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Jan 2018 · 376
what is the answer?
lk Jan 2018
if letting go of you
was supposed to free me
when why do i feel
like i’m drowning?
Apr 2016 · 693
Eyes Towards the Sky ↑
lk Apr 2016
Summer days and cold breeze.
Crows seated on the telephone wire
Come and go, as you put up your hood with ease
Bright eyes, and long slow strides
You make today feel so surreal and imaginative and alive,
Makes me wonder if this could last forever.
Loud sweet laughter and nonsense talk,
Your presence puts me at ease and fills me with glee,
Walking by your side makes my heart skip a beat.
From every muscle that makes up your smile you behold,
To the scent that lingers on your clothes,
Reminding me of every reason why I've come to love  you.
I hope we may be granted with more sunny days
So we can continue to walk all over town, just to the two of us
Under this summer daze.
Jan 2016 · 511
lk Jan 2016
noun* de·press·ion
1. a condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal; sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason.

Depression, he is his own person,
Just as I am my own.
His voice whispering deep and low,
Telling me it alright, grasping my hands tight
Pulling me into a close embrace once again tonight

I always find myself running to him
with all my pain, problems, tears, and hurt,
Into his arms open wide.
Pulling him closer in hope of comfort.
Falling in love with him over and over.
But also wanting pushing away
In hope of finding escape from the pain.
But I wouldn't ever leave him,
In fear of being alone in the darkness once again.

Depression, for he is his own person,
Just as I am my own.
Seeking happiness is no longer an option you see,
For I am in love with him,
and him with me.
Dec 2014 · 1.6k
lk Dec 2014
adj.* a·fraid
1. feeling fear or anxiety; frightened.

I’m Afraid...

of change
of leaving my home town
of having to start over
of talking to new people
of not finding somewhere to fit in
of being scolded for my interests
of people looking at my artwork
of people, in general

all they do is hurt, criticize, and unfairly judge
anyone who is different

But you see, I’m much more afraid that..
that one day you’ll hate me
that one day you will stop caring
that one day you’ll push me away
that one day you won’t need me
that one you won’t want to be around me
that one day you’ll find someone better

that one day you’ll completely move on
and leave me behind; especially since you’re
the only person who is keeping me going.
This is hard Kait.... what am I to do with myself?
Dec 2014 · 461
Disorganized Note
lk Dec 2014
I know words are not enough,
no action is powerful enough
but please accept this:

I know what you try and hide
Putting up a smile to cover what's behind
Demons haunt your mind
and play with your sanity

But you're strong, never letting them reach the outside.
Sometimes you bottle them up and they become angry
Sometimes you slip and let them out
But I want you to know it's okay to let them out.

I know you hurt and cry
You feel like killing everything in sight
Feeling like the world is against you
But I want you to know that people speak lies..
only to make themselves feel better.

But I want to tell you this
Even if you feel like everything is falling apart,
Everyone is against you and you're alone,
or worthless and depressed

Just know that you've made the biggest difference in my life and I love you.
Dec 2014 · 928
lk Dec 2014
noun* sum·mer
1.the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August and in the southern hemisphere from December to February.

Often defined by most students as a break; freedom
Some adults may define it as the time when the kids are home
Others may say 'vacation', and to others as 'business'
And some people may only think of it as a regular day or one of the four season.

But to me it's not a break or vacation; not a regular day or something I always look forward to.
Summer to me is a desperation, a depression
A time where I'm completely alone, with nothing to do
No places to go, no people to see.

But I know I'm not alone,
I have a loving mother and protective father who come home every night
And a younger brother who loves me, and friends who care for me
But still, I'm completely alone.

I don't see what the problem is if I have all I need within my reach
It's sunlight through the window; always in my sight, always ready to grasp
But no matter how hard I try it continues to slip from my hand
Like it was never there at all.

— The End —