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I did it again
I let him back in
He's my Bestfriend
How can I tell him no?
Art is what brought us together
My paintings his graphics
For the love of art
 Nov 2014 Poetically QUEEN
People tend to get the wrong idea about me
Thinking I'm competent, functioning, well adjusted
And I think that's because
My particular brand of self destruction
Is more or less invisible
Unless someone really cares enough to look
And they rarely do
I try to fool you
to hide my scars
but somehow
you know
know when I
can't take it
know when I'm done
and you see me
you help me
you know me
when others may not

So my darling
will you please
stay up all night
to save me?
I don't know what my life is
You may not have been birthed in the soil,
and granted,
you will not blossom
when spring melts winters wake
but inside of you
grows a thousand gardens
full of exploding stars.
You are of the earth
and your ashes
have been constructed with stardust,
and set free with the wind.
So you may not have a pretty face,
and your body may hold stories
of too many moonless nights alone.
But if you reach inside,
you will find a forest
for a ribcage
and a restless ocean heart.
So don't ever let anyone tell you
you are nothing.
You are a galaxy
holding a million different planets,
and my dear,
that is not nothing.
 Sep 2014 Poetically QUEEN
I miss you.
2. You've got beautiful eyes. Such beautiful eyes. Honestly.
3. You have stardust in your eyelashes.
4. I'm not going to hurt you. I don't know if I ever did but if I did I'm sorry.
5. I'm so sorry I didn't just tell you how I felt. I should have done more to make you see it.
6. You called me really often. I really liked that.
7. When we'd talk at night and I'd start to get drowsy, it wasn't because you were boring me. It was because you relaxed me enough to sleep.
8. I think about you all the time.
9. I write about you all the time.
10. God, ****...I miss you. So ******* much.
11. Please come back. ******* please. **please.
What if it cost money to say,
                                                 "I love you"
Would you have said it
                                                      So soon?
Would you have said it
                                                     So often?
Would you have said it
                                                          At all?
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