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 Jul 2014 Patrice Diaz
Sometimes I just want to
**** myself, just so I can see
the world unravel itself,
to see all the people I love
get the news and lose feeling in their knees
and drop to the floor, or silently cry to themselves at lunch
or think about me whenever they hear or see a certain thing,
reminding themselves of an inside joke we once had.
To imagine those who disrespected,
took advantage
and carelessly stomped over our relationship like a hardwood floor--
as if I was ever stable enough to hold up the both of us--
let the merciless furry of regret scorch them and melt them from
the inside out, like acid on skin,
wishing that maybe they'd
shown how much they appreciated me,
instead of showing true to the prophecy:
You don't know what you have until it's gone.
Maybe I want this because I long to be the center of attention,
or maybe because I'm curious.
Or maybe because I just want the world to suffer.
I named this #1 because it's a selfish thought of many.
Angel lips
Devil eyes
One short kiss
Burns a while.

Like a candle
Burns brighter with time,
Reins, she's on a saddle
She'll whip you right.

A little touch
Goes a long way,
A hurtful nudge
Burns you to grey.

Kind enough
To let you go,
But only once
She's on the throne.
 Jul 2014 Patrice Diaz
Where I go,
the rain will follow.
The forever dampness.
The acid sorrow.
 Jul 2014 Patrice Diaz
Summer plays witness
to our salty footprints
the towers we crashed into
leaving only fragile things
to be collected or consumed
all the lives we created
exist shimmering
far below our reach
I go to tell you all, goodnight
I'll rise and greet the morning
But 'fore I do, I now must rest
For my soul's continued restoring.
'Night y'all. *cough*
How could fate have separated us?
I think of you and miss you.

I think of your warm and inviting smile
Of the laughter that now brings tears
And I miss you.

I think of your small body wrapped in my arms
Of the hands that caressed your hair
And I miss you.

I think of evenings in front of a fire
Of hot chicken soup now gone cold
And I miss you.

I think of you bravely waving good bye
Of the way you walked out of my sight
And I miss you.

I think of lessons you have taught me
Of the promises I keep
And I miss you.

— The End —