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 Aug 19 Austin
 Aug 19 Austin
The crowd advances its intuition,
The heart and head will fight.
The mind tries its submission
On which path is right.

Time does not always heal all
Of the wounds we hold within
Rather time tends to reveal all
Of the happiness and sin.
 Aug 16 Austin
 Aug 16 Austin
Could there be a better word
No, better
This human emotion
Can it be taken away
 Aug 16 Austin
Sometimes you just
have to go cry in the bathroom
and wonder why you’re
not enough
feel such an intense
pain that only a hug
and love from one person
who isn’t there would solve,
and then go back to work.
 Aug 16 Austin
Someone smiles as you walk by
You smile back and resist the urge to sigh
You get a text out of the blue
saying “we should catch up, I miss you too”
You trick yourself into thinking you made a friend
But tomorrow you won’t exist to them

You try to wave at someone you recognize
They stare at you with dead, blank eyes
You’re drowning in this pool of lies
No one helps you, no one tries

You isolate and no one cares
You are invisible but yet they stare
You try to blend in but your mind compares
It’s a lonely world out there

throbs of pain that materialize from the air
i hold my chest,

i try to imagine two warm hands embracing
the heavy iron stakes of sorrow that pierce you and then me
It’s never gonna be my turn
I stand in line and pay my fare
But the bus is full when I get there
And someone else is in my seat.
A day late and a dollar short - my mantra
 Aug 15 Austin
I'm tired of writing letters
I'll never send
expecting they'll give me clarity
but leading me to a dead-end

J'ai fatigue de lui
is how you say it in French
it's not a language you understand
so I'll say this instead:
Estoy cansada de ti
I'm tired of you
and of the energy you bring

I'll write my poems about you
in old notebooks
I'll use the pages to write letters
I'll burn
but you'll never get
 Aug 15 Austin
Ryan R Latini
We bought a new painting. It looks like…it looks. The little girl. The dog. They appear dripped on but look out with life — at my life. Sherry bought it. I nodded. That’s all I do. I don’t go into that room because the girl might cry. The dog might bark.
 Aug 14 Austin
Peter Garrett
You spoke about leaving
So often and for so long
That I didn't believe
You'd ever be gone
I miss you everyday and I wish I would've been there for you...

— The End —