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 Jan 2017 Raja Smith
I love in entities
Absolutes, certainties
Without exception or question
Reservation or contemplation.

I'll love you in whole hearted hurricanes
Tongue tied tsunamis
Forest fires and floods
A thousand thunder storms
Eternal earthquakes
Volcanic eruptions
Days of droughts
And months of torrential rain
I'll love you in hail storms and heatwaves
Slowly, softly, subtly, in solar flares

I don't wear my heart on my sleeve
I tear it right from the centre of my chest and place it beating, bleeding in your hands.
I won't ever take it back.

I'll love you with my own reckless disregard.
*I know no other way.
 Jan 2017 Raja Smith
 Jan 2017 Raja Smith
Please do not think I will run from your anxieties.
In fact I will do entirely the opposite.
I will open the door,
I will invite them in,
And I will stand there, strong, steadfast, stouthearted
And I will stare them in the face.
Not for you, but with you, hand in hand.
I will be there at the end of the day to tell you you're amazing.
And that all those things you think make you weak, prove just how strong you are.
I'm not saying we'll move mountains together, I am telling you that despite the rain, the sunshine, the rocky terrain, the laughter, the tears, the heartache, the pain, I will be here, time and time again.
To remind you
That every time you walk into a room, you don't just light it up,
You set it on fire.

I won't ever stop trying to build bridges over the canyons in your soul.
 Jan 2017 Raja Smith
You're just a wish
On a shooting star
*That missed
 Jan 2017 Raja Smith
Cait Harbs
We never spoke of love.

We spoke of cosmic miseries;
we spoke of falling statues;
we spoke of unsolved mysteries,
of the prevailing cultural attitudes.

We spoke of miscommunication
and Comedy and Tragedy as brothers;
we spoke of being lost and broken,
yet healed at the hearths of others.

We spoke of Winter's silent war
and how the Sun scared us both;
we spoke of wanderlust and bars
and how our lives were the funniest jokes.

We spoke of possibility,
in coded symbols and allegories,
of all the universes we wish we could be,
of all the things we'd do with wings.

We never spoke of love,
and yet,
it's all we ever
talked about.
Funny how we always had two conversations at once.
 Jan 2017 Raja Smith
Did you ever go too far into the past
Listening to your endless curiosity
Allowing your doubts to urge you on
Turning round yet another and another corridor
Exploring chapters from the life of someone else
Tiptoeing across
Forgotten memories collecting dust
Breathing in silence
Once filled with
Voices and laughter
Now hushed
With a quiet and dull pain
Of what no longer is?
 Jan 2017 Raja Smith
Late night conversations don't count. His proclamation of love is a mix of sleep deprivation and depressive episode. Do not divulge your own feelings for in the morning his words will be discarded while yours are waved like a flag. His heart is bait to trick you into falling and his net withstands isolation and space, the moment he was in danger I cried behind the wheel of my car wondering how he could be so stupid and how I could care so much. In the morning he's still not yours, he never had been he never would be. He never loved you, never needed you, never cared how you hurt yourself and how you tried to repair your damages. You can't let go though. That's okay. Evolution is the key. Build an immunity to his words, he knows what you want to hear, accept, accept, accept, except maybe, no. There are no exceptions, no maybes just acceptance. You can be strong without his support and you can survive even the latest of nights, you can feel without losing to him as long as you know how to play the game.
 Jan 2017 Raja Smith
i long for damp gold tears
from the dying trees
for me to inhale the summer's death
and exhale the winter's birth
when the air is hangs low with drowsiness
and cinnamon settles in the wind
what more can i want-
than cold nose and warm chest-
so loosely wrapped in ochre wool?
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