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 Aug 29 Austin
Morgan Howard
My soul falls to the ground
Like petals on a withered rose
What was once beautiful is gone

Because you can't put back the    
Pieces that have fallen
 Aug 29 Austin
 Aug 29 Austin
The vines were jeweled by the raindrops,
In a blooming green field; danced the crops.
I was gazing at the sorcering sight,
The rain teeming the green with its might.
 Aug 23 Austin
Ryder Rose
Don't be sorry


My mistake.
Not yours.
When you find life difficult to handle,
It is okay to indulge in fantasy,
To overcome reality.
people they write poems about the way they feel
write it down on paper help there mind to heal
expressing it in words what they want to say
to take away the pain its the only way

write it from the heart let your feelings show
what you want to say write down and let it go
get it off your chest say what you want to say
this will ease your mind take your pain away
In the quiet embrace of dawn's gentle rise,  
The sun threads golden through the branches wide.  
Between the trees, where shadows softly play,  
A dance of light ignites the waking day.

Silent beams weave through leaves' tender green,  
Crafting patterns unseen, yet so serene.  
Each ray a whisper, a story untold,  
Of warmth, of growth, of courage bold.

The trees stand tall, their roots deep and strong,  
Guiding light along a path so long.  
They teach of patience, of seasons' flow,  
How strength and grace together grow.

In shadows cast by towering might,  
The sun finds paths to share its light.  
For every heart that feels the night,  
A dawn will break, dispelling fright.

So stand like trees, reach for the sky,  
Let sunlight in, let shadows lie.  
For in each moment's fleeting grace,  
The sun reveals life's hidden place.
Inspired by sun shining through tall trees in a forest
 Aug 21 Austin
Santiago A
My love for you:
it was indescribable,
it was incomparable,
it was Qualia.

Now we're separated.
the price I now pay.
hidden in the fine print.
it is Qualia.

Grief and Love,
it's a bargained deal.
impossible to put into words.
it is Qualia.
defined as instances of subjective, conscious experience.
Examples of qualia include the perceived sensation of pain of a headache, the taste of wine, and the redness of an evening sky.
 Aug 20 Austin
 Aug 20 Austin
all this love inside me and still i am
but not like i used to be.
it doesnt ache the same way.
im not weighed down by this impenetrable grief,
rather it is something that i carry with me.
a brooch of misery pinned to my lapel
this sadness, is so delicate
like a flower, watered with my own tears.
when people say it gets better,
is this what they mean?
do they mean that the depression never goes away
but becomes a quiet hum in the back of your mind, forever playing its solemn tune?
 Aug 20 Austin
Jamie K
Betrothed to the Earth,
I have wrapped her in my waters

She has been with me from the beginning,
And together we have filled my waters with life

But I long for the Moon.
She calls to me nightly.

Her shining light ignites me with joy.
On a cloudless night,
We create unmatched beauty
As her reflection dances
On my rippling waters.

As she draws nearer to me,
so do I to her.

These tides are all we have.
The Earth cannot share her Ocean.
Her gravity anchors me down.

But I long for the Moon,
And the Moon longs for me.

My waters swell with tears,
The Moon’s and mine.
 Aug 19 Austin
Ashly Kocher
The time has come to close your eyes
We said our I love yous and said our goodbyes
It's time to relax and let the feelings go
Don't worry about us, were stronger then you know.

It's time to see the light, and feel God’s touch
It's in God’s  hands now, but please know we will miss you so much.
I wrote this 10 years ago next to my dad’s bedside a couple hours before he passed away. Miss you and love you Papa Bear
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