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 Feb 2015 Palaver
Paul Butters
Let’s make a point
And rock this joint.
What with Putin and ISIS,
We’re all in crisis.
I sound like Ali,
From here to Bali.
Let’s give Peace a chance,
Our world to enhance.
What happened to Love?
Where’s God up above?
Don’t need globalisation,
Just one Human Nation.

Time for a stanza:
Let’s have a bonanza.
But seriously folks,
This is no time for jokes.
We must have compassion,
It isn’t on ration.
So please hear my call
And Love one and all.

Paul Butters
For World Peace.
I'm wasting my money away,
Like its alive and running astray.
My first pay check disappeared,
Before they knew what they feared.
When I'm down and oppressed,
The one way I can still express,
That I'm myself, not any less,
Is to spoil myself with things in excess.
My mother clearly thinks I'm stupid,
That I'm only young and deluded.
And my father, with his selfish sneers,
Expects monetary repayment for a debt of 18 years.
So with their own uneducated impressions,
And their age-induced mindset regressions,
They give in to their control obsessions,
And provoke all my hidden depressions.
And when I can't make use of drugs,
Or feel the pleasure of lustful hugs,
The only thing I've left to do,
The only way to make it through,
Is spend and spend all that I can,
Use all what's left inside my hand,
Prove that all their reprimand,
Has no authority, gives no command.

Yet the only purpose for all this ridiculous strife,
Is to demonstrate that I'm the one who controls my life.
Hope you'll dig it. I know they're somewhat right, that it's stupid to waste my money, but it makes me feel less ******. It kind of eases the pain and pressure of feeling under-acknowledged as a human.
I now present myself to you,
'Cause I know that I'm runnin' through,
These words and lines so much reused,
They've left my readers all confused,
And though some likely have diffused,
I hope the rest are still amused,
And if that ends right at the cue,
I hope I'm remembered like a favorite tattoo.

I present myself to you,
As the me you never knew,
Not the one of past times, blue,
But smarter, wiser, and renewed,
Now that I've learned to take a clue,
And I can see the moon,
I will admit you're still imbued,
Inside a heart that closed too soon.

I do present myself to you,
As one grown past that love taboo,
I've given up that old pursuit,
And thrown away what you first threw,
I've found myself and seek to spew,
What will become my great debut,
And though I'm independent, times two,
I hope you'll be proud when you see I grew.

And so I present myself to you,
Miss Yuki-yuki-yu,
Because I did make it through,
Even when away was where you flew,
And though what hasn't changed is few,
And I'm stuck again like glue,
The one thing that remains true,
Is that I still do love you.
 Feb 2015 Palaver
Blind Aesthetic
Hickory dickory dock
Our phones are now our clocks
Digital has won
Analog's died out
Hickory dickory dock
another rewrite I did.
 Feb 2015 Palaver
Blind Aesthetic
what is beauty if not the setting sun?
Or the blooming of flowers in the spring?
What of waves dancing across the ocean?
Or of the songs that all mockingbirds sing?
Are people capable of acts divine?
Capable of beauty replication?
Or in the eyes of Gods are we but swine?
We were not destined for such creation
But, it's your hand that paints the setting sky
You're the warmth that lets plants flourish once more
Your heart is the beat that all things go by
The conductor of its musical score
You are life and all that there is to see
All that is known and lies in mystery
Hi Mrs Dowd it's Carlos from your creative writing class. Adding this here just in case you come across this in a google search.
 Feb 2015 Palaver
 Feb 2015 Palaver
I pray my secret won't see the light
I pray my shadow stays hidden from sight
Smile, laugh and pretend as I might
The darkness always comes along with the night
So each night I pray, I pray with my might
I pray for more days with my false delight
 Apr 2014 Palaver
Becky Littmann
Beyond that wall you built so high
To protect yourself from being told another lie
Is just an incomplete soul
Who's losing hope on ever being whole
Slowly fading out of sight
It's lost all ambition to fight
That's all the disappointment it can take
All because the words spoken were meaningless & fake...
A friend of mine is a hopeless romantic with horrible luck.. :(
 Apr 2014 Palaver

I met your words the other day
those words spoke, only to me
they took my fears away
I met your words the other day
holding the meaning to all I wished to say
comforting me in a way I'd never been
I met your words the other day
those words spoke only, to me

— The End —