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 Aug 2014 Rachel Saliba
B Montijo
I'm ashamed of who I've become
I always swore that I would fight for what I want
Yet here I am and there you go
when you have fame,
the world adores you.
But when you're lame,
the world ignores you

when you're happy,
the world abhors you.
And when you're grieving,
they entirely destroy you.

when you wage war,
the world supports you.
But when you seek peace,
they never comfort you.

the world is worsening,
every second we live.
we shall end our suffering,
if we start to believe.......
                                      in God
everyday i have an inner cry for what this world is turning into. wars, deaths, illnesses, massacres, happen all the time. you never know when it will be your turn. find the Lord, he'll save you. He lives!
 Aug 2014 Rachel Saliba
You are so **** annoying.
Go away.
But you're so lovely,
So stay.

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
To be beautiful
Is to be almost dead,
Is it not?

Your voice is never heard,
'Cause your face talks too loud...

I hate who they think I am,
And as a result, I hate them.
That's why I don't like a lot of people--
*You see, it's their fault!
Inspired by Penny Dreadful. A dialogue read...'To be beautiful is to be almost dead, isn't it? The lassitude of the perfect woman, the languid ease. The obeisance. Spirit trained, anemic, pale as ivory and weak as a kitten.'
This had me thinking...
Paint an ocean filled with stars,
And beaches and the seas,
And you would not capture a beauty so vast
Effortlessly kept by she.

Paint the sun, in its flaming crown,
And the galaxy's gleaming isles,
And all the lights that shine in the dark
Are just small sparks to her smiles.

Paint a diamond of purest cut,
And milky silks, snowy doves,
And even they could not compare
To this fair angel from above.
"For a picture paints a thousand words,
But a thousand pictures can't paint her..."
 Aug 2014 Rachel Saliba
Let the beauty and pain of the world spill over the coffee table and onto the floor.
Use the raw materials to construct a reason-
a reason for why my mother tells me
what her grandmother told her:
"Like cream you will rise to the top".
Make something of yourself out of the chaos
and jagged edges of the world.
Let the bits and pieces of reality loose
to align in nothing but piles and small bits.
Then tediously right all wrongs,
in steady and purposeful motions,
until you are but dust and granules yourself.
 Jul 2014 Rachel Saliba
"Sometimes I want to kiss you and sometimes I want to **** you"
Your texts run through my mind
Over and
Over and
Over and over and
Over and
stop, please just make the voices stop
"I really like you like a lot like sometimes too much"
how the hell can you say
something like that
and then decide
to ignore me barely
Two hours later
I don't understand
I'm sorry
I love you
Come back
I need you
I'm lying
You said you hated me
You were lying
I can't think straight anymore
And all of this is your fault
But it's partly
my fault, too
Because I knew I was falling
For a disaster waiting to happen
From the moment I met you
But I decided to let myself fall
Even though they all told me
What a **** you were
How you would end up hurting me
And I didn't listen
Because there were times
Past midnight when you became so
Vulnerable, almost like you lay
Your guard down and let me in
I told myself you would never
Fall for a girl like me

We were just friends
But just friends don't do the things
that we did
They don't hold on tight to each other every time they hug, as if
That hug will be their last
They don't sing to each other
They don't harmlessly tease each other
Hell, they don't even *look

at each other
The way that we did
I looked at you
Like you were my everything
And you looked at me
Like I was something precious,
That needed to be protected
If only I could've realized it then
I should've realized that you loved me
From how badly you wanted to help me
From how you cried when I etched punishments into my skin
From how you would casually touch me, whenever you could
You would lazily wrap an arm around me, keeping me close.
you put me through so much hell
I shouldn't be thinking about you
in this way
I shouldn't be thinking about
your body
Or our late night facetimes
Or what your lips would taste like
Pressed against mine
I should hate you right now. So much.
But I can't
I can't.
I literally just typed this entire thing without reading through it or trying to make sense of my thoughts. If you aren't able to understand this, I'm so sorry.
The best of my poetry wasn't written down,
Rather, was spoken to empty rooms,
The stinging silence pregnant,
Each syllable a fleshy womb
Creating, and recreating, your
Image in my mind.
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