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 Jul 2015 Pam Weldon
Words became lethal, hearts became cold
Those who once dug at your soul
Are now the ones who you loathe.
Everyone thought that nothing would change,
Yet in a single blink of an eye,
The chapter was turned into the last page.
And the book that was your favorite
is left at the dark side of the so-called lonely world,
abandoned and cold.
 Jul 2015 Pam Weldon
You see me as the match,
and you’re the person
who is going to burn it.
You got me attached to you,
made me want not to sleep
just to talk to your silhouette,
and told me that it is better at night
when we can’t see the light
of something that can’t be ours.
You made me whole, turned to
being sullen so quick.
I burnt,
but it isn’t because of you.
Nothing’s about you,
it is all because of me.
I let myself be burnt,
just to be close to you.
One of my Tumblr posts.
 Jul 2015 Pam Weldon
forget me
i don’t want you to get attached
to someone like me
i leave people behind
without any words coming out from my mouth
i just act like it is our last day
and a lifetime goodbye.
don’t ask why i left
just forget everything about me,
erase the memories
and continue living life.
i might regret my decision
but you won’t regret your future.
One of my Tumblr posts.
You'll never be my parent
You'll never even be my friend
All I can do is question
As I beg for it to end

Your fists continue flying
And another part of me is dying
You're not the first one
To leave my begging, pleading, crying

You think you are the first?
You think you'll be the last?
To leave me with this body's hurts?
To stab me in the back?

I've seen a dozen like you
And I'll see a dozen more
When this system's done you'll see
I'll still be laying on the floor

I know how to cover bruises
How to hide the nasty scars
As everyone simply refuses
To take my case so **** far

Well maybe you haven't noticed yet
How angry I can get
Because one day my seething anger
Will be your big regret

So beat me to the ground
Where the light is never found
And I promise one day you will see
The most vicious part inside of me

****** your fists in my shameful disgrace
Leave the blood splattered on my face
And I'll continue waiting
Begging, screaming, crying
Till one of these days I'm seeing
The last part of me is dying
Sometimes less
Is simply more
When you're fighting
A loosing War

Maybe then
The casualties
Don't have to be
So heavy
Holds the virtue
Of strength

Holds the key
To satisfaction

Is an ignorant form
Of bliss

Is the path
To peace

Is the road
To accomplishment

Is the cause
Of evil
You wake up
Every day

Food past lips
Nothing to say

Heart does flips
Love in play

Your breakup
Leaves life gray

You still wake up
Every day

Just to do it again
In a different way
 Jul 2015 Pam Weldon
A sign
 Jul 2015 Pam Weldon
If you spit blood
while brushing your teeth:
it could be a sign
of gum disease.

And if you feel
pain and distress
it might be a sign
that you're depressed.

And if you are
anything like me,
it could be a sign.
It might just be.

If you ache
and you don't know why,
it could be sign
that you need to cry.

And if you cry
and there's no relief,
it could be a sign,
that like a thief
life has taken its toll
and its becoming too much;
and now you've grown
cold to touch.

If this sounds
anything like you
it's probably a sign,
that there are two.
That together we fall.
and that what you're going through,
is nothing new;
so hold onto something,
and I will, too.
My whole life I've been running
Running away from everything

I run through families
Like passing through doors
No one ever looking out for me
Keeping my heart beating is a chore

But the one time I might have stayed
And maybe I shouldn't have run
I simply wasn't willing to pay
If the love would never come

To this day I don't know
If I shouldn't have said goodbye
If just maybe somehow
"I love you" wasn't a lie

But I can't dwell on the matter
Or else I'll have to try and fight
It could have ended in disaster
How can I know if I was right?

I know that I ran away
And my mind goes back to that day
And the only thing I have to say
Is I'm sorry if it's not okay

I hope you can learn to love again some day
If I took all your love when I ran away

Sometimes we deny others' love because
We don't know if it's true
But we never stop to consider how
It could hurt the other person too
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