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and I let it out and said okay

and I made promises

to what extent does what comes out of my mouth actually have truth?  

what's the correlation between what we say and what we do?

the ideal chess set and the moves, the game plan and the...

truth, ****, it keeps coming back to that

a stoic is prisoner to it, and nietzche warns and warns again

but I'm not sure if Nietzsche ever loved a woman

other than his mother, no, love turns you into a truth seeker
and you're doomed to be a hero, sticking your neck out for nothing, for blows,

and it *****

wishing yourself better

wishing yourself cooler, calmer

the self is confused and hides

why is it hiding?  I ask those questions, which are the dangerous ones

will to power is an easy way out, but I read another piece that had a different explanation, the bible I think it was

and it had equal validity, it had me looking at things differently
and myself is the biggest scardy cat

I wonder what Nietzsche would say about that
 Mar 2015 Peter Simon

Complicated right and wrong,
human mistakes gone prolong.
hard to stop when truth hides
                     from many unseen lies.
Corruptions & conspiracies
        Mimics love for money.

Population demands increase
                and supply decrease.
Shortage of goods from over consumption.
Rare find in a brink of extinction.

sorry for being away, having some troubled thinking here, so here is the third one...
thanks for reading, I'll get back to you all....
tell me what you think?
you're not who I thought you were
and that's okay.
There is a part of the forest in which nobody goes
where butterflies tremble and Baneberry grows.
In this part of the forest where no mortals tread
the soil is rich with the flesh of the dead.
 Mar 2015 Peter Simon
Growth ~
 Mar 2015 Peter Simon

Experiences make us wiser,
Learning makes us smarter
All must coincides together
with an open mind to ponder
and a good heart to wonder
--  balancing from right and wrong
  We gain rooms for change
                and more storage
                            to process
      the increasing progress.

With all that often times we waste something good to needful things.

this was part of a one long poem, like the drop of life, decided to share it one by one, starting with growth.
I'll tell you a secret
For far too long I have waited
But tonight, under a blanket full of stars
A promise will be made
Tied by a string covered in lies

Tell me your secret
And allow me to caress your soul,
I'll please it in every way possible
And leave you wrecked inside a case of hope.

I'll tell you another secret*
A tear will fall
From that pretty face of yours
When you realize what I truly am
For I am a wish you don't want to come true
A prince without a pride
A hungry wolf wearing a mask
Just another scourge in disguise
 Mar 2015 Peter Simon


I never knew that feeling
A word without meaning
…A stranger to what I felt…
Thought it’s strange that I knew it so well


I walk by with you as I talk about you
…Existence is a mere essence…
It’s the life underneath my roots
My whole being is defined of what I decide about you


I kept on thinking of you
A mystery in every event I stumble upon
Nonetheless your part of me that i fully submit
Facing and standing still
In all the consequences and risk
I have brought upon,
In the end
Despite all those obstacles
I know deep within me
There will come a time
I’ll be able to dance
…In rhythm of contentment…


You’re in my fantasy
…You’re in my Jar of unfulfilled wishes…
I walk in your clouds of heavenly sky
Reality slaps me too many times
Yet no matter how painful reality is
I still go to your realm
And dream an endless dream
Of my unfulfilled wonderings
Wishing & hoping


Living is as much as fading
Purpose of what I suppose
Is just another make-up prose
Of my days
Principles are timeless
Old yet golden
Though some are forgotten
throughout the pages of history
But then they're relived now
Through experiences
As life goes on and on
As you live by
In its circling Journey


I can’t be with you
as I am chained
Much controlled
Much reserved
Much more refined
…As if I’m bound to be blocked…
Locked within a nut shell
I guess being free isn’t allowed
without hard labor

© 2013 Pax

six poems in one
before i told my friends in WC, this piece is a pondering fiction, but to be honest its a pondering reflection upon how i see my life.
hope you like it, thank you for reading.
whose getting played?

apparently women's minds

don't work in this way...

Men see hierarchies and

women see webs

this confuses me, as I try to maintain inner quiet, I can't help but to

bench the idea that I'm the one getting used, who uses, and whose getting *******

selectively cynical, my grandfather says...
its a clever thing to say

selectively optimistic, thats what my therapist says
what a wonderful thing to say

my perceptions, deceiving me, do I even believe in me?  

scurrying all over the place, the Muskrat gets tired too

tries to sleep in his nest, with johnny cash on the radio

hazing himself into oblivion, whens all this ever going to end?
I am a raindrop
Formed in the clouds
In the
Of a titanic storm.
My life
Past my eyes
I am
Out of control
To my
I wish I could
And take
In the
Around me
But I'm long gone
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