell "Doh!"
This is a true story.
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