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May 2015 · 962
Raiyaan Mahbub May 2015
Would you mind Miss
If I wrote about you?
Would you get offended,
If I bragged about how you make me feel?
Would you care
If I raved on
About how how my heart leaps
When you smile?

Can I tell the world  
About your laugh?
Would you mind
If I told them that it's a Symphony?
Would you sigh
If they found out
That you're perfection
In it's purest forms?
That you're a masterpiece,
And that your smile
Should hang a while
In the best of the galleries.

You're amazing girl.
You're modern art.
Not everyone gets you,
But those who do
Knows what you're worth.
May 2015 · 726
Raiyaan Mahbub May 2015
The Storm brews
On the horizon
Clouds conquering
The Sky.
Darkness devours
The dying sun
As I wait for it to arrive.

It hits with a great force.
Rocks me to the core.
However, I welcome it
As I fall to the floor.
The Storm possesses powers mystical
That compels me to bow down.
I smile quietly,
As the lightning adds jewels to her crown.
May 2015 · 478
Raiyaan Mahbub May 2015
When you're feeling
truly alone;

Thinking that everyone
is forever gone

Don't worry,
don't feel too forlorn;

For I'll be beside you
I'll be your comfort zone.
May 2015 · 387
Raiyaan Mahbub May 2015
Cool winds
caress my hair

As I lay
sitting there

Just thinking
how we used to care.
Sep 2014 · 4.0k
Just might be Possible
Raiyaan Mahbub Sep 2014
Is it even possible,
To fall in love with,
A person you've never seen,
Or heard?

Is it even possible,
To fall in love with-
Out even seeing a glimpse,
Of her picture?

Is it even possible,
To fall for someone who you
Doesn't even know you, but you would
Love to hold her?

Is it even possible,
To fall for her by just going
Through her works,
Not even knowing if,
it was done by her?

As impossible as this
May seem,
I'll risk it all,
Just to write by her.
I'm willing to sound desperate.

— The End —