and I let it out and said okay
and I made promises
to what extent does what comes out of my mouth actually have truth?
what's the correlation between what we say and what we do?
the ideal chess set and the moves, the game plan and the...
truth, ****, it keeps coming back to that
a stoic is prisoner to it, and nietzche warns and warns again
but I'm not sure if Nietzsche ever loved a woman
other than his mother, no, love turns you into a truth seeker
and you're doomed to be a hero, sticking your neck out for nothing, for blows,
and it *****
wishing yourself better
wishing yourself cooler, calmer
the self is confused and hides
why is it hiding? I ask those questions, which are the dangerous ones
will to power is an easy way out, but I read another piece that had a different explanation, the bible I think it was
and it had equal validity, it had me looking at things differently
and myself is the biggest scardy cat
I wonder what Nietzsche would say about that